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I need support... please


secretweapon333 said:
Last night (the night before new years, and I was not intoxicated) I was driving about 10 or 15 miles per hour through a mobile home park, all of a sudden I heard a little thud and saw/heard something flapping under the car! I knew what it was it was 2 ducks/geese???(black colored) who were sleeping in the middle of the road (a black road). I assume they were asleep becasue they didn't move out of the way... I totally didn't see them. I looked in my rear view to see what the heck it was and I saw one of them struggling, I though oh no I just killed a poor duck in front of his mate and the mate is left alive, I turned around and went back to see if they were ok, but they had both died right there! I love animals... I love ducks, I feel so bad... I can't get it off my mind. I'm glad they weren't suffering for long but thats not much of a help. I'm having trouble getting over this, and I have been thinking of those poor ducks!!! I am going to look so carefully now when I drive through a trailer park.. I feel terrible about it, and it makes me want to cry when I think of it.

Thanks :) :badday:
well i am not a pet person, but i am an animal lover, and i do understand your pain. i do my best to not have pets and stay out of natures way best i can ( i dont hunt, fish, camp none of it) but when i or "you" do have an affect on nature, you would like it to be a positive one. as long as you got out the car, looked them over and did what you could do then hey thats all you could do. if they are protected ( and i think they are) then give the ASPCA or something a call and see what they say to do.

in all seriousness if you really do feel that bad then i say put them in a box and bury them, if not then nature will take its course either way. but all in all, you do have to remember that it was an accident and nothing more.
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token this was a funny thread indeed...haha

good to see the OP had a sence of humor and was feeling better about the trailer park foul....lol


Registered Cannabis User
this just reminded me that a local chinese restaurant just got put out of business because they were caught stealing ducks from a pond near by and taking them back to the business...

lol crazy chinese dudes stealin ducks


Registered Cannabis User
:muahaha: ^^^

most definately TL. I was actually kind of bummed when I heard that because I've gotten duck there many times and was delicious! free range ducks are the way to go :monkeyeat


roflmao....free range and cracker filled??

all i could invision is the old lady feeding the ducks......lol


Registered Cannabis User
:laughing: haha I knew I tasted a hint of saltine while eating it! Just picture an old lady feeding the ducks and some chinese dude sneaking up from behind with a duffel bag. hahaha priceless..
ToKEN said:
:laughing: haha I knew I tasted a hint of saltine while eating it! Just picture an old lady feeding the ducks and some chinese dude sneaking up from behind with a duffel bag. hahaha priceless..

stop the madness!


Resident pissy old man
Do duck eat quackers? I always fed them popcorn before I ran them down. The down goes good in pillows.


Freedom Fighter
I'm gunnin' down the Killer of my Kin!!



Registered Cannabis User
^^^^^ GET EM DAFFY hahaha...make sure you take some bong rips before you go shootin...steady that arm
Dont take it too hard. Mother Nature will put them to good use. Scavengers will eat them, other birds will use their feathers to line their nests. Bacteria will break them down. Mice will gnaw on their bones as a source of calcium. More than a few fish that they would have eaten will live longer. They are dead but they will provide new life to lots of other organisms. Nothing goes to waste in nature. Just think of it as helping the food chain along a little bit.


You need support? You ran over some fuk*ing ducks. Get over it. As previously stated, you should have ate them. But you're probably one of those vegan animal lover types.


Registered Cannabis User
Drunk Duck
(must hit ((and use)) a duck. You gotta be drunk and the duck has to be unaware.. this also has to take place in a trailer park to have success in this recipe.)...secretweapon...this is for you bro...

~ 6 - 8 duck breasts, boneless & skinless
~ 1 can cream of mushroom soup
~ 1 can cream of chicken soup
~ 1 canister chicken stove top stuffing or cornbread stuffing
~ blush wine

Mix the soups together. Pour half of it into a baking dish.

Place the duck on top of the soup mixture.

Cover the duck with the rest of the soup mixture.

hit the bong. :bongsmi:

Cover the duck with about 1 inch of the stuffing mix. You can use more or less, just make sure the soup mixture is covered well.

Saturate the stuffing with the wine. Saturate well or the stuffing will burn.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 - 60 minutes or until duck is done.

If the stuffing is browning to quickly, loosely cover with aluminum foil.

Serve & Enjoy!
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Registered Med User
One time my pops ran over 3 cats in one night. the first one he just hit regular. the second two were chasing each other and one went under each tire though. He didnt feal that bad though, he dont like cats. I remember running over some small animal, either a possum or a raccoon, I felt bad too, so I was a little slower for a couple days on that road. Are U a girl?? If u are I can kinda understand, girls get emotional over this kinda thing, Itd really make u feal better if U scraped it off the ground and cooked it up like token said.


18 and Doh!