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Mexican - El Yucatero



Hi bare, nice to see you here, thanks for the kind words.

I just popped 5 of the Trainwreck a Mexican beans into paper towels, I'm gonna run them 12/12 from seed in tiny 0.7 litre pots of coco to restrict their height as a quick test run, I got quite a lot of seeds from the Mexican so there are plenty available for folks who would like to test, drop me a PM and we can discuss, I'm always happy to share genes, I consider it important to try and spread the seed as far and wide as possible, especially to folks in places where it's difficult to buy seeds, such as the US.

The plan is to find a really nice male from the TW x Mexican and backcross it to El Yucateca, there isn't any aspect of El Yucateca that needs improving really, in terms of health, vigour, ease of cloning, yield and high she is superb, the other aspects - her massive increase in size when flowering, 90-100 day flowering time and the need to cure the buds for several weeks to bring out the full flavour are all par for the course with a sativa in my experience, and the high and taste of the cured buds is something I want to be able to savour for many years to come. Cuts of her have been shared so if I lost her it wouldn't be a total disaster, but I would like a seedline that is at least similar to her to properly preserve her. One aspect she could be improved on is the resin production, which is not that great, as with many sativas. The Trainwreck is incredibly resinous so should help in that aspect, also, the TW takes 70-75 days so should shave a few days off the finish time.

Here's some pics of Trainwreck ladies at 50-60 days of 12/12, resin is already ridiculous, they are more silver than green. The yield is poor though, the buds very small and the stems weak, El Yucateca has exceptionally large buds and unusually stong, thick stems of the solid type with no hollow centre, quite unusual for a sativa which tend to have thin, weak stems, so I am excited as the possibility of finding a pheno with the yield and strength of El Yucateca but the insane resin of the Trainwreck. So to me, growing out these seeds is more interesting than any comemrcial offering I could chose, not saying they will be great, but I know both parents and really enjoy studying the progeny and seeing what traits are passed on and what variation exists. I think the TW is pretty uniform, the four females I have are all very similar, two being identical. El Yucateca had two sisters, they varied in the size of the buds they produced, but in all other aspects - height, stem thickness, leaf form, taste, high, flowering time, vigour, health etc. were identical as far as I could tell, El Yucateca was the clear keeper as one sister was very similar but had leafier buds and the other sister looked just the same with huge colas but the buds hadn't formed properly and had grown in long thin strips of calyxes seperate several mm on wispy stalks, she smoked just like El Yucateca, but there was more stem and leaf than calyx so apart from test samples, she went into the hash pile. So all in all, I reckon El Yucateca will be truebreeding for the most important aspects - her speeding high and huge bud production, the main question in my mind is what other traits she passes on.









Dr Seuss

Once again, your post are inspirational. I just had my Zamal x Skunk Specials crack, and am waiting for them to sprout. This will be my first real sativa dominant plant, and reading your posts along with the ultimate sativa thread is filling my head with knowledge.

Also that trainwreck looks intoxicating.
Hey BH,I've been digging this as well as your other posts,me being a sativa fan as well. My wife and I honeymooned in Playa del Carmen 7 years ago and have been back twice. The last time we went we ended up purchasing a spot so we can return a couple times a year. We'll be spending 2 weeks there in April....can't wait!!!
I stuipidly assumed that the bud would be like the brown dirt that flows thru my neck of the woods(Beantown),so I always smuggle my own there. I do recommend the local fungi though....very nice!
I just started growing a year ago,with excellent results and so now I want to aquire seeds of all kinds(esp.sativas),and eventually try my hand at breeding.
I was wondering if you had any suggestions of any 'spots' around Playa del Carmen or Cozumel where I might be able to stumble across any good genetics. I'm well-versed in copping 'illegal substances' in places like this due to my shady past of I.V. drug use(11 years of use,2 years clean)so I know how to conduct myself,as well as give the locals the respect and dignity they deserve.
Any tips u can offer are very much appreciated,and if I run into something good,you'll be the first to see the beans!! Great posts,info and stories....keep up the good work!! I can't wait to begin my quest for that holy 'grail' out there,and Mexico is as good a place to start as any!

P.S. if you're into getting inked,theres a great tattoo/piercing/head shop about halfway down 5th avenue. It was cleaner than most I've seen in the U.S.,cheap and a great staff. They also had quality glassware and grinders too,in case you don't like to travel w/yours. I got the pentacle from Dale Pendalls 'Pharmaco'books on my upper back. It came out flawless,and was done with no stencil.Straight-up freehand. Check them out!!



Hiya man, thanks for your post, if you know playa Del Carmen, and were there 7 years ago, you'll know the amazing growth it's experienced. When I was first there in 2003 there were several dusty, quiet streets of small local shops with great prices and really friendly people, pretty rural, when I went back two years later it had doubled in size with 3x the number of shops and most of the new ones sold the same tourist stuff as you get in Cancun, but at one third the price. The Blue Lobster restaurant on the main drag was oen of my favourite places to eat, the surf and turf was cheap but huge and superb, the little family run hotel I stayed in the first visit was two street away on one of the little side steets leading to the beach, in 2003 I could sit on the bech for hours and smoke my head off and only the odd grinning local would wander past. In 2005 there were lots of tourists around.

Sadly, I'm allergic to metals so if I do ever get inked, it would have to be with non-metallic inks, I have a friend who's an internationally famous tatoo artist and he keeps trying to persuade me, but I can never decide what to have.

As for tips on scoring, you will get offered all kinds of things by taxi drivers, guys who just hang around certain shops etc. Don't even attempt to score in Cancun, in downtown Cancun, especially the shopping plaza opposite Coco Bongo's, there are guys who hang round all day selling drugs, but they are working with the cops and will sell you an eigth of brown brickweed or 'hidroponico' (which is probably outdoor Skunk), or 'stinky green' (which seems t be the generic term the street dealer use) or a few gs of 'charlee' then tip the nod to the nearest cop who ill pick you up round the corner, take your drugs, take whatever money yoiu have on you and can extract from the nearest ATM, possibly your watch and jewellery and other valuables, then hand the drugs back to the dealer to repeat the whole scam over again. I've seen the same deal in operation at some of the smaller malls too, such as the one at Playa Tertuga.

If you go night clubbing in Cancun you will meet a number of young American dudes who live in Cancun and party all night every night and support themselves by selling drugs to the tourists during the day, they will give you their sell number and when you cal lthem, will turn up at your hotel in a flashy new turck and sell you whatever you (and anyone else in the hotel) wants, they always have lots of different things, amazing range of chemicals really, and they always ask if anyone else in your hotel wants anything. These guys are pretty safe to use, they just pay their payoffs to the local police commanders, mafia bosses etc and last a year or two before they annoy someone and either head back home or to a hole in the desert.

For high quality pot, avoid anyone who uses the phrase 'charlee' or 'sticky green', don't score off a taxi driver in Cancun, in fact, the only places I'd score in Cancun are the big Mercado in Downtown Cancun or from a security guard/porter/gardener at my hotel. El Yucatero came from brick I got from the first security guard I met when I arrived at my hotel, he was one of the really short Mayan-looking locals who always smiled, I really liekd him, he was a little funny guy, always cracking jokes, I tipped him a few bucks when I first got there and he borught me loads of newspaper wrapped lumps of grass over the two weeks I was there, it got better as time went by, so I reckon at first he was just giving me the worst crap and as I asked for the best, brought me better and better, sadly he understood barely a word of English and my Mexican is highly limited, so I asked for 'sensimilla' thinking that would get me the better quality, and it did, but it really was sensimilla - no seeds, well, just a few immature ones, so they;d picked the males out of the crop, but not quite soon enough. I got just over 50 dark brown, uncrushable seeds and about 250 white immature ones from about a pound of bud, all of it good quality, all the seeds from the brown crap were discarded as it really was crap and most of them were broken.

Far better to ignore Cancun and score in Playa del Carmen or take a taxi or a bus (buses are really cheap and very reliable) to one of the little towns then stroll round the local market and although the days of seeing whole boxes of different marijuana laid out like fruit and veg in on a market stall are gone, you can still easily buy the stuff, it's just not put on display. A good tip is to find a stall that sells cigars, pipes and ashtrays (which is often most stalls! lol) and pick up one or two of the pipes and admire them, the stall holder will immediately ask you if you like it and would like to buy, and most times will ask you if you would like something to smoke in it, it's fine to then ask if they mean 'mota' or 'marijuana' as the worst reaction will be a big grin and a sad shake of the head. In the little towns and possibly sill in Playa del Carmen, they will lead you to the back of the stall and show you a number of packages of weed, usually wrapped in newspaper, it is a good idea to haggle, they will ask for a price far too high, they get it for penies.

Prices? Well, an eighth od dirty brown brickweed will cost you 50 bucks in downtown Cancun, but I bought a lump the size of a small cabbage wrapped in newspaper for a 100 dollar bill in Valldollid in the flower/fruit/vegetable market from an old guy, he even took off his hat and bowed a little and called me Senor, a proper old gentleman, so it;s much better to go places like that then try to score off a street dealer.

Quality? Varies immensely, I've seen brickweed of all kinds, some of it awful, some of it pretty damn good, but I reckon some of it wasn't local and was imported from somewhere else. Just as common is loose, unpressed outdoor that is dark brown, too dry and mostly sticks and seeds, this is the Mexicans selling the worst shite they have to the gringos, to put it blunty, they certainly don't smoke this shit, I gave the eighth of brown brick I bought on my first visit to a tramp in rags and he looked at it in the palm of his hand, snorted and threw it away in disgust! There is good quality outdoor available, although the government has cleared up the local wild Cannabis population a lot so that you no longer see wild plants growing all over the place, the Yucatan and Merida regions are covered in wild cannabis, and there is a shit load of good dope being smoked by the locals, but it's hard to find the best quality stuff, you have to head to the little towns and hope you get lucky, always ask if they have better quality than the first sample they show you, make it clear you are a serious smoker, not just a tourist who wants to try a little local weed while in Mexico.

One other tip, make sure you take plenty of papers with you, not many places sell cigarette papers although everywhere sells cigarettes, in Cancun, one or two convenience stores sell orange zig zags, although they cost as much as a pack of Mexican cigarettes, most other places you'll have to find a tobacconist. Buying papers always singles you out as a dope smoker in Mexico, so much better to take your own.

I hope you have a great time in Mexico, I always enjoyed myself immensely, but the way you have to be on your guard about being ripped off a lot of the time can get on your nerves.


RubbaDub said:
So, have you decided on a name yet? May I suggest Mexican Trainwreck? :muahaha:

Actually, I'm not big on coming up with names, but I like 'Mexican Trainwreck'. Four out of the five TW x Mexi seeds have sprouted and went into pots of coco today so I'll keep you all updated on their progress. I've got a few rooted El Yucateca cuts so I'll pollinate one of them with the best TW x Mexi male.

I've got a few TW x Mexi beans left, I've given out loads as testers to folks, but if anyone else fancies giving them a try, feel free to drop me a PM, after all, seeds are meant to be grown, not sit in a fridge!


I'm definitely interested in trying them, but don't have enough msgs for PM just yet. Hopefully in a few days.

British_Hempire said:
I've got a few TW x Mexi beans left, I've given out loads as testers to folks, but if anyone else fancies giving them a try, feel free to drop me a PM, after all, seeds are meant to be grown, not sit in a fridge!

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's my El Yucateca on 22 days at about sixteen inches (40cm) - I just adjusted her again, and hopefully that will be the last 'discipline' I'll need to administer. She's not too bad actually, nice and steady growth with no alarming stretchy bursts. The training is obviously helping develop more bud sites, so by next week I think she'll have settled into her final shape, and we can watch the buds develop:



Looka lovely EM, she stops gaining height by 25 days and from then on just fattens up with quite amazing bud production. Mine is at 37 days of 12/12 now and the buds are getting visibly larger by the day and the resin is starting to appear.

Impressive how a tiny 3-inch cut put straight into flower from rooting has grown into that lovely little bush in 20-odd days. Seems like only yesterday I removed the cut from the mother! lol
Hey BH...you're not shitting about how much it's blown up there. I thought it was a different place,though it's still got enough of a local vibe to it still to make it quiet(somewhat)still. I avoid Cancun since drunken college lugheads are definitely NOT my cup of tea.

I was offered 'mota' many times in the small shops,but since I had some Trainwreck,Mango and Cough with me I really wasn't interested. Had I been growing,I would definitely have scoped out their wares some more. Regrettably,I did induldge in a bit of the local ayo(a rarity for me)and quickly learned how they operate over there. I was offered fungi a few times too,but I was stocked with my own stash of that too so I never bothered with theirs.

The cab drivers were definitely more than happy to get you what you need ,but after a dirt road excursion into where the locals reside in roofless shacks(yet they all had HUGE sattelite dishes)and chickens try to commit suicide by taxi to get a little 'nose candy',my wife and I found a nice,honest shop owner who was always holding quality at cheap cost.

I wish I had known about those Americans who deliver to the hotels,since there would have been much higher items on my list than blow for sure!! I'd much rather enjoy a psychedelic sunset than a strung-out sunrise.Oh well,Aprils coming soon enough!! Oh yeah-I always bring my own wraps no matter where I go,but thanks!

Hopefully I'll have luck on a different kind of quest this time around,maybe I'll bring some of my own flavors to show them that I mean buisness. For some reason,I've managed to avoid attracting any scam artists yet,but I'll keep all 3 eyes open no doubt!!

If you have any extra of those beans you mentioned(TWxMexi),or anything else laying around I'd love to see what I can get out of some.i tried PM'ing you but since I haven't reached my 50posts yet,I couldn't get through.I believe my e-mails open to the public in my profile so do drop a line! I might have some things to interest you as well.

If all goes well for those 14 days,I'll have a nice pkg. of local beans to send your way.
Stay Safe....


Good post finger, I shall indeed be in touch via email!

You won't run into the scam artisits if you stay out of the tourist traps, in the toruist areas, just looking a likely candidate will mean you get hassled by these hawkers, always best to avoid them like the plague in my experience, nothing to be gained, much to be lost!

Taxi drivers can be dodgy as hell, but some can be useful to know. Good luck tracking down some fine Mexican herb, it is there to be had, just needs a bit of digging to find it, the rubbish stuff is all too easy to find, sadly. I hope you have a great time in Mexico too!
I definitely plan on it BH.....though most of the fun(for me,anyway)is the QUEST,wandering into the more out-of-the-way spots and seeing what I can stumble upon. It's worked for me since '86,after my 1st Dead show/LSD trip up until the present day. I'm literally a walking magnet for black market salesmen,even when (somewhat)conservatively dressed. It definitely helped during the homeless periods of my life,no matter what city/state I happened to be wandering/squatting in. Of course,I always keep my 3 eyes open and try to stay a step ahead of whomever it may be that I'm dealing with.
I've found that if you make it clear from the start that only the best will earn them my cash,while still managing to NOT flash it around to convey this to them.
Thanks for the tips,and if you want to e-mail me and it happens not to work,let me know here on this thread and I'll gladly give it to you! Enjoy yr weekend!!


Yeah, I don't know why but everywhere I've ever been I always attract the hawkers of mind altering things.

El Yucateca is now 40 days into 12/12 and is looking really good, she is forming colas now and from now on in, those buds will bet a lot bigger. The slight yellowing on some of the fan leaves looks like a touch of nitrogen hunger. Those are actually the lowest fan leaves due to the way the plant has been trained, they are in the middle just a little lower than the tops. I'm not sure if this is a little early into what will be a 90-100 day flower period for her to be hungry for N so I might give her some fish emulsion in the next few days.














I'm really sad to see she has produced a small number of single stamen male flowers, I never saw any on her before so I'm disappointed. It's not serious, there aren't many and they look sterile, but I would prefer not to see any.




Elevator Man

Active member
Well I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed they are sterile! That's if I get any of course - not used to hermie issues, so I'm a little lazy checking for them to be honest. I'd hate anything else to get wasted though, so if you see any hint of trouble, let me know! :)


Yea, but that may be the price u gotta pay to grow that strain and I agree its never fun seein those esp when its a "girl"........... Looks like shes startin to frost up nicely, Those are some great pics man, What kind of cam you got?



I don't think they are anything to worry about at all, my SSSDH had a few nanners like this and was still damn fine smoke. I got about 20 seeds off her, and about the same from El Yucateca the first flower run. I am pretty sure the pollen that caused those seeds wasn't from those plants own male stamens but from this Mexican hermie, a full-blown hermie, half male, half female:



Strange that I never saw any male flowers first run but they are there this time. Maybe they were there first run but I never noticed them, although I doubt that as I went over every inch of the plant daily for a coupl of weeks checking for mould which I was having issues with at the time due to a month with record humidity levels.

I'm not too concerned, just have to outcross her to a male that we know is 100% free of a hermie trait and then select away from the ones that shows any nanners. That Flo male of yours would be a good start I think - Mexi-Flo! lol


Sorry I missed the pic about the cam, it's one of these, has a really simple macro mode. Using flash spoils my pics, I really should take them in daylight, but I'm a lazy stoner:

Fuji Pinepix S5700

The Fuji Finepix S5700 is a seven megapixel digital camera with a ten times zoom lens. The length of the lens makes the camera a good choice for subjects where you need plenty of zoom. These include sports and wildlife photography. The Finepix S5700 also has a number of more advanced features including manual exposure. If you are interested in the longer lens, but do not wish to use the more advanced features you can use the camera's automatic mode.




British_Hempire said:
I don't think they are anything to worry about at all, my SSSDH had a few nanners like this and was still damn fine smoke.
Yeah thats what happens when noobs try to grow and they dont have their environment set up properly. Or they are using hermie varietys to begin with. Which ofcourse, I wouldnt want my name attached too.

You're a bigger man then I am British Hempire. Atleast your honest about your grow.