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Anima's quest for the BEST!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Heat should be fine on that, you have to remember that A?C units are run off of that, which use much more peak and RMS voltage than you light set up would, so the heat would be manageable. I could use something like that, for the floors in my room, keep them warmer.
I am interested in seeing how the buckets work out for you


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey Anima, looks like u'r going hydro :canabis: great work bro, your thread is getting more intresting :rasta: ... keep it up my freind! :headbange


Active member
Update time!

Update time!

Alright bad news first:
...as seems to my tradition...
Another (minor) skirmish with the BORG in my veg cab...the reveg mothers (Cherry pheno SDxAK, and the Cindy pheno Apollo) were claimed as casualties...as was 1 of the clones that I took from the cherry SDxAK...I just tossed em...but it is all good because I still have clones from both of them as well as more stickyberry rooting in some perlite/sphagnum mix..

My BBH mom (looking kinda grizzly right now due to low water/nute intake) remains bug free...Shes due up for a repottin real soon..
I've been a bit lax on my neem sprayings lately...I'll get right back on that...things were soo good there for a nice spell....gotta keep your guard up!!!.. :spank: :dueling: :asskick:

Otherwise things are going quite well in my dirt flower cab:
Blueberryx(N.HazexNL5) on the left AK47 F2 on the right:

A little Sour Bubble x ??? action:

Not much else has been done as far as construction on the hydro side of the flip/flop since my last update on that...still waiting on a few parts..but I have decided to go with the Stickyberry x AK47 cross that I have going right now for my first run in the buckets..She's is looking quite succulent right now finishing up (still) at day 71, and smelling real great!!! totally Psyched to make her a perma-part of my grow!! :woohoo:

Take care everyone...Be Safe. Be Kind.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice buds and nice Camera work bro

And you have the borg?. I read a lot of threads on here, and have not really seen much about mites in a while. That sucks man. Hopefully you can get those bastards assimilated.

But have a god day man, I am back to work after my two week vacation.


Still Getting Sky-High

:wave: Hey Anima, Great work man... I can imagine what a nice smell is coming out of those chunky babes :canabis: . Good thing at least u got clones from those reveg moms....

Take care bro! :joint:


Active member
DD-yeah man, the borg are known to be in this sector...I have had several encounters and lives have been lost..Fuck assimilation man, I'm thinking annihilation.!!! Resistance is not futile!!! I'll be spraying a neem solution on them every 4-5 days...it has worked for me before (as a preventative measure), but I just toss plants that get em..

Anywhoo have a good "first day back at work"

SG55-I am glad I got some clones too...I hope one of the cherry SDxAK's makes it..I'd like to run her a few more times...But the stickyberry is staying no matter what...

Heres a macro from the original Purple stickyberry mom (before she got crossed to the AK..) This pic got published by High Times mag in Jun '05 edition...

Take care all, Have a great week!
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
wow bro that is an impressive pic.

I may have bought a HT now and then, if they were not charging like 10 bucks an issue around these parts. I don't see the need really when I can come here, meet great people, and get to see all the bud porn I want.

The pink trics are very yummy tasting


Active member
More about the stickyberry

More about the stickyberry

Heya Dog!! thanks for the compliments...The pink/purpleness comes from the lighting I was using at the time, and a bit of brightness/contrast manipulation..but none-the-less she was a very colorful plant.
heres a more natural lit pic, completely unmanipulated, of the same thing:

While I'm at it I thought I'd do a lil somthin showing a bit history of my Purple stickyberry:
ok first off....she came from my first successful grow ever.
All the seeds from this grow were from bags of "kind bud"...collected a seed or two at a time over the coarse of about 5 years in the early 90's..
I was pretty hard on her being a noob grower...but she pulled through like a champ...At first I just called her "The plant in the white pot"..but after I ran her through one time I named it "purple stickyberry"
I ended up getting a clone off of her that made it through another round of flowering..

this clone met a cherry pheno male AK47, that I let dust my room for AK47 F2 seeds... and from those seeds arises my current stickyberry mom...


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey Anima,That stickyberry looks impressive bro, the coloring makes u stare at it :canabis: , very nice man... I stopped to tell u that u were damn right about stubborn plants, They all turned out females :D Tnkx....


Active member
Heya GMT!! :wave: welcome to my little grow!

SG55:Glad I was able to help you out man :wink:

And thank you both for dropping by and leaving nice compliments...much appreciated! :smoker:

I have been up to a bit more construction on the hydro side...

I have everything I need minus a little bit of 1/2" tube to connect the pump to the system with..

Still need to do: leak test, ventilation, light fabrication/wiring, and I'll probably just use a tarp/mylar curtian for the door...it doesn't have to be too elaborate...
should be done by the end of the weekend..
I've got some cuts available that I'll probably take soon from my stickyberry x AK47, hopefully I can get them to root in some rockwool..
I'll probably be mounting the electric stuff outside the hydro side to the wall..I don't want any electrocutions going on :eek:

Oh and the first stickyberry x AK47 is about done...I have been flushing her for the past week with just plain water, and she is now hiding in the dark....she is really starting to show some colors too! (her bottom nugs are purpling up!!)
She is coming down within the day...I'l try to snap a few pics...its day 76 or 77 flowering for her..:woohoo: :wave:


Active member
Hi Excel!! :wave:
Hmm, never thought of it as dark....kinda small maybe...but that is how big they useta be when I joined up...hmmm :chin: maybe it is time for a change..
:edit:watchu think?...bigger, brighter, and now with more pretty colors!!
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Anima, some awesome pics man. What camera are you using? How's the hydro project coming along? I may have to try some DWC sometime. Take care...



Active member
hiya B/R :wave:
uhhh i've answered the cam ? at least twice so far in this thread...and there is info on my profile about it as well...:bashhead:
Anima said:
use an old 5 mega-pixel Kodak DX4530...It is a discontinued model...So it is going to be a tough search for one if you want one just like mine.....I also have closeup lenses (a +10, and a +7 that I usually stack together for when I get in real close)...oh and a tripod and lighting...and a bunch of trial and error..

and another thing...IT ISN'T DWC!!!...it is EBB & FLOW... :spank: Heres the link (again):Bonz' super simple ebb and flow buckets

Anyhow thanks for the compliments...How do you like my new Avatar?..Now with shiny trichomes...
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Active member
...dang I get grumpy when I get hungry..sorry for yellin B/R..
All better now :D
anyways...less typin more .jpg'in...
These are all from today and are of my Stickyberry X AK47..officially day 74:

This is her taking her bow. AKA falling over from all those luscious buds..

Here you can see the purple/pinkish hue on a lower branch!!

I might get some macros after she comes down (probably later today)...if not...don't worry, she'll be around :wink:

Take care all! Be kind to each other!


Still Getting Sky-High
:rasta: That Stickyberry x AK47 has packed up damn nicely bro, drooling on my keyboard hehehehe :bongsmi: . Congrats man :canabis: well done!
BTW cool new avatar with the shiny trichs :D ...


Active member
Hey hey SG55-thanks for your continued support...you're like my #1 fan dude...THANKS!

Hi BFL!! :wave:
:muahaha: you ruffled my brow there for a sec...
I had to go back through and make sure there really was 2 posts with my camera specs...I started from the most recent...guess what..the other post was #1...:D

Sorry about the pic size...I quit using the -med size so much..instead I have just been upping the compression on the pics...I'm trying to make it easy on people with the dial-up...I know how it is...played the dial-up game for years.

Anyways thanks for stopping by! Much appreciated! :friends:

I'm about a third of the way done with setting up the ventilation...gotta cut 2 more holes, hang some lights/cooltube/ducting (already built my cooltube)...then run some lighting/temp tests... Pretty much on schedule for being done by the end of the weekend...

I have 3 cindy pheno apollo clones that rooted, 1 cherry pheno SDxAK rooted :woohoo:
..but the 2 stickyberry clones still havent shown any roots on the sides of their cups yet...but I'm still rootin for em though (bad pun) :spank:

Peace all


Registered Medical Patient
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: OH MY FRIGGIN GOD!!!!!!Anima, let me 1st start off by sayin..im sorry for not stoppin by sooner, u have an amazing grow goin on here!!! You have been so gracious in my threads and kind and this is how i repay you...I have alot of amends to make to you brother...that sticky/ak looks great :rasta: :joint: hope u enjoy her very much...u deserve it!!Anyhow, I got u tagged now, and u will def be seein me 'round more now!!Peace bro

- Zeus(ur humbled servant!!!lol)) :wave:


Active member
Hi Zeus!! :wave:
Thanks for stoppin by!!...Happy to have ya!
Its all good man, glad your with us from here on out!
....like StonedGrunt said before...things are starting to get interesting!
The Sticky x AK has a few more days or so before it is dry enough to sample...I can't wait! It should be heavenly...:joint:

More updatage...
I got a bunch done...
I put together a DIY cooltube...
got the holes cut for ventilation, and installed vent covers.
I also re-wired my ballast so it could interface with my flip/ flop,
and rewired the lamps so they would plug in as well...
Plugged it in, fired it up:

:woohoo: :woohoo:
Not much left to do :D :
Just screw another bulb in, hang a few more feet of duct (already have holes cut)
and hang a tarp for the door

Then a bit of playing around to get the hang of the hydro side...
Wait for cuts to root...
And we are off to the races Louie!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :friends:
Thanks Everyone!!
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