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Yellowing and Rust spots I think!!!( Pics included )




What STRAIN are you growing? -Strawberry Cough
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) -Clone
What is the age of your plants? -5weeks
How tall are the plants? -2ft tall 5 1/2feet wide
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?-Veg
What Technique are you using?-LST
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)- Rockwool
What is the Water temperature? -78
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? –White and some brown
What Nutrient's are you using? How much of each if using multiple? 15ml pb grow, 5ml Cal-Mag, 3ml SM-90
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? –ph strips
What is the pH of the "Tank"?-5-6ph
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? –no its test strips
When was your last watering? -2days ago
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)- never
How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients?-only once
What size bulb are you using?- 800watt 2 400watt
What is the distance to the canopy? 15 inches
What is your RH Factor? -30
What is the canopy temperature? -80*
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)- constant 80*
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) -2 fans one exhaust
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? -no
Is your water HARD or SOFT? -soft
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? - Bottled
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched- no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? – neem oil 3weeks ago
Are plant's infected with pest's - no

Please Help, Heres the pics!

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RH of 30% is the only thing that stands out. The plants are a conundrum some things look real good then again they look sick.

The tank must be tested for nutes before you can move on to the cure. I see neuts listed but no PPM's just milli-litres and measurements.
The reason I say this is 15 ml diluted with how much water? This would be measured in ppm's.
Also 5 weeks veg plants, you indicate never cleaning the tank out and with no test equipment any thing could be going on in the tank.

Healthy sounding roots (What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? –White and some brown) makes this all a conundrum.

How often do you clean your system: example: Flush out water replace with clean water and nutrients?-only once This may be the cause of the problems

Hydro people could answer this better. if you dont get a satisfactory answer try posting in Hydro.


Dr. Doolittle
Ya, like octo has stated he has also given some sound advice, flushing your system is a important part of maintaining a good hydro setup.

You have to get a PPM meter, it's imperative; you can't grow without one.

Ph Strips do not tell you your ppm's. You have to get a meter to do it.

Your EC has to be through the roof with using all that, the ONLY way your going to fix this problem is this:

First you need to change out your whole system, clean it out real good, your roots, they are some white and some brown, that is another problem,I will explain that in a bit.

After changing your whole system out and cleaning it, you need to do this every 2 weeks max. Your nutrients you have in there now is WAYYYYY too much for your plant.
You don't listen to the directions on the back of the bottle.... they will end up frying your plants.

Your plants are only 2 feet tall, so I would start them on this dosage: the pbp use 7 ml per gallon of water, cal mag 5ml per gallon of water and the sm90 keep it the same.
Your roots are white and brown, because you got root rot going; the sm90 has kept it at bay from not spreading; so change out your system, and add 1 tsp per gallon of h202 ( hydrogen peroxide)

Your water temps, what is the temps of your water?
See, here is where the problem lies, when the plants remove nutrients from the water and you need to top it off, you won't know how much to add and you can burn them very easily; this is where the PPM meter plays a role in this... this helps you find out how much they are removing and it will tell you how much more you need to add to keep a stable system and from not over doing it, right now you burned them badly and the system has too much left over salts in the system, and the root rot is not helping either.

the plants is getting magnesium locked out due to high EC levels, also the root rot is not helping; you just have a lot of problems to fix, and you will continue to have them if you do not get a PPM meter. Also getting a pH meter is a must, those strips work well in soil, but not as accurate in hydro..... your pH range needs to be 5.5 to 5.8 for optimum range and water temps need to stay 65 to 70F
your pH can swing a bit, but not much higher, you should never go over 6.3


Thanks you very much, I will be getting the ppm and ph meter very soon hopefully in this week. Is there anything I should do in specific for the magnesium deff.?
-Damn it sounds like I really f**ked up.... I needa get things on track. :bashhead:
Sorry that I botherd everyone with my problems.

Just wanna add that the plant is 2feet tall because I LST'ed it. Its a very big plant.
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Dr. Doolittle
how big would the plant be if you did not LST it?
Makes a big difference.....
Na dude, it's alright no bothers here, thats what we are here for, help in need.

Don't do anything to the magnesium deficiency; because you have a major lockout going, supplying magnesium will do no good. First flush the system out, then go from there!


BT you were not bothering any person here, we all started out "green"


If I did not LST it , it would be around 5 feet tall. It is a topped plant and each top would be around 5 feet. I flushed the rez and am just waiting to see what happens. Will the leaves that are infected change? Thanks for the help both of yall and it's good to know that im not bothering you and you like to help! Thanks!!!


Oh yea, another question- Since adding the H202 I feel like the roots have become more brown? I dont get it... I will take a pic and show you my roots tomm but its seems if I have root rot it is getting worse! Thanks for the help and sorry Im such a newb! You guys really are awesome!


Dr. Doolittle
Well, like I said, depending on how progressed the root rot is it may not get rid of it all; it's supposed to be added before you have problems, but this is what you can do,

get a bucket of water and mix around 4 tsp per gallon and dip the roots in and out of the water real good, give them a strong dose, do not let the plants sit in the mixture. This will give a strong boost to help kill off the bacteria.

Are your plants in buckets? Any hoses? When you wash your system out you are supposed to wash out the hoses and everything that touches water.

If you can get a hold of some SM-90 that will cure your root rot too.
Without seeing pics of how bad your root rot is, I could tell you what the best route to take, if most of the roots are brown then you want to get something strong like sm90.

root rot can spread and take over roots in 24 hours if conditions are met for them to spread.
Most of the time it's low o2 levels and warm water, or when you change out your system and put the plants in a bucket that was not sanitized they can get bacteria depending on what you used the bucket for.

No, the leaves that are affected will stay affected and start to necrotic and die off.
Your water temps is what caused the problem 78F is way to warm and will most defiantly trigger the root rot. You need to keep temps in 65 to 70 F range, when you get water temps under control, you want to keep it at 65, and then you want to add your h202 and sm90. When your temps are not under control, bacteria breeds and thus overruns the strength of the h202; so you have to have that under control so the h202 can start to work if it will work depending on how bad the root rot has spread.

So if you are to get rid of it, you have to get temps under wraps first and foremost, you may have to drain the system again, cause the bacteria has spread even more; so dump out the water again and make sure the water temps stay 65.
If your having problems keeping temps you can do a few things.... keep all heat stuff out of the room, like air pumps and stuff.

You can get 2 liter bottles put in and have them frozen and when the bottle un freezes and you need to change it, put a new one in and put the melted one back in the freezer and rotate. THat is if you can't afford a chiller, they can be expensive.


Heres a pic of the roots. Things are looking better, I've been puttin the 2liter bottles in and that helps and did the dip you talked about. Thanks for helping Stitch.......

The plant now



Dr. Doolittle
Ya, you got some root rot going on, you adding h202 to the plants?

Also how much water is those buckets filled? You want it filled to about 2-3 in below the bottom of the net pot.


It drank a lot before the pics but usally it is 2-3inches below the pot... Ive been adding the h202 and im gunna do the bucket dip into 4tsp of h202 per gallon and then back into the bucket in the pic and that will have half strength nutes and sm-90... is that cool?


Dr. Doolittle
well h202 can eat up the nutes when you use organics, but you can't go and let root rot take over, so the h202 destroys the microbals that are good in organics...... but what you said before the above post about the dipping the h202 and the sm90 in your buckets, that is a good way to go.