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Fed funding cut in "marijuana belt"



read about this today fedral funding has been cut for rural area drug enforcement from $520 mil to $170 mil. it sounds like its time for the rural areas to start fighting the real problem oxys and meth labs and leave medicinal users of cannibis that are growing there own meds alone!


welll ..

mmj users ..

They tend to not shoot back as much as meth lab folks.


Active member
MedResearcher said:
Which "marijuana belt"?

California, Kentucky, other?

Anyone know ?

Duh??? FEDERAL means the entire United States. Federal doesn't imply any 1 individual state. Put the pipe down.... :rant:


GlaZed420 said:
Duh??? FEDERAL means the entire United States. Federal doesn't imply any 1 individual state. Put the pipe down.... :rant:

WoW.... I just asked a simple question. Maybe you have been smoking the wrong type of pipe.

The thread doesnt state federal funding cut across the country, it says, "funding cut in "marijuana belt"."

I have heard parts of the emerald triangle in Calfiornia as well as parts of Kentucky described as a "marijuana belt."

Honestly I think your naive if you think the fed funding for the eradication of marijuana for the entire USA was 560mil. Maybe the thread starter can chime in or link us the original source, but I will bet a cookie that the funding cut is just for a specific area as opposed to America in general.

Google'd marijuana belt just to see.

"Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee are three of the five states that comprise the "Marijuana Belt"—the region that produces 90 percent of the nation’s domestically grown marijuana. "

Not that google is always right or anything, but this is just to give you an idea where I was coming from.
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Hey MedResearxher: you are obviously a seeker of info, as I am. But, I am finding out, it is a bad idea to post on IC. To post a new thread, or ask clarification of someone else's reply.

Nothing but ridicule online - non-accountability and anonymity breed assholes.....

Apparently people do not want to learn. Why they are wasting their time on this site, other than to put people down, is beyond me.

In person, 99% of these hecklers would be timid.

Meth should be a priority. It causes WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more crime, and general, adds ridiculous potentially injurious drama to peoples' normal lives.

The only thing METH is good for is to fill up with content, the Reality-COPS shows on the deplorable Glass-Teat, which Amerika is so attatched to.

This country is a joke. Geographically - we have the best, otherwise, Amerika SUX.

New news item, from Europe (international Herald Newspaper) the USA has the poorest, most expensive health care in the industrialized world.

Lotsa Bombs for killing people, however...! GO TEAM....! When will all the rednecks die from single-auto DUI accidents, already.....?


medrecher that funding that was cut was just for rural areas. i cant find the link but it was puplished in the lexington news hearld in kentucky and meany local papers.
sorry bout taking so long to ckeck the therad but ive been pre occuipied


Well they're cutting funding up in this belt, but it's for education, fire protection, just to name a few. Rural areas of CA that have alot of state/federal land, where the funds from property taxes are limited because of a small percentage of private property owners, all of these areas are going to take a hard hit. Of course the reasons are not related to cannabis, atleast it's never mentioned, but where else does some of the best outdoor mj come from? These areas.
The squeeze is on, my friends.


Thanks for the clarification guys, appreciate it.

Sorry for getting a bit uppity over glazed comment, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

icysurfer, I completely agree with you. Its 100% ridiculous that they even spend any budget fighting marijuana when the meth epidemic is so horrible, as well as our health care.

Funny to me, all the legal drugs we can buy from the pharmaceutical companies, while at the same time were criminals for seeking natural medicine. They have taken the phrase, "theres no such thing as a free lunch," way to far lol.

"Your sex life is in the dumps.... buy Viagra and Vodka, be a model citizen !" You have arthritis and cant sleep because of it, smoke some weed and go to JAIL! :rant:


icysurfer said:
Hey MedResearxher: you are obviously a seeker of info, as I am. But, I am finding out, it is a bad idea to post on IC. To post a new thread, or ask clarification of someone else's reply.

Nothing but ridicule online - non-accountability and anonymity breed assholes.....

Apparently people do not want to learn. Why they are wasting their time on this site, other than to put people down, is beyond me.

In person, 99% of these hecklers would be timid.

Meth should be a priority. It causes WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more crime, and general, adds ridiculous potentially injurious drama to peoples' normal lives.

The only thing METH is good for is to fill up with content, the Reality-COPS shows on the deplorable Glass-Teat, which Amerika is so attatched to.

This country is a joke. Geographically - we have the best, otherwise, Amerika SUX.

New news item, from Europe (international Herald Newspaper) the USA has the poorest, most expensive health care in the industrialized world.

Lotsa Bombs for killing people, however...! GO TEAM....! When will all the rednecks die from single-auto DUI accidents, already.....?

Easy to agree with most of what ya said. But, this is the USA we are speaking of here. This country was founded on principles of individual freedom and individual responsibility. This means if you wish to mainline meth in your eyeballs, IT'S NOT THE GOVT'S BUSINESS. UNLESS you harm someone. At that point, the person has committed a crime and should be punished for whatever they did. All drug laws should be wiped from the books, all currently incarcerated drug "criminals" pardoned and all former drug "criminals" should have drug records expunged. I am for federal drug regulation but only if done in a sane, responsible and effective way.


The Soapmaker!
icysurfer said:
Hey MedResearxher: you are obviously a seeker of info, as I am. But, I am finding out, it is a bad idea to post on IC. To post a new thread, or ask clarification of someone else's reply.

Nothing but ridicule online - non-accountability and anonymity breed assholes.....

Apparently people do not want to learn. Why they are wasting their time on this site, other than to put people down, is beyond me.

In person, 99% of these hecklers would be timid.

According to the poet: "The warrior of light chooses his enemies."

He knows what he is capable of, he does not have to go about the world boasting of his qualities and virtues. Nevertheless, there is always someone who wants to prove himself better than he is.

For the warrior, there is no ‘better’ or ‘worse’; everyone has the necessary gifts for his particular path.

But certain people insist. They provoke and offend and do everything they can to irritate him.

At that point, his heart says: ‘Do not respond to these insults, they will not increase your abilities. You will tire yourself needlessly.

A warrior of light does not waste his time listening to provocations, he has a destiny to fulfill.

In other words: Fuck them. You have more important things to tend to.


Active member
seesawsee said:
... I am for federal drug regulation but only if done in a sane, responsible and effective way.

It all started with "pure food and drug" laws, intended to promote exactly just what the name implies.

Nowadays, our "public servants" brag up when their interdiction efforts lead to REDUCED purity and higher cost of street drugs. How perverse is THAT!?

The gov't needs to go after those who deal tainted or fake drugs, or to minors-- and leave it at that.

Dealing in coercion and harrassing people over mutually agreeable transactions between adults is the offense here!

In any event, the federal law as it stands, with Cannabis in Schedule I, is a damned lie.


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