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Bearded Dragons



hello all and happy new year ! :)

I have just adopted a couple bearded dragons from a friend and was wondering if the guanno is any good for organic fertz. ? i now 1 thing for sure they poop alot and they take alot of calcium.
so if anyone has any input let me know .. i'm throughing out alot of Poo ..

happy new years again :)

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
They get a pretty good amount of protein/meat from the insects you feed them, and anything like that needs to be composted a lot longer then say rabbit/cow/sheep manure which eat strictly herbivorous diets, and have advanced digestion/guts which breaks it all down.

Their food though... The crickets, superworms etc.. Those castings although stinky, have a concentration of nutrients beyond that of a composted manure, or the average worm casting. You get back what you put in with them. Feed them healthy calcium/phosphorous/nitrogen rich dark leafy greens/veggies, and grains, and you'll get nutrient rich castings. Feed them a shit diet, and well you'll get shit castings. It's a bit hotter then worm castings and has to be used more like you would a poultry manure then a worm casting.

Just google
kricket krap
cricket manure
or here www.cricketpoo.com LMAO


Lizards just as MJ must have calcium added to their diet. Salmonella is a germ that almost all lizards carry so wash your hands.


thanks alot guys!!!

thats kind of what i thought, so i'll be collecting and drying, and maybe just testing it on my bagseeds :) ... i'll follow up on the progress :)
happy new years :)


BTW that white stuff around bird and lizard poop. What is it?......Thats also poop.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
^^^ That's the urates, and a lot of the extra calcium/minerals their bodies didn't need, or process. They keep the majority of the liquids in the body, and poop out the dry urates instead. Basically another way their bodies to naturally fend off dehydration through possible dry spells.

The St.

not to make this strictly about bearded dragons/ lizards in general but ive always been told that the white stuff is their way of urinating and also it provides a lubrication so their feces can come out easier for them. because of their dry skin, they need that extra lube to do their business.


Active member
well i used to have a chamelion but e sadly passed away, i still have a meal worm farm that i did to feed him, as anyone now what the best food to give them, and the best way to use the colected castings??i did a tea whith the castings once, i did used it a bit but i was afraid to screw up my plants so i stoped experimenting...