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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah a wobbly leg on a charcoal grill doesnt sound ideal, but if it's one out of 4 legs that's not so bad. Just be careful u dont bump into it too hard. Is it on a wood deck?

I think next time Pops smokes some ribs he needs to show us the finished product, i love a good slab of ribs with all the sides.

That was kind of a weird move to trade keenan but i guess they needed to get younger and cheaper. Harbaugh loves a strong run game too so wondering what they got at RB now that ekeler is gone.

Buzz seemed like he was basically homeless/itinerant back in the day yet he turned out all right. I guess he seldom overstayed his welcome tho.

This is the guy who was arrested for the homeless shootings/killing in DC and NYC. His family says he struggled with mental illness, so in that regard he's probably not too different from most of his victims.

That was surprising AD retired yesterday, he was only 32 (turning 33 in a couple of months), had an 8 sack season last year and still had 1 yr left on his contract for around 30M. But i guess they restructured his contract right before the announcement so he's getting 14M to not play next year, i guess if he can avoid another offseason of training and blasting PEDs and then the grind of another NFL season and still get paid 50% of what he was due that was a good deal in his mind.

Man, most tokers hardly remember the 70s, it's like Buzz remembers every little detail. You must have a sharp mind, or u kept a meticulous journal.
Sounds crazy you had such trouble with passports and border crossings in lower central america in the 70s, Buzz, i guess there might be some parallel with the current migrant situation in the US or maybe not, u were just passing through and seeing the sights, you werent planning on setting down roots.
But what a wild experience that was, alternately frustrating as hell dealing with the authorities but then the regular folks seemed kind and helpful. I guess some things never change, eh?
Too bad u never made it down to venezuela and other parts south, who knows maybe you would have met some friendly coca and cannabis farmers up in the highlands and been the next pablo escobar, only white and american and not so homicidal.


Well-known member
Fucking legs are wobbly and the threads suck so i can only tighten 3 out of 4 legs and it almost tipped over.
I had meant to suggest some epoxy. JB Weld epoxy putty works great. It comes in a tube and it has the consistency of clay. Put some gloves on pinch off a chunk and knead it until its an even color. It is easy to work with and it sets up in 20-25 minutes so no need to rush.


Well-known member
yeah thats a good idea buzz. Ive used JB Weld before. its good for a ton of stuff. Not sure where id go to get it around here. Think my best bet would be Autozone. Id have to go to Bettendorf for Home depot

Huh.I just got a trophy. It says a reaction score of at least 420. Never new anything about trophies. Anyone knw what this stuff mean?
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In my empire of dirt
that was a cool story buzz! it sounds like you have had some adventures back in the day brother!
i could read stories like that for days and its almost like you should write a book about your past and the things you have done
i would read it
/autographed copy please!
for the most part mexicans are super kind and generous people once you get past the initial awkwardness
i once had a mexican girlfriend who lived in la playas section of tj and it was a great way to meet the locals

im not about to go all travis bickle on anyone, but it seems like crime and lawlessness is getting out of hand in a lot of major cities baba
they even have the liquor locked up behind windows now at the local cvs, too much theft and stuff like that
i stopped by vons and there was this crazy guy having a full on conversation with himself out front this morning
i might take a pic of the plate once its dont, the meat is sitting in a rub right now and the coals are piled in the kettle
its baked beans for a side and i have some asparagus to grill as well, plus i picked up some corn bread mix
yeah im surprised that ad left the game with another year left on his contract, but im sure he feels its the right move for him
it definitely leaves a huge hole in the rams D
i dont know who the chargers #2 rb is but who cares, they dont deserve nice things


Well-known member
yeah thats a good idea buzz. Ive used JB Weld before. its good for a ton of stuff. Not sure where id go to get it around here. Think my best bet would be Autozone. Id have to go to Bettendorf for Home depot

Huh.I just got a trophy. It says a reaction score of at least 420. Never new anything about trophies. Anyone knw what this stuff mean?
Walmart is where I got it, @shithawk420 .

I meant to post some pictures of yesterday's pizza to make up for the underdone pictures last week. ;) I know why the crust looked less done in the picture last week. I turned on the overhead lights and got better results.
@pop_rocks was another inspiration for this week's toppings.
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that was a cool story buzz! it sounds like you have had some adventures back in the day brother!
I certainly did have some experiences along life's highways. My sojourn in Bellevue was the beginning of the New York connection with Jesus (the one with the accent over the u). LOL

There's a book all right. I am writing it here.


In my empire of dirt
yes! because friday was pizza day?!
holly cats! man, is that sausage is see?! and the cheese man, the cheese
those pies look great
im balls deep into this ribs thing, got them wrapped up in foil and just laid them on the grill
going to get the asparagus in some oil and seasonings so once the meat is done they willl be ready to fire
f'yeah buzz i like hearing your stories and have enjoyed your posts man, keep em coming


Well-known member
yes! because friday was pizza day?!
I waited a long time for you to show. You saw the sausage. You saw onions and shrooms and then you were a no show. That's OK. There's another Friday coming soon. You inspired that topping combo, @pop_rocks, and maybe another story.
Dang that pizza looks good! You cook it in the oven? Use a pizza stone or plate?
I have to say I am humbled by your praise and the pizza was terrified that @pop_rocks was going to show up hangry. Cooked in the oven on a steel plate, @shithawk420 , which reminds me that the plate is still in the oven. When I finish my nonsense this morning I will lug it out, scrape it, and carry it into 'the study' where it lives until this Friday.
What do you have going on today, @shithawk420 ?
f'yeah buzz i like hearing your stories and have enjoyed your posts man, keep em coming
I enjoy sharing them.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Big time. Louis Gossett, Jr. and I were in a play together. Ma Rainey's Black Bottom by August Wilson was the play and I played Ma Rainey's manager. It was a hoot.

Being in a play would be amazing I always wanted to do more acting I did one class in college but it wasn't really that great I would love to do more acting you really got to meet Louis gossett Jr that's so cool.


Well-known member
Being in a play would be amazing I always wanted to do more acting I did one class in college but it wasn't really that great I would love to do more acting you really got to meet Louis gossett Jr that's so cool.
I had to take an American History class to fill a requirement. One morning my professor called me forward before class and asked me if I would consider being in a play. She told me I would have to cut my hair and shave my beard and I said Sure, why not? I got a good review in the local newspaper.


Well-known member
I waited a long time for you to show. You saw the sausage. You saw onions and shrooms and then you were a no show. That's OK. There's another Friday coming soon. You inspired that topping combo, @pop_rocks, and maybe another story.

I have to say I am humbled by your praise and the pizza was terrified that @pop_rocks was going to show up hangry. Cooked in the oven on a steel plate, @shithawk420 , which reminds me that the plate is still in the oven. When I finish my nonsense this morning I will lug it out, scrape it, and carry it into 'the study' where it lives until this Friday.
What do you have going on today, @shithawk420 ?

I enjoy sharing them.
You keep it in the study?huh. You use it as a table for coffee where you uh,study things?

If its nice out or at least not windy i got a ribeye and maybe some pork steaks to cook. I think i know what i did wrong and its a rookie mistake thats stupid and im beating myself over.. I figured if i marinated the other steaks they would kinda wet and would kinda be lubricated and not stick. well that was dumb. I know in a pan they need to be dry and cook in oil and like an idiot i thought the opposite for the grill. so i got my ribeye dry brining in the fridge for a day or 2 so it should be dry and have a nice sear yhis time. cant believe i made such a rookie misstake. I swear i was smarter when i was drinking lol

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
S*** hawk you must be rolling in dough to have that steak every night man that's pretty good those are expensive steaks too I have like $0 until April 3rd


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ive used that JB weld stuff before, it works great, like buzz said wear some gloves (disposable or not) when u do it or at least wash ur hands quickly afterwards as it can burn the skin over time, like wet concrete can.
Also dont get any of it down the drain either, same with wet concrete.

Hawk and Pops are right, that pizza looks like something a brick fired pizza place would charge $25 for. And u make ur own dough? Any secret tips on making pizza dough?

And buzz acted in a play with Lou Gossett Jr? What hasnt Buzz experienced in this life? Were you in 'Nam as well? Youre probably too young for that, thankfully.

Yeah hawk u can throw some oil on a paper towel and rub that over the grill before u throw some wet meat on it, to help prevent sticking. But ur dry brined meat will do nicely as well, wont have to oil the grate for that. I knew there'd be some hiccups while youre learning 'on the job', but once you get some experience under ur belt all ur future grilling should go smoothly...


In my empire of dirt
wait whut, doobah? you have no money left till next month?!
man i feel like i should float you a hundy or two, just a little something to see you through
what happened to your $500 you were saving a month because you kicked the can and arent dippin anymore?
it sounds like we might ba able to get a good meal @buzzmobile but we will have to wait till next friday, plus you know we have to show up with some kind of gifts

if your meat is sticking hawk it might mean your grill is not hot enough, once you get the coals going put the grill on and let it sit for a while so it gets super hot, then lay the meat down
i also let the meat get to about room temp before cooking, but i dont know if that helps it not stick
keep at it man and you will be the pit master in no time
so baba wanted some pics of ribs
here you go man
first you need to get yourself right with some good charcoal

the other side of the bag is written in spanish but it basically says mesquite charcoal, mas calor (very hot)
its a good grilling wood and the charcoal comes in big chunks so i break some of them up into managable pieces
/notice the pair of thrasher tongs in the pick, i use those to move coals around and scrape the grate, ignore the empty i have plenty more
i cut the meat down and give them a good application of rub then wrap them in foil before i put them on the grill

and you gotta have your fixings
/not pictures are the asparagus and the can of bushes baked beans

see how the foil now has that golden color, that is the smoke from sitting on the grill covered
for a couple hours
lets unwrap those bad boys and see how they look

not bad, but we arent done yet! i like my pork ribs sticky so i like to sauce those bad boys up
i put about three coats of sauce on them flipping as needed so the sauce dosent burn, we just want it to thicken and get some good caramelization from the sugars

this is looking about right ill coat them again and once they cook up a little i will pull them off the fire and let them sit in a pan for at least 15-20m just to let the meat settle
sorry baba no pic of the finished plate, i ended up getting high and then eating later that evening
i give them a solid 8/10
i ran out of heat near the end but they still came out awesome but i had to do the asparagus in a pan on the stove, some olive oil and garlic plus seasonings
the corn bread was on point ( im getting the honey corn bread mix from now on) and baked beans from a can
f'n grinding man!

wow buzz you were in a play? that sounds cool man
just another feather in your cap
got any stories about what that was like?
just another of lifes adventures brought to you by @buzzmobile
keep em coming brother!


Invertebrata Inebriata
I don't know why I can't give rep on this stupid thread. But I would be spreading it thick like some Sweet Baby Ray's on the last two pages if I could.


Well-known member
you know we have to show up with some kind of gifts
The old saying goes something like this, "Beware of geeks bearing gifts."

I may have to retract that after reading the rest of your post and Hot DAMN Sweet Baby Ray Jeebus! Those are fine looking ribs and those are gift worthy enough for me to open the door to you two travelers. Don't eat them all on the way but if you do I will understand.
got any stories about what that was like?
The wrap party was a special night for me and Old Mr. Bushmill. We sang a lot after I drained the life out of the Bushmill bottle. I was so Buzzed the Head of the Theater Dept. drove me to his house and I passed out in a guest bedroom sometime near 4A. I was awakened about 7A and Dr. T drove me to the campus gymnasium where I had a U S History final @8A. My history professor was at the entry checking IDs and when I came up to give her mine, she waved her hand in front of her face and laughed, "WhOOOOOeeeee! You smell like liquor!" I could almost see the circles to color in on the answer sheet and I was a bit sweaty.

Aced it!

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