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Well-known member

Kentucky must be so proud that they have a Senator that makes Mitch McConnell look intelligent by comparison... both TN senators suck mule meat in public, as does our governor Bill "little willie" Lee.


Well-known member

Would hope to fuck he reconsiders.
Any bill that allows a person to profit from ratting out their neighbors is just plain wrong and will only make things worse.
As they were designed to do.


Comfortably numb!
Would hope to fuck he reconsiders.
Any bill that allows a person to profit from ratting out their neighbors is just plain wrong and will only make things worse.
As they were designed to do.

That is what the world has come to... Austria!


Well-known member
Would hope to fuck he reconsiders.
Any bill that allows a person to profit from ratting out their neighbors is just plain wrong and will only make things worse.
As they were designed to do.

one step closer to how things were/are in Russia, courtesy of both parties with the GOP leading in this intricate dance toward the cliff...placing bounties on each other, how American is that? "Americans fucking other Americans for fun, profit, and spite..."😠


Active member
And the constitution is quickly becoming irrelevant.
Chief Justice Roberts said as much, but some people on the court couldn’t care less.


Active member
And the constitution is quickly becoming irrelevant.
Chief Justice Roberts said as much, but some people on the court couldn’t care less.

The constitution consists solely of the 2nd amendment, except for the first and 5th IF you’re a conservative.


Active member
The constitution consists solely of the 2nd amendment, except for the first and 5th IF you’re a conservative.

Seems some of LOSER45’s ex-staff are exercising their 5A as they’re being called in front of Congress.
It’s kind of ironic considering trump’s view of the 5th amendment. lol


Active member
Seems some of LOSER45’s ex-staff are exercising their 5A as they’re being called in front of Congress.
It’s kind of ironic considering trump’s view of the 5th amendment. lol

Try free speech at a trump rally.


Well-known member
Try free speech at a trump rally.

safely exercising your 1st amendment rights around asshats like that require that you be prepared with your 2nd amendment equipment, and the willingness to use it in a preemptive strike. if i see a gun barrel swinging in my direction, i'm going to shoot first...i'm not going to wait & let them shoot before i make my mind up. that is how you become what LEO calls "the deceased..."

St. Phatty

Active member
And the constitution is quickly becoming irrelevant.
Chief Justice Roberts said as much, but some people on the court couldn’t care less.

Not yet.

Australia doesn't have a Constitution or Bill of Rights.

American citizens obviously have more rights than Australian citizens. I'm pretty sure that is connected to the US having a Bill of Rights.


Comfortably numb!
Seems some of LOSER45’s ex-staff are exercising their 5A as they’re being called in front of Congress.
It’s kind of ironic considering trump’s view of the 5th amendment. lol

Innocent until "they" prove you guilty. IOW don't bring your own rope to the hanging!


Well-known member
It's also interesting to see vaccine hesitancy by education level.

Fact check: Setting the record straight on claims about vaccine hesitancy among Ph.D.s

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — Some skeptics who question the vaccine are pointing to a survey that found a high rate of hesitancy among people who have Ph.D. degrees.

CBS17.com tracked down one of the authors of the study that’s based on those survey results, and while she says the numbers are accurate, they might not mean what the questioners think it does.

THE CLAIM: Nearly a quarter of people with Ph.D. degrees responding to a survey expressed hesitancy about the vaccines, with the implication that if some of the most educated people have questions about them, then perhaps more people should, too.

THE FACTS: Researchers Robin Mejia at Carnegie-Mellon University and Wendy C. King of the University of Pittsburgh based their study of vaccine hesitancy rates off of results from a Facebook Data for Good survey, reviewing about 1 million responses each month between January and May and analyzing it by race, education, region and support of former President Donald Trump.


They found 23.9 percent of the people who said they hold Ph.D. degrees expressed hesitancy, the highest rate among the various levels of education.

But some of their work appears to be misrepresented online, missing the overall point that hesitancy dropped.

“There are people that can kind of take a data point and twist it around to mean something that it doesn’t mean, and that’s unfortunate,” King said.

A sensitivity analysis found some people answered in the extreme ends of some demographic categories to throw off some of the numbers. King said it appeared to be a “concerted effort” that “did make the hesitancy prevalence in the Ph.D. group look higher than it really is.”

For example, they observed higher hesitancy rates than expected in the oldest age group — 75 and over — as well as the top end in terms of education level.

“We found that people basically used it to write in political … statements,” King said. “So they weren’t genuine responses. They didn’t really complete the survey in good faith.”

There were some other issues.

The study hasn’t been peer-reviewed yet.

People taking the survey were on the honor system, with no way to make sure people who claimed to have Ph.D. degrees actually have them.

And the Ph.D. group does not include medical doctors or nurses.

“So it’s not representative of the medical profession,” King said.


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