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Sativa Seedbank - Full Moon



Anyone have any info on this strain? Pics?

What about other strains from Sativa Seedbank?


Active member
Search Google next time

This plant can reach a height of 2 to 3 meters and has a strong stone. It has a strong taste and a sweet smell. The buds can become 50 to 80 centimetres long and are very sticky. Beautiful bushy buds with large, dark green leaves.

* Flowering Time: 56-64 days
* Type: Sativa/Indica
* Yield: 1 to 1 and a half kilo per plant is possible


The Sativa Seedbank is a new seedbank founded in cooperation with Nirvana ©.

The breeders from Nirvana © developed new strains next to the already existing ones, exclusively sold by The Sativa Seedbank.
The breeders gained a knowledge after 20 years of experimenting, crossing and stabilizing of cannabis seeds .

well if you trust nirvana then you can trust to them too. :badday:


Actually, I've read their promotional blurbs - But that's all they are.

Not to blatantly disagree, but I do trust Nirvana/Seed Boutique. I've had excellent experience with Nirvana's strains, and they are all sold at dirt-cheap prices..

If you take your time and choose carefully, chances are you will get premium genetics in every order (That just takes a tad bit more patience than most people are willing to put forth, which is completely understandable, considering that just about everyone who buys seeds is a pot head) - Not to mention the 10 freebies that they give you every time...That's 20 seeds for $20. And I don't know about you, but losing much more than $20 a pop to customs isn't really in my best interest...

To think realistically here, this is a pretty ****in' shady business, and I think those guys are doing a pretty damn good job of not taking advantage of current situations.

That said, what I'm hoping to find is some people who have experience with the Sativa Seedbank genetics, specifically the 'Full Moon' strain...Any information would be, as always, greatly appreciated!!

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
I've tried Sativa Seedbank genetics, just not Full Moon.
I grew out their Sativa Mexicana, as I was looking for a faster finishing sativa at the time. Theirs seemed to be listed as a quicker finisher(for sativa) and was reasonably priced.
Overall.... I liked it a lot, and was pleasantly surprised. It was a very tasty smoke:canabis: the only thing I'll say is that it took a bit longer than the stated time to finish it...but was well worth it. Good luck on that Full Moon.


Thanks Cook..LOL...your avatar rocks.

Mexicana is now on the hitlist - Got any pics of them by chance??


Reply to Pyrogen's suggestion

Reply to Pyrogen's suggestion

A couple of posts back you suggest that the reason why growers don't like Nirvana seeds is becaaue they lack patience, a condition caused by being potheads. I think you have it mixed up. People buy Nirvana seeds because they're pot heads. They just cannot think straight. If you analyze the costs in time, money, and risk (it is illegal to grow pot? of running 30 seeds to find a keeper, you will find it is much better to grow a few premium female seeds from the get go.


I did the Sativa Mexicana few years ago, in bubbler.
Yield was huge, taste was excellent, and it was strong. My friends still talks about it.
I will grow it again some time.


noodleman - I would agree with that. Feminized seeds are convenient...

BUT, you're overlooking a few things; First off, feminized seeds are orignally manifested by treating the plant with growth regulators/hormones - You are physically modifying the genetic code by making the plant react to these hormones. Those genes are then passed down through every succession thereafter - You have now tainted the genetic code.

Marijuana is one of a few plants that has the natural ability to allow for self-pollination (hermaphrodites) - However, this trait is RARELY brought into play in nature, unless the plant has been put under extreme amounts of stress (drought, sudden pH changes, inconsistent lighting, etc.)

Treating a plant with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibberellic_acid">gibberellic acid</a> or <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxins">auxins</a> to produce female seeds (supressing it's natural behavior) is VERY stressful on the plant, thus producing genetics that are prone to stress... It's kind of like if you were to take massive amounts of steroids - Your balls would shrink right up.


If you're just planning to clone out those female plants, that's great...but then again, having a nice stockpile of seeds is bit less conspicuous than a healthy mother plant. I guess it all depends on how you go about producing next year's crop.

Cannabal - That's 2 for the Sativa Mexicana! Do you happen to remember how much time they took to finish?

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Just thought I'd drop back in to this thread. Right behind me, I have the other half o pack of the sativa mex popping their little heads up from soem Jiffy 7s. Looks like I'll have 4-5 out of the 6. Let's hope for a couple of good ladies.
As far as the finish time on those, I seem to remember it was in the 10-11 week range. Not quite as long as a Thai I grew. I'll pop in again when I have something worth showing. These few pics blow are from my first run with the Sativa Mex. They were taken with a crappy camera, so they're definitely not the best pics. Also, since I wasn't quite as experienced with the sativas, these were a littel over -ferted. I think I'll do a lot better with the Sativa Mex this time around.
Happy growing, yall. :wave:



just ordered a pack of the full moon. gotta wait till next spring to see how they do. can't beat the price plus a pack of freebies!!!

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Sativa Mexicana

Sativa Mexicana

Greetings, sativa fans :wave:

Well even though the thread starter is no longer here, I had some pics of some Sativa Mexicana plants that I wanted to post up. Being that we had previously discussed it here, this seemed as good a place as any.

Just to clarify, I have never grown Full Moon by Sativa Seedbank, but this is my second time around with the Sativa Mexicana. Overall, I like it. :yes:

Since my last pics sucked, here a couple that suck slightly less. Enjoy!

I got 2 phenos:

This one is lanky and lean, light green with long thin buds. lookin VERY sativery. A lot of side branching. Mild but pleasant smell.

and the top:

the other is a bit of a darker green. slightly wider leaves, but still quite sativery looking. Buds on this one are bigger and heavier than the other.
This one gets a couple nanners late in flower, but she STINKS like you wouldn't believe. This is gonna be some tasty, potent smoke :D

and the top:

they're still a couple weeks away from falling. When they do, I'v egot clones of both, as cuts of these rooted quickly and easily. Coulda rooted these in a brick. hehe
if anyone has any Qs about this strain, fire away.

in the meatime, we'll consider this thread :hijacked:


Kenny Lingus

Active member
PS! Nirvana Seeds and Gypsy Nirvana (Seedboutique, Seedbay, ICMAG) is NOT the same at all. Trusting Gypsy don't mean Nirvana Seeds are legit...-if you know what I mean. (I'd rather dig a bit deeper in me pockets to get some more odds on my side when growing out beans....but others seem to like to get more plants and search through dilluted stock to find the gems though. And there is always a bigger possibility of the odd sport showing up when growing out many plants, so each can earn on their choices. Just depends on what you're after.)
cooked cook said:
Greetings, sativa fans :wave:

Well even though the thread starter is no longer here, I had some pics of some Sativa Mexicana plants that I wanted to post up. Being that we had previously discussed it here, this seemed as good a place as any.

Just to clarify, I have never grown Full Moon by Sativa Seedbank, but this is my second time around with the Sativa Mexicana. Overall, I like it. :yes:

Since my last pics sucked, here a couple that suck slightly less. Enjoy!

I got 2 phenos:

This one is lanky and lean, light green with long thin buds. lookin VERY sativery. A lot of side branching. Mild but pleasant smell.

and the top:

the other is a bit of a darker green. slightly wider leaves, but still quite sativery looking. Buds on this one are bigger and heavier than the other.
This one gets a couple nanners late in flower, but she STINKS like you wouldn't believe. This is gonna be some tasty, potent smoke :D

and the top:

they're still a couple weeks away from falling. When they do, I'v egot clones of both, as cuts of these rooted quickly and easily. Coulda rooted these in a brick. hehe
if anyone has any Qs about this strain, fire away.

in the meatime, we'll consider this thread :hijacked:

Freakin awesome Bro.I used to have this old ass pure Sat that was just the sh&t n aint tasted the like since,didnt know the genetics but yer pix reminded me of it bigtime,was around through the years and called sweet tree .Great job bro.Peace and stay safe,DWW


Self Proclaimed Hash Whore
ICMag Donor
Cook my good man, thanks for the heads up on the thread. Looking fine, indeed going to be a tastey treat.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
These are some groovy tropical babes. Oldschool flavor and good time party high, what's not to like?!?!?

For some reason, I like the high of these sativas more than a pure Thai. Don't get me wrong, i'll smoke the hell outa some Thai and love it :yes: but sometimes it's given me that sweating, hard breathing, heart pounding, head spinning, nervous, a little too high high :pointlaug
Yep, I've gotten spun by it a couple times...respect the sativas.

But these Mexican Sativas are kinder to my head, while still keeping me very high.

PP- I ran these tall, vigorous growing girls along side the Sour Bubbles in the other thread, and you know how they grow. hehe so that was fun juggling positions and training them into a relatively even canopy.

purce- thanks bro. When these have a short cure, I think i'm gonna need a taste tester for a non-biased opinion ....... :wink:

them long thin trichs are really showing up, and the branches starting to bend as calyxes swell :canabis:

hasta luego, marijuaneros :wave:

el cocinero cocido
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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
trich shot

trich shot

I was playing around with the exposure compensation and got this pic, which I thought looked kinda cool.


Grandpa L

I grew out their Pure Haze a couple yearsw ago and liked it alot. Better than average yield for a haze. Sweet plants. Peace, Grandpa L