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Dave Matthews Concert Sucked



....as if that were gonna be a big surprise...

there can only be so much fun to have with 25,000 white hat drunk 18 year olds.

...and the sound was HORRIBLE :cuss:

Roger Waters on the other hand.... :headbange


Well-known member
Can I start with the " I told you sos' " now?!!! ......sorry to hear bro but not surprising....DLB


Active member
I never liked DM's style of singing, always sounds like someone poking him in the ribs with their finger while he's singing.


LB- Dont think I went there with any expectations other than $$. I've seen him many a time- in high school...and thats who was there...highschoolers. I sold 60-100 brownies to some very happy stoners :)


Smokin on that serious...
well just got back, and while the crowd was a little young/funny it was still a good time, and dave absolutley rocked the place, i think the highlight was some 14 year old girls being mesmorized by me and my friends herbals, it was funny.


Poking him in the ribs?When DM sings it sounds like one of those 14 year old girls is intermittently kicking him in the balls..


dave matthews totally sucks, i saw him at farm aid a couple years ago and he just sucked ass...iggy pop, on the other hand, totally rocked the house yesterday...


Custom User Title
I've seen him a few times, enjoyed each time, and I'm going to see him again in a week. I'm going to have a good time, whether he sounds fantastic or not. I dunno what kind of place you saw him at, but SPAC is an excellent concert venue.


bounty29 said:
I've seen him a few times, enjoyed each time, and I'm going to see him again in a week. I'm going to have a good time, whether he sounds fantastic or not. I dunno what kind of place you saw him at, but SPAC is an excellent concert venue.

SPAC! I love SPAC!

I grew up in upstate NY. Lived in Albany for about 3 years, and lived in Saratoga Springs for about 8 months.

Great shows, great venue.

Never saw Dave Matthews though.


Was stationed in Virginia in the early 90's (starting to sound a little moldy, I know) but that was the starting point and time of their rise to the top. Used to play in little hole-in-the-wall college bars and outdoor stages. That was big fun then. Now I'm older and something just doesn't translate like it used to with them. Was disappointed about 5 or 6 yrs ago and haven't seen 'em since.


I have to admit to liking dave too, but the concerts suck ass... unless u have say, front row tickets :). Certainly a chill scene for the most part, minus the children.

Crash has got to be the most awesome dirty song that know one really thinks about and is on the radio all the time... listen to the lyrics sometime.

I just saw him in late June and the concert was pretty damn good... didnt get there in time for the parking lot though :(
Never sit in the lawn @ dmb. I brought a few blunts of some nice Bling and the kid next to me asked for a hit...couple minutes later he said he was dizzy and threw up everywhere. The next spot we found we were forced to move because a chick next to us wanted to pee all over the place...

If you aren't a hardcore fan then you'll leave the concert unsatisfied with the tunes & pissed off at underage kids.

Ive given hundreds of people hits at concerts and never had to dodge puke or piss.

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