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First Grow Ever: Six 5gal BioBucket setup



what were the res temps? did you keep the reservoir light proofed? anything that isnt lightproofed that should be? (just curious because im about to finish building my 8 bio bucket setup :)


Active member
Well ITG, I had my setup in an odd position with really hard to raise and lower lights. So I hardly ever looked inside my buckets. Only about once a week or so. I had all of my buckets LP, however, my return line, was not LP(reg PVC) and my rez was not LP so I could exchange air(black plastic with lid cracked open)
The last time I looked inside my buckets I didnt notice any root rot or brown algae. But I could smell it today. Come to think of it, the last time I looked in my bucket I forgot to turn the feed line back on for almost a full 24 hours. Im sure of it now, that is what set the ball in motion. STUPID:bashhead: STUPID:bashhead: STUPID:bashhead:
Oh and fr3d, my water temps NEVER got higher than 70, but usually ran around 60F-65F.

I already flash dried 5g, and it is pretty good. It has a sweet earthy flavor, with a soaring buzzed cerebral high. Its gonna be good weed for hiking and shit like that. I cant wait for the rest to be done curing for at least 2 weeks.

Just remember people, "The only stupid mistakes, are the ones you dont learn anything from." And Im learning my lesson as we speak.



Active member
Well I got a small update for you guys. My total yield from itis was 2oz and 3.5 grams. that doesnt count for the weed that
i smoked in the process anyways, I know, Im so bad. It is all dry now and is in 3 sep jars starting its cure today.
I did some looking in my notes today as well. And I can now tell you just how old the 3 clones are, 31Days Flower. well thats it mostly.

Th Baker


Ouch. Sorry to hear about the problems baker. It was looking soo good. I know how it feels tho. I'm almost 100% sure theat leaving the top off my res caused the brown alge for me. Did you decide on either pyrithum or alge or both? Like IGT said. Bleach the fuck out of everything. Then do multiple flushes. Personally i'd lightproof 100% and add the airstones. But i'm sure you'll get it all sorted out and fixed and be back with an even better grow. By the way, It only takes one day of high temps to fry roots as well IME.


Active member
Clones now 36 days flower. Buds being cured are finally getting away from that green smell. Gonna be putting new beans in the soil today. Gonna veg them out and sex clones, hopefully find a good mother. I want a short fat indica, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for your support guys,



Active member
Bad news again. Not that its at all a surprise but I have seeds and clipped of a few pairs of balls per plant. I knew that the genes were hermied after Itis' finished out a few weeks ago and had a couple of sacs I clipped. I really cant do anything about it, cause I dont have money to buy new genetics, and I was working with bagseed to begin with.

Anyways, I have started 4 more seeds, 1 of which did not crack at all, and has since been tossed. The other 3 however have started nice taproots, and have gone under the flouro's. Speaking of which, I added 7 more 8w flouro's in my veg cab, now a total of 96watts. Eventually I'm going to take clones from these 3 and only flower clones. As soon as I get a female(or more than 1), then I will keep them as mothers, and cull all males.
Otherwise, Keppin it Irie



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Well, I dont have any pics, but I have some news about things that have been going on. Today a pelican brought me an unexpected gift. Supposedly I was gifted today, a confirmed female mother, without a name cause the guy was getting rid of so many... I wish I knew what it was, But as long as it really a female then I am happy. It looked kinda sickly when I fist got it(with about 5 leaves) cause its so hot here and the transfer time took a little over an hour. But now that I got it into my veg cab, and gave it a little shot of some weak nutes with H2O2, it is really starting to look like it may come back around. After a few day Im going to transplant it into a larger container, and give it a good LST to get some more clones off of it.

As for the other 3 clones in flower, they got dusted as I think I said before. I missed a sac way in the back. Oh well. Im not going to chop them again at more than 50 day pre-mature. Im still gonna let them go the distance and keep a sharper eye out for balls.

I also have 1 good sprout, 1 with a weak ass taproot, and one that hasnt even shown cotyledons yet but has 1/8in taproot that seems to be drying out. I'll see if the 1 good one will turn out female. If so then I'll make it a mother also.

Thats about it for now. Since I dont have any pictures. But as soon as I get some for all of you, I'll be sure to put them up.



You will not be forgotten
Lovely Grow Baker man, your plants are looking very nice and those colas have a ton of pistils! should be some excellent smoke and am looking forward to seeing you finish these gals out. Keep up the great work and i will check in later on your garden.

Peace :joint:


Active member
Didnt you hear DB, I got a bad case of root rot and had to chop the Itis early, about 30 days early to be exact. The only plants i got left are the 3 clones that I took from Itis in flower, a seedling, and a clone i got from a freind in veg. The smoke was pretty good. In all I got about 2 oz. It was fluffy though, not very dense. The stone was very cerebral though, good for hiking or fishing. Hopefully I can get some new pics soon.



You will not be forgotten
damn sorry to hear man... guess i missed that ... didnt quite read through everything... i definitely wouldnt start out with hydro.. specially during the summer but thats just me... im a soil whore so what can i say...

well hopefully you can get those babies start up nicely again and at least you came out with some smoke to puff on....

Best wishes with the next round.


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im good on the DWC, im just gonna work out the kinks in my current system
although now I am running my stuff in soil. oh well. thanks for the encouragement guys



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Well here is the pic update you guys have been waiting for for so long.

These are the Itis Clones that have been flowering for over a month

This one is my seedling(bagseed) that I popped 15 days ago.

And here is the clone that I told you guys about. You can see how I have been doing the training.

I still havent gotten this camera figured out quite yet, so I'll wait till then to show you all the other shots of the 3 clones
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Active member
Well, I have been having some problems with the 3 clones. They have had drooping leaves for a while, and they started showing some def's. I didnt really know how to remedy these things so I asked for some help in the infirmary. I finally decided that it was time to transplant them into larger containers. Boy am I glad I did!! Those girls were getting so pent up in such a small place. So I doubled(more or less) the size of containers that they were in. They should become much happier over the next few days. Ill go take some more pics right now, before lights out, and then post them when I get done.



You will not be forgotten
the ladies are really shaping up and pumpin out the trichomes there Baker man!

you have done a real nice job and im lookin forward to seeing them progress farther into flowering.

I will have to stop by later on, and keep up the excellent work.

Peace :joint:


Active member
Hey thanks for the props DimeBag. They are starting to get white and all. I was starting to get a little worried about the things the leaves were doing, but I think the re-potting will really help out. Hopefully they will start to get all perky again. I'm glad that someone is watching at least.



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Shopping Trip!!!!

Shopping Trip!!!!

Well I went to the hydro store, and my local DIY shops and I came back with a few items. First off, and the most important of all for me, were the items I picked up to make my "Bubble Cloner". There are so many techs on this forum that I wont bother telling you how I made it. Instead I'll just tell you what I used. For the tub, I used a 2quart Gladware container with lid. I fit 6 sites on the lid, used a regular drinking straw for 6 1/2"-3/4" long tubes, and black silicone to seal them off, and make sure that they dont fall through. I am now using an aquarium air pump rated for 10gal aquariums, with a 7" ceramic air stone. I think it should work perfectly.
I was wondering though, should the sides be lightproofed?
I now have 6 clones running in it.
2 from this plant

and 4 from this plant, because 2 of them have very short stems, and seem to have gotten very weak over the last 4-6 hours

^ plant is getting nice and long. I say long instead of tall because of the LST I am working on her. She is now half way around the top of container. When she makes it all the way, Im going to top her, and just harvest clones off the side shoots. I have already made sure that where I took cuttings, there will be at least 2 new shoots to take from.

The seedling:

is now much larger, but I dont have a picture. She was working on her 6th node, but I topped her at 4 so as to have a small double cola'd plant, to start getting more shoots for more clones.

Now as for the other items I picked up at the hydro store. I picked up a bottle of PBP Soil Formula 1.5-4-5. I have been wanting to try this for everything I've read about it. Tomorrow is the first feeding the flowering girls will get with this and the next item. Secondly, I picked up a flowering enhancer, Finally. This is the Mother Of All Blooms(MOAB) 1-52-34.
Has anybody used this before? It sounded like a good idea, and the hydro guy said he has used it before, and its good for the price.
Lastly, I picked up a rooting enhancer, for the clones I have been taking. Now that I have the bubbler and a rooting gel, they should come out great, and that much faster. BTW my cloning gel is ROOTECH(0.55% I.B.A.)
Thats all I got. I should be set for a while. Keepin it Irie. As soon as I get some results with the cloner, bloom enhancers, and repotting, I'll post some pics so that you guys can see my progress.

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Active member
Alright guys, lets jump right into this, I got a huge update today, and it'll take a while to post let alone read.
First, I'd like to start off with the thing that I built yesterday. My Bubble Cloner

And the clones in it are only 1 day old as of today.

In this last pic you can really see where I have the stems in relation to the water level.

Next up, CW(what Ive been referring to my friends plant as) I'm not sure how many days this plant has been flowering, but she has been in my F-Closet for 15 days. She happens to be the frostiest plant that I have, and I know its only going to get worse/better. :muahaha:

I have 2 cutting taken from ^ plant, and I'm hoping that they root, so that I can keep these genetics around for a while.

Next up we get to review the Unknown mother clone I received from a friend. She has great node spacing, has been alternating since I received, and smells dark and earthy. I cant wait to flower the 4 cuttings I took from her, they are gonna be SO dense.

Well, I have too many pics so Im gonna split this into 2 posts.

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