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noob needs diagnosis


Hope everybody's outdoors are doing well. Got a couple sick ones. My friend insists they are sunburnt but thats not the case and i need proof otherwise. or is it...? Any help would be much appreciated... hopefully i can get these pics loaded up...

thanks so much


Grown outside in pots?? Can't really see the pot...how long have the plants been in those pots? What are you feeding them?? Rainwater or other source of water?
Greetings Spaazkaz.

Fertilize them.

To be more specific...fertilize them with a nutrient formulated for vegetative growth, with a good secondary and micro nutrient profile.

Whether it is UV stress or Nitrogen/Magnesium deficiency (not enough information provided; two most probable reasons for distress), a good fertilizer (and time) should have them well on the road to recovery.


p.s. It may be time for a transplant. Brian1975 posed excellent questions...the answers to which will enable the community to better address your specific trouble.

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they have been in the new pots for 2 weeks. They have been fertilized lightly with botanicare pro (i have managed to burn them in the past and didn't want to risk it), hose water. They they are not rootbound enough yet for a transplant, well not those... hmm a deficieny... i guess i coulda gone too light. I think they were planted in miracle grow promix against my will. Thanks dudes!
Greetings Spaazkas

What do you mean by secondary and micro nutrient profile?...Spaazkaz

Plant nutrients:

Primary Category I
C = Carbon
H = Hydrogen
O = Oxygen

Primary Category II
P = Phosphorus
K = Potassium
N = Nitrogen

S = Sulphur
Ca = Calcium
Mg = Magnesium

Fe = Iron
Mo = Molybdenum
B = Boron
Cu = Copper
Mn = Manganese
Zn = Zinc
Cl = Chlorine

also, they were inside under flouros for approx one month and moved outside recently...Spaazkaz

This supports your friend's conclusions. The leaves do look a bit on the pale side however, so the above suggestion of fertilizing them still stands.

Botanicare pro should suffice.



Spaazkaz said:
also, they were inside under flouros for approx one month and moved outside recently

Seen it too many times to count.

Outside from flouros with no transition will give you that white papery looking damage once intense sunlight comes.

We liked to at least put them under some MH for a week before or ideally a make shift green house with some UV rated poly for a week.

Gotta do what you gotta do sometimes though.

I think they will be fine. All the new growth will be well conditioned and before they trigger all that will be long gone.


cool. I was wrong. yup its a white papery look. the new growth is looking to be well conditioned. Thanks much everyone. -Spaz-



Botanicare pure blend pro grow is low in calcium and magnesium. Plant looks hungry for some magnesium. I would give her a rountine drench of 1 teaspoon epsom salts per gallon of water. Do this only once. You should be using between 11.88 to 17.82 ml pbp grow per gallon of water. Better to solve the low calcium and magnesium problem in the pureblend pro and get some cal mag plus. For starters, use 10.46 ml pbp grow + 2.26 ml cal mag plus. Extra growth 15.69 ml pbp grow + 3.39 ml cal mag plus. If you recently repotted and/or have added dolomite lime, the cal mag plus may not be needed for a while.

1 teaspoon = 5ml. 1/4 teaspoon = 1.25 ml You don't have to be exact just close.

Ph is important. You should test the soil ph. Also, its wise to adjust your fert water ph after mixing. (Fert with every watering till it runs out the bottom.)

20kw dreams

That looks familiar. Check stitches pics in the sick forum sticky.

It's definitely not an Mg def.

And I used PBP for over a year, and never had any Mg problems at all until I switched over to coco if you live on the west coast, chances are you have a shit-ton of Mg in your soil. If you really feel like you need some Mg, pick up some of Botanicares Sweet. That shit rocks for flavor enhancement.
look well burt to me i know someone who put a couple of his plants out in direct sunlight for twelve hours (with no sun cream ) looks like hes growing white paper now.


Yeah, it's the higher UV that they are not conditioned for.

It's like the middle ages on this board. They used leaches to cure every single ailment back then. Here it's Mag!!! :moon:

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