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Nice looking Zombo.I usually get a few outdoors but I recently went back to the site I have been using for the last couple of seasons to check things out and saw that they had cut a road into the area and there are a few survey markers and flags.I guess there will be houses there soon.I was bummed to say the least.Looking for new spot now but don't know if I can find one in time.I hope I can becuase no light compares to the sun.The search continues.


I'm trying something a little different this summer. I was walking around harbor freight last week and noticed some thing for growing tomatoe plants which would grow upside down from a planter. Got me thinking. Anyway, today I bought 3 3 gallon buckets and cut a 2 inch hole in the bottom. I lined the buckets with a plastic shopping bag and filled it with organic soil. I planted some tomatoe seedlings in the bottom of the bucket pointing down and hung them from a closeline rack in my back yard. You water from the top.
The benefits are supposedly less pests because there is no contact with the ground and they are semi portable. I am curious to see what gravity does to fruit bearing plants. I saw some results on the net and it looks impressive.
Later this summer I will try it with a few of my MJ plants and put them out in my screened in porch in the back of my house. They get alot of sun there and almost as much as my garden. I will see how the tomatoes do first.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Hey might as well make this my permanent home, looks like I won't be heading out west after all. Hopefully I'll find a new job and apartment soon and can share some of my new grows with you fellas. For now I'm back home with the parents and looking for a new job, wish me luck guys

BTW Dan, that sounds pretty interesting upside down plants huh. I want to see that.
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I just saw this post in another thread

I just saw this post in another thread

I know alot in our area use comcast...

FallenBuddha said:
Yesterday as my family gathered to celebrate mothers day, my nephew who works for comcast and i went out to smoke a j and he told me about some of the training seminars he has been through. The one that shocked me was a seminar in spotting possible criminal enterprises including marijuana grow ops. He then went on to tell me how comcast and leo's are in a partnership which for every tip from a technician that results in a conviction they recieve between $500.00 and $2500.00 as a bonus from leo and a week paid vacation from comcast. He said some of the things they are trained to look for are ballasts, extension cords, evidence of by-passing electric meters, lots of water jugs, soil, fertilizers, suspiciously locked rooms, modifications to ventilation ductsm strange odors or light emminations. So if you plan to get cable, or upgrade your cable make sure everything looks like its on the up and up. :fsu:

peace -fb


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Dan: Thankyou very much for that info. I knew that the telephone and power companies trained their employes in such a fashon, but was not aware that the cable companies where doing the same. And to make it worth the every day Joes while by adding monitary value to the snitch is really low IMHO. Thanks again.

Nice plant crazy.
Bitchin' pic zombo, what was your harvest from those plants?


yeah comcast isnt my local cable company and i have directv anyway but if i were in the market i would do without TV now rather then give those fucks my business.


Can It All Be So Simple!
I new they were trained but as vinter said what a bunch of low lives by adding a monitary value to the snitch! and a payed va k...damb


Can It All Be So Simple!
nice pics zombo were doing a grow on private property so I guesss our plants will be safe the hard part is getting in w/o security seeing you but once your in at night they cant see u at all...

how big were those plants when u put them out zombo?


ok bros and hoes....

ok bros and hoes....

some new pics for ya.

some casey bush shots. 14 days of 12/12

i think this is lisa marie

some wonder diesel

and the highly coveted "Yoni"

my heady. some wonder 99 taken at about 58 days.
bomb ass shit!!
i stuffed about 24 g in this jar.



to be honest, i dont really know.
i kinda had her on the back burner for a while due to space in the flower room.
i just kept supercropping the piss out of her.
to stunt her vertical growth and bush it out.
but if i had to guess, id say easily over a month.


thorodee...Very nice pics man! What is the background of the Yoni? I havn't heard of it before. Keep up the good work!


:bat: its a dark, mysterious strain.
if i told you, id have to kill you. :bat:

but all joking aside, i got these beans from INC, who gifted them to me.
it is bagseed from some nyc dank (i mean the city, not the strain)
its gonna be some bomb ass shit tho.
i had 3 phenos. this last one pictured is one.
1 went about 56 daze
this one went 65 daze
and i have 1 more in flower still.


Whatever it is it looks great! How did the name come about if you don't mind me asking? I'm a nosy SOB,lol. BTW, if you have to kill me by giving me this info, give me a heads up so I can at least prepare. And please wait at least 4 weeks so my current crop finishes and I get a chance to try it! Thanks.


i guess its the guys name he got the bud from.
if i kill you in 4 weeks, you wont have time to cure the bud for a good "last high"
next time you should take these things into consideration.
see you june 14th!!! :bat: :dueling:


I was just in a local nursery..

I was just in a local nursery..

And the guy i usually deal with mentioned that they used to be required by law to report anyone purchasing grow lights. He said there is talk of bringing that back. Anyone know anything about this in PA? I got my lights online but they are based out of PA.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Here are my 4 sadhu clones at about 4 weeks old.
I transplanted them today. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do w/all 4. My current grow wont be done till some time around July 1st. I plan to keep one as a mother, so I'll probably end up trashing a couple, and taking more clones off the mother in a few weeks so they'll be this big when I'm ready for them.


Can It All Be So Simple!
nah dont trash em vin....put em outside anywhere and see what happens....

Dan I never heard of such a thing...thats kinda lame if they do report u


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
BennyBlanco said:
nah dont trash em vin....put em outside anywhere and see what happens....
That's actually a good idea Benny, but I live right in town. I don't have anywhere scoped out to plant outdoors, and wouldn't be able to tend to them. I'll give it some thought though. I might be able to come up w/something.


just wanted to give you guys the heads up, i will be closing my thoro account.
be on the lookout for cocktail frank.....my alter ego!!

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