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AN Connoisseur...

Yes advanced nutrients charge insane prices for each individual additive, but they do make extremely quality products.

the products i am personally a fan of are

mother earth tea. i love this shit, it has so much good stuff in it and is nice and mild.

another is big bud. it is a very good way if you straight up want to make your buds BIGGER. even though that sounds pretty cheesy its true.

voodoo juice works wonders on your roots specially in promix or simliar.

very high output is one of the strangest products ive ever used. it literally just makes your plant sprout branches out of everywhere possible, its pretty immediate.

by the way if you are using a soil or soiless mix epsoma's plant-tone is an AMAZING base veg fert with many good things all in one, super cheap, 5 bucks a bag and you can find it anywhere.
anyway sorry about the ramble i am just trying to show my opinion on advanced nutrients.

THEY WERE GIVIGN AWAY FREE 300 DOLLARS WORTH OF BIG BUD CLICK THIS LINK AND LOOK AT THE BANNER AT THE TOP but not anymore as of like last week thank god i got mine i never gotta buy it again and my buds will be nice and plump


by the way im not dissing any other company i think many companies each have a few key products but my main supplements come from Advanced Nutrients, i deffinetly notice a difference.

also advanced nutrients forum has a lot more proffesional serious growers if you want cutting edge not the same old bullshit that has been tossed around on these weed forums for the last 5 years.


weed enjoyer
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20kw dreams

So, I have another question: If feeding your plants too much can stunt them...and feeding them too little will slow them down...why is it that it is unintentionally assumed that all of these additives can be applied without regard to specific cannabis research? I mean, do tomatoes grow at the same EC as herb? Not even close.
As soon as conny comes out in my area i'm definately gonna pick some up. The price to me is a moot issue, no matter if I spend $500 a harvest it still is less than 5% of the value of the profit. Hell I buy new bulbs every other harvest and that and electricity are definately the biggest expence. Anyways my point is when you're growing bud you should be able to afford to spoil your plants. Ive heard good stuff about conny so im gonna try it, fuck the price. I got used to getting gouged at hydo stores along time ago and I just chaulk it up to the game.

20kw dreams

I got used to getting gouged at hydo stores along time ago and I just chaulk it up to the game.

lol..that's the truest statemnt I've heard in a long time.

Plant amp by Cutting edge is a chelated calcium derived from microbial digestion of Calcium Carbonate(according to owner/scientist guy I met at a booth). I think maybe Conny nutrients may contain this kind of shit...totally just hearsay, but that's the only way I've heard of how you can chelate anything other then the micros, and it is a relatively new concept as far as I know.
If you wanna talk conny this is the wrong forum. See advanced even goes as far as having their own marijuana forum. Now thats a good nute company.

20kw dreams

yeah, but there are alot of people round here to that don't use the advanced forums

20kw dreams

Connoisseur Part A & B

Web Description:
Connoisseur is a two-part comprehensive ultra-premium liquid bloom phase fertilizer that creates larger, heavier fruits and flowers than any other bloom fertilizer ever created. Start using it a week after plants are triggered into flowering and be prepared for larger flowers and fruits than you have ever seen. This safe, easy to use bloom fertilizer has been tested in hundreds of hydroponics gardens and has amazed scientists and test growers by creating larger, heavier, denser blooms than was thought possible in hydroponics gardens. It is anticipated that Connoisseur will set the highest standard for bloom phase production for at least the next ten years. This fertilizer�s combination of proprietary ingredients and formulation technology represent a quantum leap in hydroponics harvest size and quality.
# Amino Acids
# Amino Chelated Boron
# Amino Chelated Calcium
# Amino Chelated Cobalt
# Amino Chelated Copper
# Amino Chelated Iron
# Amino Chelated Magnesium
# Amino Chelated Manganese
# Amino Chelated Zinc
# Calcium EDTA
# Calcium Nitrate
# Cobalt Proteinate
# Magnesium Chelate
# Polyamino Alcohols
# Potassium Chelate
# Potassium Nitrate
# Sodium Borate
# Sodium Molybdate
Available sizes: Weight: Shipping Weight: Product ID:
1 L 2.2 Kg 2.6 Kg 1650-1600
4 L 9.7 Kg 10 Kg 1650-1600
10 L 23.3 Kg 24 Kg 1650-1600
23 L 52.6 Kg 55.8 Kg 1650-1600

Suggested Accompanying Products: Big Bud Liquid, Mother Earth Blended Organic Super Tea Bloom, Piranha

Categories: Base Nutrients
Connoisseur Part A & B - Points of Difference
- This 2-part base nutrient is designed for the blooming phase, and has been formulated to induce an overall effect that shunts all stored and current reserves towards floral and reproductive tissues. No other product exists with this formulation.

- 10 of the 13 essential elements are derived from chelated forms. No other products have chelated K, Mg and Ca.

- Both the A & B bottles contain specific classes of poly amino alcohols which are extremely growth promoting on plants. No other products utilize this agronomic technology.

- Poly amino alcohols enable cells to grow and metabolize at a wide range of environmental conditions by enhancing membrane flexibility and fluidity.
Connoisseur Part A & B - Technical Description

- Produces Largest Yields of Any Hydroponics Fertilizer
- Produces More Flowers and Fruits
- Produces Higher Quality Flowers and Fruits
- Earlier Flowering and Faster Maturation
- Increased Potency, Bioactivity, Taste & Aroma
- Increased Harvest Market Value


Connoisseur contains the highest quality synthetic major, minor and micronutrients in the exact ratios necessary for optimized flower and fruit production in hydroponics crops.

These nutrients are made from the highest quality source materials and are bonded with special chelates that more effectively carry the nutrients into plant cells and systems. Nutrients more quickly enter plants in a method and in a molecular configuration that ensures rapid, enhanced floral growth.

Along with specially chelated nutrients, Connoisseur contains a proprietary blend of floral growth co-factors. These activate and control the innermost core levels of plant bloom metabolism and floral production.

Essentially, Connoisseur gives you virtually total control over plant mechanisms responsible for flowering sites, flower structure, flower quality, and flower size.

Connoisseur co-factors include amino acids and amino acid precursors essential to protein formation that promotes cellular metabolism, replication and other bloom processes. Other Connoisseur co-factors create changes in how plants carry out bloom phase functions.

Bloom fertilizers and bloom boosters made by our competitors contain only nutrients and lack the exclusive ingredients in Connoisseur. Our competitors� approach does nothing help hydroponics gardeners fully exploit plant flowering and fruiting potential. Their products do not result in significantly larger yields of better quality harvests. Some of them actually result in smaller harvests, because our competitors use the wrong ratio of nutrients, and/or inferior nutrients.

Connoisseur makes plants channel an unusually large amount of energy and materials into floral site formation. Connoisseur resets plant metabolism so plants produce way more flowering sites than would normally be produced. Connoisseur changes inner plant signalling so vital nutrition is funnelled to these flowering sites.

But if our scientists had simply figured out how to change inner plant signalling without making complementary adjustments to the formula, there would be little benefit.

Indeed, early, discarded versions of Connoisseur produced more budding sites but only produced average total harvest weight. Years of testing revealed that Connoisseur needed extra amounts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, other nutrients and growth co-factors to give plants adequate raw materials and metabolic precursors for maximum harvest weight and quality.

After learning how to create more budding sites, our scientists learned how to control how plants build flowers, glands, aromatic substances, sap, enzymes, sugars and floral features.

Floral production is among the most complex functions in Nature. It requires coordinated effort combining genetic/environmental influences, external nutrition, and stored compounds the plant makes during pre-flowering.

Because Connoisseur is only used during bloom cycle, we included ingredients that repair deficiencies from pre-bloom growth phase. This gives plants a solid on-board baseline from which to create optimized floral sites, features and density.

Plants engage in many intricate floral development mini-steps that must be carefully re-scripted and influenced by a fertilizer that seeks to increase total harvest yield and quality.

Floral development occurs in stages. Our scientists divided this process into specific micro-stages and then diagrammed what they wanted to achieve at each stage, keeping in mind the target goals of hydroponics growers.

Their research required them to examine dozens of factors that influence the successful completion of each micro-stage, and then figure out ways to control those factors to maximize the potential of the micro-stage.

Some of these factors are genetic; others are controlled by environment and by materials input into the plants through roots and leaves. We figured out how to trigger all factors that maximize floral development- without using genetic engineering or other unsafe methods.

For example, during the early stages of floral development, the plant first generates external structure, such as petals. Only later does the plant concentrate on creating aroma, auxiliary structures and strengthening color saturation and scent.

Connoisseur�s ingredients cause plants to create larger than normal floral structure and then to fill it in with an especially dense, aromatic and potent core. Flowers become heavier and denser, with higher percentages of glandular aromatic and bio-active compounds than would ever occur in natural growth patterns.

One of the biggest challenges we gave our scientists was to hold plants in peak bloom for a longer amount of time. We wanted flowers to add depth, girth and bioactivity- without ripening past peak and becoming stale.

Some versions of Connoisseur held flowers in peak so long that they became overripe. We had achieved larger, denser flowers than had ever been seen before, but we had not improved the overall quality, freshness and marketability of the harvest.

Back to the drawing boards, where the scientists literally dissected glandular structures and the microscopic inner world of flowers. Their goal was to use Connoisseur to enlarge and improve flowers without degrading volatile compounds essential to floral aroma and bioactivity. When this milestone was reached, we were certain that Connoisseur would debut as the world�s best-producing bloom phase fertilizer.

Other fine-tuning took place before we were ready to test, approve and market this ultra-premium formula. For example, market surveys revealed that hydroponics growers were concerned about very densely-built flowers that provide an inner floral environment more likely to develop molds and other pathogens, especially in humid growing conditions.

We learned that many flowering plants create onboard fungicides and biocides that deter molds and fungi which would otherwise destroy harvests virtually overnight. We discovered how to turn on plant systems that made the plant more resistant to pathogens and diseases, and that knowledge is reflected in Connoisseur.

We followed this up by adding ingredients that strengthen plant cell walls internally and externally. Insects and pathogens attacking Connoisseur�s unusually succulent flowers will find it very difficult to sink their teeth into the larger than normal flowers.

Other Connoisseur refinements include use of expensive synthetics that leave very little residue in plants. Our competitors� bloom fertilizers and bloom boosters are notorious for leaving caustic and distasteful residues in crops. These residues negatively affect taste and aroma, and create other harvest quality problems that lower harvest market price.

As with all of our fertilizers, we recommend that growers suspend use of Connoisseur seven days before harvest cutting. During that final seven days, crops should be flushed using our premier harvest-cleansing product: Final Phase.

Connoisseur is engineered to work in concert with Final Phase so fertilizer components are more easily removed from plant tissues. At the end of the seven-day Final Phase flush, your harvests will taste, cure and smell as sweet and clean as if they had been grown outdoors in the richest, most biologically active soil.

Another technologically innovative feature of Connoisseur is that it is a two-part formula that can be adjusted to match your specific crop needs, conditions and types.

Other bloom formulas come in two and three-part configurations, but Connoisseur�s two parts contain sequestered sets of exclusive ingredients that provide a different growing experience depending on ratios you combine them in.

(Please contact our toll-free technical experts if you want to find out how to customize Connoisseur using the special two-part, sequestered configuration).

There are aspects of our formulation that by necessity are trade secrets that we cannot reveal here. Our competitors are already busy trying to reverse engineer Connoisseur, but our scientists assure us that competitors will never be able to understand or duplicate the exclusive ingredients that make Connoisseur what it is.

And even if they could figure out or steal our formula, it�s unlikely that any other company would go to the time and expense to manufacture a fertilizer that contains the expensive components we put in Connoisseur

Connoisseur is more expensive than any other bloom fertilizer because it pays for itself with increased yields and is more expensive to manufacture than any other bloom fertilizer.

Not only are Connoisseur�s components expensive, but we must use enhanced manufacturing procedures and quality control to make this high-end formula keep its potency and molecular structure intact.

We had to spend lots of money to upgrade our manufacturing, container and formulation facility to accommodate the specialized needs of this ultra-premium formula. Not to worry- Connoisseur�s shelf life is comparable to or exceeds that of all other bloom fertilizers.

Creating and bottling an ultra-premium bloom fertilizer that contains the rarest ingredients created by the most innovative researchers in the 21st century plant science industry was a challenge that only Advanced Nutrients could take on and complete successfully.

Our scientists tested and did garden comparisons putting Connoisseur against all the other bloom fertilizer and boosters on the market. Connoisseur outperformed its strongest competitor (which just happened to be one of our own bloom fertilizers) by at least 43%.

Connoisseur is a major scientific achievement for which patents are pending. This product pushes plants to deliver the largest, highest quality yields that can possibly be achieved hydroponically.


Connoisseur is a concentrated liquid fertilizer that delivers complete bloom phase nutrition and a proprietary blend of floral stimulators in two containers.

Start using it one week after plants have been triggered into flowering.

Connoisseur can be applied at rates ranging between 1.5 to 5.0 ml per litre of water, but we recommend an initial dose of 2.0 ml Connoisseur Part A plus 2.0ml Connoisseur Part B per litre of nutrient solution. Monitor crops for floral growth before you push past the 2.0/2.0 ml per litre recommendation. Do not use Part A or Part B by itself.

Connoisseur can be mixed directly in hydroponics reservoirs and is designed as a complete base fertilizer.

Although Connoisseur on its own vastly outproduces all other bloom fertilizers, Connoisseur�s harvest-boosting tendencies are synergistically enhanced by these products from the Advanced Nutrients PLUS program: Voodoo Juice, Piranha, Tarantula, & CarboLoad.


Active member
I actually read all that....


43% increase :chin:

I'm going to check it out again after it's been out longer and there's more feedback...

20kw dreams

I checked over at AN's forums, and there's not much over there either


Active member
Just ordered up some Connoisseur... not too bad on discountadvancednutrients.com like 160 for 4 liters of A and B....should be interesting!
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Its really good to see some people w/the dough to give Conny a shot...
I've got the entire 2+ line (AN) w/ Monkey Juice for my 50/50 coir & hydroton grow...& I just bought more in the Monkey Juice so Im set for a while
It does wonders for me..Just a quick comment,
yeah AN's products are expensive..but they overall have longer shelf life and more concentrated so less goes farther (more bang for your buck) so if it gives better product /grow.... :bat:

I use Monkey Juice
Voodoo Juice
Humic acid
Fulvic Acid
Big Bud
Bud Blood
Sweet Leaf
Carbo Load
Emerald Shaman....
directly in resevoir

Scorpion Juice
Collosal Bud Blast
Very High Output
Fulvic Acid
Emerald Shaman...
as seperate foliars throughout veg state and 1st 2 weeks of Flower

Does miraculous stuff for my own personal clinic :woohoo: also havent had any seizure activity since Ive been using the whole line (but that was also right after my brain surgery too :chin: )

Anyways the data supports it
I'd love to see someone w/end product of conny
also BTW so my silly sarcasm isnt misinterpreted..I dont think that AN's products have influenced my medication to the point of preventing or miraculously influencing the cosmos to prevent seizure activity :wave:

Sometimes my jokes get misread :yoinks: :sasmokin:

I do know my product has been quite improved since using the stuff

(I also know my IQ went up since my brain surgery, for whatever that means :wink: :smoker:)

20kw dreams

I'm running conny next run as well, on 4 of my 6 tables, and running 2 of them with Sensi

Esoteric - If you reuse your coco, switch to the Sensi line. I think the Monkey grow a and B has way too much Ammonia in it, which is nice for an initial 1st week or so with coco, but after that your CEC has more then enough ammonia in it.


Active member
Thanks a lot EM!! Damn your loaded up on the AN line. WIsh i could buy that shit around here, i got to order online so i keep my additives to a minumum. Big bud, voodoo juice, and this time im trying sensizym, and overdrive as well. SInce switching to AN, my yeilds have only gone upwards! Ill let you know when the package arrives :) !!!
When everyone is refering to the sensi 2+ line.. you guys are refering to the additives to whatever base gbm, 2 part , 1 part , monkey juice, conny??

So which one is the most often chosen? I under stand monkey juice is for coco, but is there supposed to be any difference between the gbm, 2 part, 1part? Sorry for asking here I just figured all the AN proponents would be here and someone would know?

Like 20kw.. when you say sensi line. which one are you talking about? thanks GG

20kw dreams

Sensi is the base hydro line, and the 2+ program is all the additives. So, when someone says "sensi 2+" then they are using the 2+ program, but with the sensi base nutrient. So, I would say I'm running 2+ monkey juice, and another might say 2+ Iguana, etc. The base nutrients are for different mediums, and the additives are the same regardless of medium

Hydro - Sensi grow A+B
Coco - Monkey Juice A+B
Organic - Iguana A+B
Super expensive - Conny A+B

The 3 part is for those who want to tailor nutrients, and is really only available because it was a good way to reel in alot of the old schoolers stuck on the GH 3 part. If you want the cannabis specific nutrient, go with one of the 2 parts.

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