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Please send me some positive vibes



Nope....going night-night for surgery isn't fun. I am sitting here exactly two weeks from a major hemroidectomy and it is MAJOR pain. I have three blown disks in my back and both knees need surgery. I'm not sure I want the pain of recovery again over the pain of that each problem causes, but there just comes a point when some things have to be taken care of. If you're at that point, make sure you have a competent doctor and get through with it and on to recovery. I still have a couple weeks recovery left and I can't wait to feel somewhat normal again.


Chat Mod
To all who have sent good vibes and thoughts my way, the surgery went well and so they have sent me home to convalesce. Thanks again and i will keep you all informed on my progress.

peace and regards


Keepin' ya in my thoughts, FB.

Don't forget the liberal applications of thc...

Peace, pot and no pain for you and yours



Bakin in da Sun
good vibes brotha, you will be in my thoughts, im sure everythin will go to plan, best of luck and take care, bartender187


Fattz mate (for the newbies - people only get an honorary name from me if they're a good-hearted person), its just natural to be scared of any surgery so don't feel bad about that - ATTACK it!!! Pretend like its your boxing opponent and ****ing kill it. Don't take a back seat mate, you can absolutely conquer this one.

And feel empowered knowing that there are a lot of people out there - many whom you've never even met, from lands far away, who are thinking about you with their fingers crossed hoping for the best for you :)

I think what isn't natural is appreciation of how amazing some doctors are these days - they can literally perform miracles!!! So have faith mate - I know I will anyway. My fingers are crossed for you bro, altho I think that may be pointless as I KNOW you will do well. :) *hi 5, followed by some shit music, including some Bette Midler*
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positive vibes to you fallen, even if your surgery was almost a year ago, i hope you are doing well. better than i am if you're free and puffin'.... count your blessings, pm me anytime.


Top Secret

Hey there FB, hope everything is well. This is the friend that your DJ's came from. I had to change my name....now i gotta get my post count up again. I would like to talk with you here soon but im not sure when ill get enough posts to get into chat.
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Active member
This girl in my high school had multiple sclerosis and showed everyone her surgery during chapel one day... another one of my homies from high school has had 4 open heart surgeries before he was 18... I've never been put under and don't want to be because of the same reason... I'd rather watch whats being done to me anyway...


FB my little sweat pea ? Whats up babes? I missed you these last few days so searched for you and discovered that you have been keeping secrets from Mistress and she tells me she is most displeased. :))) pm me when ya got a minute...

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