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Would you give your life for your cause?



I was debating/arguing with this ol' boy the other day and he was talking about how the younger generations 30 and younger have no sense of patriotism and selflessness for country. My side was/is that the country we know (U.S. in this case) is not ours so we have no reason or want to die for it for the most part. I went on to tell him that I believe that all too many would be willing to lay down their own life for their cause, for what they believe in. Not a martyr, but give yourself for the betterment of the cause which strikes your heart, no glory just -1 for +multiples.
I personally would give my life for something better, for my family, possibly even a stranger. For as long as history is recorded, there is nothing better than dieing for freedom in some form, dieing for your family, dieing for something better. I think this holds especially true for men.

Would you put down your life and if so; for what cause?



free your SELF
Death or freedom for me...there is no in between.

To give your life for your country on the other hand I find somewhat moronic. It's just a piece of land for gods sake. Nobody can truly own any piece of land in my opinion...the land belongs to the planet and all that live on it.

It's amazing what mass brainwashing can do to some people.

As Terence Mckenna said, "Culture is not your friend".


My kids - that's it.

But I would kill anyone who hurt them - so be warned...

On a serious note, Death would take a sideline to saving someones life for me.

I'm also ready to die in the campaign to stop people having ice in their cider. Furthermore I would give my life in my effort to take down Magners as a company.



Active member
If there was a mass cultural revolution in India that'd reject consumerism, post modernism and all the decrepit bullshit that comes with it (i.e. corporatism, elitism, sucking UN cock) etc., and resteer the country towards the wishes of our founding fathers...yeah...I'd most prolly be cool with giving up my life up for that cause.

But I ain't dying for some ethno nationalist / statist wars, that's a horrid waste of a life. Basically, if a "cause" will lead to better security, and better quality of life for the future generations, I'd be willing to die.


Gangabiss said:
Death or freedom for me...there is no in between.

To give your life for your country on the other hand I find somewhat moronic. It's just a piece of land for gods sake. Nobody can truly own any piece of land in my opinion...the land belongs to the planet and all that live on it.

I have to agree with that, I'd never fight for land within any borders---I'll never truely own any of it, either the bank/mortgage company will or the government ultimately will (through taxes)

However, your mind is yours, and yours alone, no one else can touch it.
My mind is my own, as well as all thoughts & beliefs within it. I'll defend my right to freedom of thoughts & beliefs, as well as anyone else's.

Everyone deserves the freedom to think independantly. And that alone is worth fighting for, and worth dying for.


My little pony.. my little pony
[ cues up Beastie Boys ]

I would fight.. for my right.. to paaaaaarrrty!



lol mullet i totally agree with this ice in the cider business, nasty stuff!! i've seen more than one person put ice in white zinfandel as well, as if white zinfandel isn't awful enough...as far as dying for my cause i don't think anyone dying is going to really help the pot cause...if we had some apocalyptic shit and i was holed up on a farm then i would die defending it for sure, what else are you gonna do?


Active member
People have proven to be a major dissapointment so I have no cause in which I'd die protecting a mass of others.

This land I live on doesn't belong to me and never will, so I would never die for it.

My mind is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle of advertisements, cultural standards and skewed facts, all fed by the machine, so I wouldn't die for any internal ideals.

Anyone who thinks any different is kidding themselves.


Gangabiss said:
Death or freedom for me...there is no in between.

To give your life for your country on the other hand I find somewhat moronic. It's just a piece of land for gods sake. Nobody can truly own any piece of land in my opinion...the land belongs to the planet and all that live on it.

It's amazing what mass brainwashing can do to some people.

As Terence Mckenna said, "Culture is not your friend".

Pretty much it right here, I totally agree that you can't "own" land, I think native americans had the right idea. So I would never give my life for it, nor any other person. I love my parents and I would kill anyone that tried to harm them without a second thought. But I wouldn't die for them, as they wouldn't want that.

But I would die in the fight for freedom, as there is no middle ground on that one.


Active member
well as us Marines say "we dont die for our country...we make the other guy die for his"

I would not put my life on the line for George Bushes stupid fukin agenda.

Freedom is about the only thing I give a shit about, and yeah I'd fight to the death if anyone tried to take that from me. I don't know that I would do it for anyone else tho.


I see a couple people say they wouldn't die for land cause you can't own it. On some level thats true but there sure are those that are willing to try and if you happen to live on it then you'd fight or walk. I get what you're saying though.

Nug, I don't mean the pot cause. However, if the pot cause was/is a part of a larger freedom cause then it's becomes more sound but it in itself I don't find worth dieing for.


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
naga_sadu said:
If there was a mass cultural revolution in India that'd reject consumerism, post modernism and all the decrepit bullshit that comes with it (i.e. corporatism, elitism, sucking UN cock) etc., and resteer the country towards the wishes of our founding fathers...yeah...I'd most prolly be cool with giving up my life up for that cause.

I would give you a helping hand in kicking Coca Cola out of India... and try to stay alive as long as possible doing so.

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