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Thanks again, trich.

At this time, I'm floating in studies and other material. I intend to go through each of them, and have already gone through some/a lot, but I have taken a bit of a break this evening, feel drained, and will read and view more later tonight or tomorrow. I think a nap is calling me right now.


Today was eventful. Seems like some other times in life, bringing to bear the old, "When it rains, it pours."

The radiological oncologist's scheduler phoned, and set up the follow-up Zoom mtg, rather than answer through the portal system they use for secure messaging.

Shortly after that call, the Patient Care Coordinator phoned, from the other clinic (in re. to the referrals the Doc I saw via computer yesterday, said she was starting in motion); next day service, as far as scheduling. not to shabby.

The Coordinator scheduled me for a highly-rated, respected surgeon at the other clinic, and gave me 2 names of radiological oncologists they can offer for a consult re. that path. I have made a choice as to which radiological oncologist, though a bit uncertain initially, and will call tomorrow morning to set that up.

So the opportunities to ask the remaining questions I have, and to compare notes to make sure everyone is talking apples to apples, so to speak.

We're moving. And like many bureaucratic or military operations, one goes from hurry up and wait, to hurry up and move quick. But we're moving, and I hope to have the remaining crucial information provided.


I can save about $1,600 in hotel fees if I go to the one facility, rather than the other, if radiation is the winner in this. If that's the case, we're already planning to have a microwave delivered to that place for me, once I get there, as the one short-fall at that spot is the absence of kitchenettes in the rooms, though they have full size common-use kitchens on each floor.

If I'm staying for the duration radiation would require, or even the 12 days, if surgery is chosen, I need to be able to cook my own healthy meals, as I have been doing, and NOT be hanging out in a common area with folks waiting to cook their chow.

-32 f. on the front porch right now. They've cancelled the somewhat warmer air we were expecting this week-end.

Friend in the bush forwarded this to me. He plays guitar out in the mountains, his family gone for years. He has critters, and a guitar, among other interests, and was sitting by his wood stove, keeping warm, & practicing his guitar, when this came up on his screen, and I thought of your preference for instrumentals, trich.

Finger-picking style on a beautiful cover of Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven'.

Instrumental, and well-done.



Well-known member
It sounds like you are about to see things speed up. I'm hoping your questions will be resolved and that you will be confident in your choice of treatment as a result of those answers. For me, the beginning of treatment established a routine that helped me deal with the dreamlike quality of the whole YOU HAVE CANCER diagnosis.

You have a firm grip on the family communication problems. Hang on and work them out.

Could you talk to the folks that cancelled the warmer air to dial back the rain? It's wet down in the grow rooms.


Leonard sez: Live long and prosper.


ignore the first 7 minutes of social engineering.

...where you can find products of coriolus versicolor




Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite - Live at La Cigale, 120 Boulevard de Rochechouart, Paris France


working my way backward through the reading and viewing.

Alaska has Turkey Tail mushrooms in the wild, but my initial thought is that it likely stays to more temperate climates here; South East and South Central Alaska seem to be its most likely home base.


I see there's a supplement, derived in concentrated form from the mushrooms, (or synthesized maybe??), available from a variety pf sources.

We're likely 4-5 months away from the season when picking mushrooms in the wild would be more practical, and while I know that many times, what is derived and stored from medically or nutritionally viable plants, often there are loses of some amount of value or vitality in the process of extraction, storing, etc.

But, if we don't have them near me (and I can check around to find out more about their local availability in the forests), then I can get some coming.

First I need to do a complete cross-referencing re. other meds, supplements, etc., and make sure I'm not crossing things that will either decrease the effectiveness, or cause greater problems.



Jimi Hendrix experience, Live, Sweden, 1969.

Dedicated to the American Deserters' Society, says James Marshall Hendrix. JMH died on my now-deceased younger brother's birthday (not the same year, but the same date, Sept 18).



It sounds like you are about to see things speed up. I'm hoping your questions will be resolved and that you will be confident in your choice of treatment as a result of those answers. For me, the beginning of treatment established a routine that helped me deal with the dreamlike quality of the whole YOU HAVE CANCER diagnosis.

You have a firm grip on the family communication problems. Hang on and work them out.

Could you talk to the folks that cancelled the warmer air to dial back the rain? It's wet down in the grow rooms.


Leonard sez: Live long and prosper.

Yes, indeed. feels a little bit like right before a ferris wheel or the giant rubber-band propelled 'slingshot' launches. Once the path is chosen, and the work begun, there's little room to say, "Hey... wait a minute!!"...
Some (most or all) of my family, aside from myself, have difficulty either connecting with deeper feelings, or difficulty discussing sensitive issues. On the other hand, my excess vociferousness makes up for it.. frequently.

I often know what persons are going to say before they say it, my mind racing ahead, and reading folks pretty clearly as a learned survival thing, decades ago.

With that, coupled with my control-based coping for PTSD, etc, via OCD, there have been many years that I tried to get folks to learn to communicate, while sometimes 'walking over the top' of what they MIGHT have said. Being hard of hearing, and somewhat inflexible when irritated, and I have a majority of family members that can discuss grocery lists and shit that minimally matters in the grand scheme of family intimacy, other than as logistics, but in discussing deep-rooted dreams, hurts, or what ever, there's been a major void.

That is a recipe that stands to perpetuate the difficulties or outcomes my 2 older children demonstrate regularly. And I have told my wife and younger son that this HAS to change, before I head off to the next astral plain, or the next clump of sod, or our youngest will potentially grow up with some of the same issues in relationships that our 2 older children have. And if this is avoidable, or repairable, to not address this and try our best to change this, rather than simply talking about it, would be a crime, as the ripples of the pattern will go forth into the future, and everybody touched by it will be left with something less than they could have had out of life..

I told her that in my opinion, this issue is more important than my cancer at this time. And my mixed sense of my 2 older kids has at times, for some of these reasons and more, been a greater focus in my mind than beating cancer has been..

I came from scattered violent insanity, but with the smell of warm pecan maple buns coming from the oven. Comfort food became the way we showed what care there was. Any wonder so many persons eat unhealthy diets? There's but one part of the issue's outcomes.

Anyway, the other night, with me angry about the years that I was cast into the role of disciplinarian, making me inherently into the bad guy, and the lack of clarity in assessing issues, or in communicating, I drew a HEAVY line, and stated this shit -will- change. There is no good reason for us to perpetuate issues once we've identified them, short of pretending we are helpless, and we are not.


Like I wrote before, it occurred to me that cancer is a re-boot for life, life's needs, patterns of behavior that have bene unhelpful, and a lot more. It's all Yin & Yang, once the quaking and quivering and 'what ifs' end. We win some, we lose some, and, sometimes all at the same time. :)

I'm hoping for the best, but I can't watch train wrecks any more. They're to graphic and too expensive where quality of life is concerned.


Scheduled this AM to see the radiological oncologist next week via Zoom, and the newer surgeon the week after that.


Local co-op got in some of the 'Beyond Meat' brand of plant-based Italian brats; none of the 'Beyond Meat' brats.

The Tofurkey brand sausages suck badly, now that I have had much better plant-based sausages, but I can use the Tofurkey stuff in the high-lycopene red sauce, which I need to make another batch of today, before the egg plant and fresh organic tomatoes start composting.


In a statement of optimism, and faith in my getting some of my muscle tone back into better shape, last night I charged the satellite phone and back up batteries of various sorts, to include booster packs/portable power sources, for my younger son's and my annual trip into the mountains for our once-a-year 'church'.

We'll have to straight-shot it there and back, with no over-night stop on the routes, as I won't stay in a strange hotel room right now, if I can help it. Certainly not one that hasn't met CDC guidelines for such services.

More cramping in my right and left ankles this morning, likely from the L-4 to L-5 nerve issues in the spine, and maybe a nutritional imbalance continuing to send out a bit of a signal. That will all have to take a back seat until the bigger lions and tigers are dealt with here.
That's about all the news that is from here. -34 f. on the porch this morning, and so far, any warm air they predicted earlier, has apparently headed elsewhere. But at least we're not -50 or -60.

I still have plenty of THC capsules, but it may be a bit before I can do a cold-wash extraction outdoors for the THC-a capsules. I'd like to have them done before we head to remote places, as not being able to respond to crises adequately or quickly in the middle of the night, or when ever, is a vulnerability or disability that I can't have when we're out there.

Take care, buzz, and know that your posts of moral and emotional support are not overlooked, and they ARE appreciated..:ying:

I'm back to research, reading, and maybe some chores/soilless mixes.


James Taylor, his wife, and son during COVID-19 sequestering, from their home in Montana, courtesy of Rolling Stone Mag.

These tunes bring nostalgic sweetness, and some tears.

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Ordered 3/4 lb. of turkey tail mushrooms, fresh-dried in the sun, last Fall, 2020, from a vendor on Etsy; $45 for the 3/4 lb. of 'shrooms, and another (nearly) $19 in shipping.

Not too bad, compared to other vendors' pricing.

The powdered mushrooms are available as a supplement, and I could load my own caps, or put it into food, but, again, my observation with many tings has been that the closer to the original state, and the more fresh, the better or more viable the product.

I'll try almost anything once, and many things twice.

Thanks again.


Well-known member
My medical advice is limited so I have to rely on my "feels memories" to pass along.

How do you intend to prepare the Turkey Tails?


Kiss My Ring
Ordered 3/4 lb. of turkey tail mushrooms, fresh-dried in the sun, last Fall, 2020, from a vendor on Etsy; $45 for the 3/4 lb. of 'shrooms, and another (nearly) $19 in shipping.

Not too bad, compared to other vendors' pricing.

The powdered mushrooms are available as a supplement, and I could load my own caps, or put it into food, but, again, my observation with many tings has been that the closer to the original state, and the more fresh, the better or more viable the product.

I'll try almost anything once, and many things twice.

Thanks again.
are those whole, or powdered?
whole are tough as shoe leather.
i've tried drying and grinding in a coffee grinder...that's an ordeal.
i hope you get some kind of promise from their use.
yep, looks like things are accelerating.

thanks for the Hendrix link, i dig his style and the lyrics are obscure enough that they don't play in a loop over and over in my head.lol

this guy can play the guitar with the best of them:


My medical advice is limited so I have to rely on my "feels memories" to pass along.

How do you intend to prepare the Turkey Tails?

I've only doe a little bit or reading re. prep for them, but the seller is a person who used them for her breast cancer, and she referenced a tea soak, or alcohol extraction into a tincture (I assume she was referencing ethanol, which I still have a bit over a gallon of here)

The seller believes she received benefit from the TT for her cancer, and is including a free reishi mushroom, though that's the one for which WebMD (and others?) cited some potential liver issues for some persons, so I'm mildly wary. These days I tend to see skulls & cross-bones or other warnings as being 2x's larger than they often actually are.. ."Thanks, auto-immune system."

(I think I have a Calvinist auto-immune system, trapped in a Bohemian Jack Kerouac body. Yes, this has been a problem at times)..

And the emotional end of this is way important, buzz. You already know that. All of the factors within this disease have been pretty much referenced herein to one degree or another, and if anything, the wildest ride is depression, anxiety, uncertainty, gambling wit no-deposit-no-return issues where you get ONE decision at the kick-off, and the rest of the head-space issues that hold hands with cancer.

At this point, what ever treatment they give a person, it should come with tranquilizers; if not for the patient, for the poor bastards who have to hover, watch, help, and endure..

Thanks again, buzz. Knowing that someone has ridden the crests and troughs of this ride, and can say, "Yeah, I remember feeling just like that. This too shall pass, and is normal." is a huge help.

Had this on 8-track in a 1967 Oldsmobile 98 Luxury Sedan when I was a youngster with 4 bald tires under a 416 4-bbl, that never saw a full tank of fuel, other than for road trips to concerts (with costs shared by the numerous occupants), despite dealing and working. A 'boat with wheels' that could haul 6-8 people to a concert, but had a hellacious time stopping on glazed ice Mid-west Winter roads. Yes, I was an acid head. :laughing:

Hot Tuna

'Song From the Stainless Cymbal'



are those whole, or powdered?
whole are tough as shoe leather.
i've tried drying and grinding in a coffee grinder...that's an ordeal.
i hope you get some kind of promise from their use.
yep, looks like things are accelerating.

thanks for the Hendrix link, i dig his style and the lyrics are obscure enough that they don't play in a loop over and over in my head.lol

this guy can play the guitar with the best of them:

Thanks trich.

Yes, looking at them, and knowing they are a form of shelf mushroom from (mostly/often) dead or dying trees, my assumption was that they're softer than chaga or some other tree-bark medicines, but dried, I assumed they are going to be at least as tough as dried whole peyote buttons; like shoe leather, as you say. Hopefully without the conditioned response of nausea that I used to get, while chewing the buttons (the power of the memory of puking after chewing dried, tough, cactus buttons)..

We have a variety of potential apparatus for pulverizing, but these are, indeed, whole and dried.

I haven't yet done proper research re. poor or unsafe interactions with other drugs or meds sources, but the biggest wild card right now, as stated to buzz, is the seemingly independent nature of my auto-immune system lately.

There's recipes online, and the seller recommends either a tea soak, or alcohol extraction. I want to find some recipes that might entertain rehydration in warm (not hot) H2O, and maybe using them like shitake in stir-fries or vegan lo mein, or similar. But I have no reference at the moment for taste, and if they taste strictly like medicine, then I'll have to figure something else out.

My greatest focus, aside from getting them into a state where I can keep them down, is to maximize the ingesting and processing of the most beneficial components (PSK and PSP).

By the way, from the herbalist researcher author in Whitehorse, whose book I got for my wife's birthday, dandelion root, which I referenced earlier as being looked at as aiding diabetes (2011), also promotes production of bile (as in, working to dissolve gall stones), and are high in potassium and Vit A, among other stuff.

We used to make dandelion wine 40-50 years ago, but our recent bumper crops are now likely headed to other uses. The author recommends roasting them like carrots, but I suspect keeping the heat lower is a safer way of preserving the components that are being sought.
Yeah, I think I have parts of that Sweden Hendrix concert from '69 here, on other tapes.

The Rainbow Bridge Lp (still here on 33-1/3 vinyl) was awesome as well.

JH is one among many who went astoundingly early in their lives (Tommy Bolin, Lowell George, Janis, and many more), as Gracie Slick pointed out, lots of these folks didn't necessarily want to die; they simply partied to hard, and maybe forgot how much dope had been ingested. Pure speculation, but I tend to believe that perspective.

Not from Rainbow Bridge, but from a 1970 show at the LA Forum.

'Hey Baby'


And, originally (in the case of my collection) from the 'Axis Bold as Love' Lp, (also still here on vinyl) what I believe was -the- most beautiful Hendrix tune ever put to ears. My deceased younger brother's guitar teacher used to do this very nicely.

'Little Wing'

Live from Winterland October 1968


*Not an ear worm, per se', but it has stuck with me for close to 50 years as a thing of beauty.


A quick heads-up re. alternative plant-based sausages, for those either entertaining sampling such things, or for those more serious about pursuing a plant-based diet for health concerns, whether they be general concerns, or specific to a diagnosis that such a diet would/might benefit.

The Beyond Meat (brand) of spicy Italian brats, or regular brats, are PHENOMENAL. I'm sold. I love decently done meat, whether steaks or sausages, or ???? And switching over to the plant-based diet for health reasons, I was finding a lot of substandard stuff that made me wonder if the folks making these products had ever actually eaten sausage, or meats in general?

I also found some vegan ham, and the BM brats. Picked up a container of vegan parmesan cheese, and have some on a salad as I type right now.

Being able to like and/or appreciate a new diet matters. sticking to the new diet would have been made more difficult, had we not found stuff that was tasty and enjoyable.

A good trip, though maybe 4 days before I wanted to go in. we're headed into a week with lows down near -40 to -55 f., and aside from having a blood draw on Tuesday AM, for lipids, PSA, A1C, and various other functions of the body, I'm planning to "stay the fuck at home", and engage in Telehealth/Zoom meetings with Docs.


Well-known member
While you are staying the fuck at home, here's a particular favorite tune from Hot Tuna. Keep it in mind when some knucklehead is breathing down the back of your turtle neck sweater as he/she inspects your Beyond Meat stuffed shopping cart.


Axis Bold As Love is my one desert island album choice.


While you are staying the fuck at home, here's a particular favorite tune from Hot Tuna. Keep it in mind when some knucklehead is breathing down the back of your turtle neck sweater as he/she inspects your Beyond Meat stuffed shopping cart.


Axis Bold As Love is my one desert island album choice.

Thanks again, buzz.

Yep, Jorma & Co. are and were stellar musicians. Everything from classical to psychedelic rock-n-roll, and classic blues in between. Excellent stuff.

I'll trade you some -30 f. temps for your rain. :)

On a brighter note, they seem to be curtailing the duration of this (cold) high-pressure system that was supposed to end last week, and bringing us up to near 0 by Thursday; perhaps even a few degrees above 0, then perhaps +10-+14 on Saturday.

Of course, my blood draw tomorrow AM has me coming off what is projected currently to be maybe -40 f. We'll see if Murphy is busy elsewhere or not. Hoping so.

The inversion had us 15 degrees f. warmer than the in-town airport this AM. So if that status (inversions) hangs on, then the launch from home will be warmer than my arrival in town, giving me time to get adjusted, maybe.


I'm hoping folks will continue posting related cancer-oriented research here, despite my being buried and low on reading energy at the moment.

We've continued reading, but took yesterday off, but the research and ideas will maybe benefit others, long after we're worm food, maybe.


Occurred to me this AM that the degree to which things are resolved in life, and the sense of life having been 'enough' or 'sufficient', to date, can directly influence the willingness to roll the dice on outcomes that might involve increased suffering or disability. And the folks who find themselves in despair maybe also want that to end, and less inhibited re. the decision making parts of this disease.

But the folks in the middle of that graph or bell curve, who still have some fight in the belly, and have things not resolved of importance, we're maybe more apt to be wary of entering that next phase? Harder to move on when too much of the mess remains to be addressed?

Admittedly, I have had many things work in my favor in this life. More than I deserved, even, maybe.


2 appts this week via Zoom with 2 different clinics' radiological oncologists; 1 for round 2, and the other is a new-to-me person.

Next week holds a first-time appt. with the newer surgeon.

After that, I guess I need to get out my old darts to throw at possible outcomes, or maybe a coin to flip, or shine up a pair of dice, and see what they think of all of these choices. Or, if I have greater clarity, I'll forgo the chances of those tools, and just outright pick a path.

I think there's good enough weed here for that, and I haven't had a shot of tequila in several weeks, so.. that might aid in the process, too.


Vaporizer/Pax 3 is at the carrier's arrival spot now, but still waiting on the battery for the old Pinnacle Pro, which I'll have to modify to accept a circuited 3-wire plug system to it. Folks at VaporBLUNT seem to have either been on vacation, or non-responsive for the last bunch of years, as they haven't returned any communications by phone or email in going on 6 years or more, so I suspect it's another moment of excessive optimism, in their case, affecting my willingness to continue asking them for support on a no-longer-manufactured vape. Such is life in corporatist, profit-driven America..

Piss poor customer service often results in no longer doing business with whom ever, so, "we often make the beds we sleep in."


Hot Tuna, Live, Whole Concert (2' 44")

Fillmore Auditorium, March 1988



Kiss My Ring
if nothing else, peeps can get hooked up to some great tunes in here.
i for one have added significantly to my playlist...the one which no one will ever see should i succumb prematurely...literally hundreds of hours (thnx all!!!).

there should be some kind of hope in healing expressed rather than that rare reliance that Murphy is elsewhere atm...but then, i'm not the one facing the knife.

i'm confident that ME will be back in form at the end of this ordeal to offer that hope to others...


if nothing else, peeps can get hooked up to some great tunes in here.
i for one have added significantly to my playlist...the one which no one will ever see should i succumb prematurely...literally hundreds of hours (thnx all!!!).

there should be some kind of hope in healing expressed rather than that rare reliance that Murphy is elsewhere atm...but then, i'm not the one facing the knife.

i'm confident that ME will be back in form at the end of this ordeal to offer that hope to others...

Working for the US Forest Circus in SE Alaska, 1979, at a camp in the older remote clear-cuts out in the Islands, I received a well-used Homelite XL12 (utility grade model chainsaw we viewed as disposable) from a fellow who was quitting. Many of us had named our saws; the 1 I inherited was inscribed with 'Molly Hatchet', a fitting moniker for a chainsaw.

Southern Rock-n-roll, crossed with a bit of Allman Bros.
I'd been working out a good bargain on a chromebook, wired head-set w/mic, and wired mouse, of decent quality, to take with me to which ever spot I'm doing treatment at, then.... Murphy!!!

Computer Co said my bank declined the charges (LOTS of vacant credit remaining on the card). My bank card issuer stated the purchase was declined at the Computer Co. Just like real life; too many folks feel OK putting their screw-ups on someone else.

Got it straightened out, none the less. More fixing of Corporate America's deficiencies on my dime, while they rake in profits at our/my expense.


Face time via laptop and chromebook will facilitate seeing the pups, my family, etc., as mentioned earlier, but will also allow me to coach others through caring for my garden in my absence, as well as any mechanical or technical issues that might go haywire in my absence.

I figured it's a good tool for all of the above, and may take away any need for Ativan in times of ^ anxiety, in empty hotel rooms, with too little AC, and a lot of strangers outside the walls.


Still need to arrange to have a decent hot-plate, cook pot, portable backpack-size 16 oz. blender, and 3-4 cases of the protein shakes I've been consuming, all to be sent to where ever I stay..

The literature emphasizes protein as a major factor re. post-operative recovery, so more protein shakes and nuts are on the agenda. As well as the better protein sources in the plant-based sausages.


I'm hopeful that we/I can beat this cancer. I am. But I'm realistic enough to know that we can't tip our cards over 'til the last play. And no guarantees. (*Probably should've hedged my bets, and helped more little old ladies across the street when I was younger. Too late now.) :)


Anyway, not a lot of earth-shattering news in this thread, and that's been helped by the previously-mentioned 85 years of strangle-hold on good cannabis research, as well as my own tangents and discourse..

There's SOME of those decent studies offered up in these pages, scattered throughout. But a lot of what we/I am doing, is stuff that others have shared, often word-of-mouth.

Weez had successes with his regimen, or seemed to, and for a long time, but whether the lab gave bad service, crossed samples, or the cancer cells have organized a union, and they're undermining management, is unknown at this time.

I'm more varied in my efforts than some, where trying to pull the rug out from under the cancer's metaphorical feet is involved, including the sulforaphane, the lycopene sauces, and the CBD and THC extracts/tinctures. I'm waiting to get a good run of THC-a for suppositories, and maybe another proper run of THC extract for the same purpose. Some want to take the time to segregate variables and causes in healing or recurrence. I want to kill this malignancy with any tools I have available. We're not friends. It's a squatter.
The blood draw tomorrow, as stated earlier, will require 10-14 days for results to reach me, and though I would love to have current results for the Docs this week and next, I can scan & upload them to the various portals when they arrive. For a very reasonable price, I get what would likely be $600 to $1,000 through my primary clinic. Though they'd have results in 24 hours in most cases.

Anyway, for now, waiting, asking good questions when I can, and getting set up in what ever ways I can, so when launch time comes, we're ready.


John Prine

'Killing the Blues'


'Down by the Side of the Road'

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May it be so.

I got to see Leo Kottke at a small theater in Gainesville. He made a lot of music with only 12 strings.


Pepe Hush

Leo is the king of beautifully tragic ballads, sharing that crown with Tom Waites and Johnny Prine; Prine having been taken by COVID-19 earlier this year. The first time since last March that I was really resentful of COVID, as though it were a person.

Going from the Cradle to the Grave, a Leo Kotke tune that is more appropriate now than ever, I think. Life, and stops along the way. "Going from the cradle to the grave."

Trying, as a realist, to keep the faith, buzz.

I read reviews for the surgeon I see next week. One woman had written in to report that though her husband's prostate cancer had escaped the capsule, the surgeon in reference did an excellent job, and he has clear/clean margins.

Obviously, by her description, his cancer was at least as progressed as mine, and depending on the method they used to determine the escape of the tumors/cancer from his prostate's 'capsule', likely significantly further advanced than mine. And the Doc in reference did him right.

We're all different, even when we share significant diagnoses and status of progression, but we each have our own abilities, disabilities, immune health, and more. But reports like the one submitted by the woman referenced above, give me greater hope.

Thanks for the continued support, buzz.


The silver-haired sweetie of sweeties; Emmy Lou Harris, Live

From the Lp, 'Last Date'

'Racing in the Streets'


* I didn't look for it, but there may be a duet with Brice Springsteen out there some place, with Emmy Lou, doing this tune, as well. A classic, for sure. Another nostalgia tune, buzz; 1 that may require Kleenex.

Bruce, Live at the Paramount Theatre, 2009

'Racing in the Streets'



May this thread be a blessing to many.

There's a lot of rambling in here by me, Gry. But in its own way, it all relates to cancer dx & tx. The bewilderment, the down-time spent in shock, with loss of appetite (separate from the cancer's symptoms, other than for the fact that the shock is due to finding out that life maybe will have some more serious gambles attached), and more; finding this was mostly fairly normal, to different degrees, was a matter of normalizing things that were taking off in their own directions on their own.

I hope that who ever is in need, and reads through these pages (a very patient person, likely) will find some insight into cancer's relationship to other disorders/diseases, dietary changes that have been proven to help (& how to go about those changes without necessarily subjecting themselves to stuff that tastes plain-old NASTY or doesn't work), the whole extended interview process to find the BEST Docs possible, rather than quickly choosing Brand X, and risking forfeiting more than they need to, and cannabinoids as therapy, to include the NIH study, and that they don't have to be so stoned all day, in order to get something into their system that strikes fear into tumors.

The psychological burden, the screwy auto-immune reactions to stress and disease, dietary advantages, procedures, alternative and conventional tx's, both, etc., and a shitload of really good music.

Anything worth doing in life, is worth doing to a sound-track. :)

And to know that EVERY PERSON in this world, regardless of where they live, has a life and dreams that go beyond their diagnoses. That's in here, too, and it ought to be.

And shame on those Docs who forget that.

I hope you're well today.


Linda Ronstadt & Emmy Lou Harris

'Across the Border'



Kiss My Ring
THCA and THC: What's the difference?

  1. Why we get high on THC and not THCA, how cannabinoids convert, and raw cannabis as a superfood
  2. THCA vs. THC: decarboxylation process
Why we get high on THC and not THCA, how cannabinoids convert, and raw cannabis as a superfood

Surprise! You're just not going to get high by eating that freshly picked weed. At all. When cannabis is harvested and raw, no matter how much potential resides within, there is practically none of marijuana's most famous and intoxicating cannabinoid, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There is, however, a wealth of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), an inactive compound found within the trichomes of living cannabis plants.
So, if someone ever asks you “what does THC stand for?” don't confuse the two similar terms. As you'll soon discover, they are vastly different in both chemical structure and how they interact with the human body.
THCA is a cannabinoid that until recently has been closely compared to THC. Though THCA doesn't get one high and THC certainly does, there is a relation: THCA is the precursor to psychoactive THC effects.
So why does THC get us elevated and THCA doesn't? The reason is due to the three-dimensional shape of the THCA molecule. It is a larger molecule that doesn't fit into our cannabinoid receptors, specifically the CB1 receptors. A cannabinoid must fit into a body's CB1 receptor in order to have an intoxicating effect at all.
The cannabis plant produces hundreds of cannabinoids, the chemical compounds responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis. Only a few cannabinoids contribute to the euphoric high that is unique to the cannabis plant, though. The most celebrated, researched, and sought-after is THC.
It's commonly assumed that as a marijuana plant grows, it is ramping up THC levels until ripe for the picking. But the primary cannabinoid being produced is actually THCA. How does THCA become THC?
The simplified answer is through heat and light — or the process of decarboxylation. Heat removes a carboxylic acid group of atoms from THCA, converting it into a molecule and altering the THC chemical structure, thus becoming the perfect shape to fit into our endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the CB1 receptors that run throughout the central nervous system, producing that classic elevated experience.
In a process called decarboxylation, heat removes a carboxylic acid group of atoms from THCA, converting it into a molecule and altering the THC chemical structure.The non-intoxicating effects of THCA are a big part of the reason that fresh, raw, unheated cannabis is a superfood. You may have heard of juicing cannabis or adding raw cannabis to smoothies for health enhancement. There's good reason for that.
Like other superfoods, including avocados, kale, Greek yogurt, green tea, and garlic, raw cannabis has the potential to ease arthritis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and other ailments.
THCA is believed to offer an assortment of medicinal benefits and is commonly used as a nutritional supplement and dietary enhancement for its:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties – A 2011 study published in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin suggested that, along with other cannabinoids, THCA demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Anti-proliferative properties – A 2013 study that analyzed cell cultures and animal models concluded that THCA could prevent the spread of prostate cancer cells.
  • Neuroprotective properties – In a 2012 preclinical study published in Phytomedicine, researchers found that THCA showed the ability to help protect against neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Antiemetic properties (increasing appetite and decreasing nausea) – A 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario found that both THCA and CBDA were effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in rat models, even more so than THC and CBD, respectively.
Most cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), are in the acidic form (CBDA, CBGA, and THCVA) when cannabis is harvested. The unactivated forms of THC and CBD, along with other cannabinoids, have benefits themselves that we are still learning about.


iirc, harvesting earlier than you normally would for peak THC would give a higher percentage of THCa.
THCa is not psychoactive but merits use as stated above.

Creating THCa Crystalline

Royalty in cannabis extracts, creating THCa diamonds takes a special touch.

Karhlyle Fletcher

Pure isolates and their terpene-rich byproduct live resin have been changing the cannabis concentrate game. Through mastering the creation of THCa diamonds, producers have introduced a precise and clean consumption method.

How Can THCa Crystalline Be Used?

THCa crystals can power both the most radical dabs and the most approachable topicals. Additional usages include use in edibles, and so these crystals are very flexible. The advantage of using them lies in their near 100 percent THC content.
For the consumer, this advantage is apparent. While with other products it's difficult to judge the bioavailable cannabinoids, THCa crystals or "diamonds" are nearly pure. Having this purity allows for accurate dosages, and thus a repeatable experience.
Perhaps more groundbreaking with the rise of THCa diamonds is their pharmacological appeal. With a product that boasts almost complete purity of a single cannabinoid, it meets pharmacological standards, particularly useful for future research. Much of the available research on cannabis depends on testimony remotely supplied by volunteers; however, pure cannabinoids could allow for the study of individual cannabinoids and their potential therapeutic value.
Don't think these diamonds come alone, though. Through the process of creating diamonds, "live resin" is also created. Live resin is the terpene-rich sauce left behind after THCa diamonds crystalize. During the process of preparing the crystals for purging, the live resin is poured off of it. After purging, the live resin can either be added to THCa diamonds or used as an independent product.
Recombining the diamonds and live resin creates a unique concentrate. Not only is there pure THCa present in the crystals, but the live resin is potent. With up to 50 percent cannabinoid content, the live resin can get users high on its own. Additionally, its rich terpene content allows for producers to create concentrates with only cannabis-derived terpenes.

Photo Courtesy of Apothecary Extracts

How To Extract THCa Crystals

The process of creating diamonds and live resin is complicated in that it's chemistry, but it makes sense.
First, you start with an extract, then mix it with acetic acid and hexane. Doing so will separate dissolved plant matter from the acidic cannabinoids. After a while, when the mixture settles, it is filtered, and the acetic acid and hexane are evaporated off. The resulting concentrate is mostly THCa.
After this step, chromatography methods purify the concentrate further. Once the chromatography is finished, chemical washes, filtered, and roto-vapes. In the end, the concentrate is treated with methanol, and then pentane. Finally, after one last roto-vape, the result is diamonds with greater than 99.97 percent THC content.

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ZZ Top--Deguello 1979 Full Album HQ


THCA and THC: What's the difference?

  1. Why we get high on THC and not THCA, how cannabinoids convert, and raw cannabis as a superfood
  2. THCA vs. THC: decarboxylation process
Why we get high on THC and not THCA, how cannabinoids convert, and raw cannabis as a superfood

Surprise! You're just not going to get high by eating that freshly picked weed. At all. When cannabis is harvested and raw, no matter how much potential resides within, there is practically none of marijuana's most famous and intoxicating cannabinoid, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There is, however, a wealth of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), an inactive compound found within the trichomes of living cannabis plants.
So, if someone ever asks you “what does THC stand for?” don't confuse the two similar terms. As you'll soon discover, they are vastly different in both chemical structure and how they interact with the human body.
THCA is a cannabinoid that until recently has been closely compared to THC. Though THCA doesn't get one high and THC certainly does, there is a relation: THCA is the precursor to psychoactive THC effects.
So why does THC get us elevated and THCA doesn't? The reason is due to the three-dimensional shape of the THCA molecule. It is a larger molecule that doesn't fit into our cannabinoid receptors, specifically the CB1 receptors. A cannabinoid must fit into a body's CB1 receptor in order to have an intoxicating effect at all.
The cannabis plant produces hundreds of cannabinoids, the chemical compounds responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis. Only a few cannabinoids contribute to the euphoric high that is unique to the cannabis plant, though. The most celebrated, researched, and sought-after is THC.
It's commonly assumed that as a marijuana plant grows, it is ramping up THC levels until ripe for the picking. But the primary cannabinoid being produced is actually THCA. How does THCA become THC?
The simplified answer is through heat and light — or the process of decarboxylation. Heat removes a carboxylic acid group of atoms from THCA, converting it into a molecule and altering the THC chemical structure, thus becoming the perfect shape to fit into our endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the CB1 receptors that run throughout the central nervous system, producing that classic elevated experience.
View Image In a process called decarboxylation, heat removes a carboxylic acid group of atoms from THCA, converting it into a molecule and altering the THC chemical structure.The non-intoxicating effects of THCA are a big part of the reason that fresh, raw, unheated cannabis is a superfood. You may have heard of juicing cannabis or adding raw cannabis to smoothies for health enhancement. There's good reason for that.
Like other superfoods, including avocados, kale, Greek yogurt, green tea, and garlic, raw cannabis has the potential to ease arthritis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and other ailments.
THCA is believed to offer an assortment of medicinal benefits and is commonly used as a nutritional supplement and dietary enhancement for its:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties – A 2011 study published in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin suggested that, along with other cannabinoids, THCA demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Anti-proliferative properties – A 2013 study that analyzed cell cultures and animal models concluded that THCA could prevent the spread of prostate cancer cells.
  • Neuroprotective properties – In a 2012 preclinical study published in Phytomedicine, researchers found that THCA showed the ability to help protect against neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Antiemetic properties (increasing appetite and decreasing nausea) – A 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario found that both THCA and CBDA were effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in rat models, even more so than THC and CBD, respectively.
Most cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), are in the acidic form (CBDA, CBGA, and THCVA) when cannabis is harvested. The unactivated forms of THC and CBD, along with other cannabinoids, have benefits themselves that we are still learning about.


iirc, harvesting earlier than you normally would for peak THC would give a higher percentage of THCa.
THCa is not psychoactive but merits use as stated above.

Creating THCa Crystalline

Royalty in cannabis extracts, creating THCa diamonds takes a special touch.

Karhlyle Fletcher

Pure isolates and their terpene-rich byproduct live resin have been changing the cannabis concentrate game. Through mastering the creation of THCa diamonds, producers have introduced a precise and clean consumption method.

How Can THCa Crystalline Be Used?

THCa crystals can power both the most radical dabs and the most approachable topicals. Additional usages include use in edibles, and so these crystals are very flexible. The advantage of using them lies in their near 100 percent THC content.
For the consumer, this advantage is apparent. While with other products it's difficult to judge the bioavailable cannabinoids, THCa crystals or "diamonds" are nearly pure. Having this purity allows for accurate dosages, and thus a repeatable experience.
Perhaps more groundbreaking with the rise of THCa diamonds is their pharmacological appeal. With a product that boasts almost complete purity of a single cannabinoid, it meets pharmacological standards, particularly useful for future research. Much of the available research on cannabis depends on testimony remotely supplied by volunteers; however, pure cannabinoids could allow for the study of individual cannabinoids and their potential therapeutic value.
Don't think these diamonds come alone, though. Through the process of creating diamonds, "live resin" is also created. Live resin is the terpene-rich sauce left behind after THCa diamonds crystalize. During the process of preparing the crystals for purging, the live resin is poured off of it. After purging, the live resin can either be added to THCa diamonds or used as an independent product.
Recombining the diamonds and live resin creates a unique concentrate. Not only is there pure THCa present in the crystals, but the live resin is potent. With up to 50 percent cannabinoid content, the live resin can get users high on its own. Additionally, its rich terpene content allows for producers to create concentrates with only cannabis-derived terpenes.
[URL=https://www.cannabistech.com/images/uploads/articles/Diamonds.JPG]View Image[/URL]
Photo Courtesy of Apothecary Extracts

How To Extract THCa Crystals

The process of creating diamonds and live resin is complicated in that it's chemistry, but it makes sense.
First, you start with an extract, then mix it with acetic acid and hexane. Doing so will separate dissolved plant matter from the acidic cannabinoids. After a while, when the mixture settles, it is filtered, and the acetic acid and hexane are evaporated off. The resulting concentrate is mostly THCa.
After this step, chromatography methods purify the concentrate further. Once the chromatography is finished, chemical washes, filtered, and roto-vapes. In the end, the concentrate is treated with methanol, and then pentane. Finally, after one last roto-vape, the result is diamonds with greater than 99.97 percent THC content.

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ZZ Top--Deguello 1979 Full Album HQ

Thanks trich.

The first 2 links were old-hat for where we've been, but the last, though limited and fairly basic in its out-set, gives good insight into extracting more pure THCa diamonds, and the 99.97% purity for THCa is astounding. Less is more. WAY more.

I'm hesitant at this point to attempt further chemistry experiments, but intend to do low-temp extraction for the THCa.

Still interesting to read some of this that is new to me.

Thanks again.


John Prine on the raucous side of things.


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