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Question About Leaf Twisting


New member
This is a fertilizer imbalance. Probably too much Nitrogen. I had problems with this for years, until by chance, I started using liquid Seaweed-fertilizer (on peat substrate). I had bought some liquid Seaweed-fertilizer by mistake for something else, and decided to give it a try. It's not expensive, normally about £5 for a litre, and you will see almost immediate results, though this might depend on the new growth superceding the twisted leaves. https://www.diy.com/departments/verve-liquid-seaweed-plant-food-1l/943677_BQ.prd Don't use too much, about 1 cap per 10 litres. Manufacturers say it can be used on anything, indicating it's gentle. Very effective though, and a great insight into specialist fertilizers.
:plant grow:

Hey, thanks for the input. When I had this issue I had barely given them any nutrients (I'm using the advanced nutrients ph perfect). I had a fan blowing on them pretty steadily for a few days before they started to twist and it resolved itself once I reconfigured my grow room and the breeze was a bit less focused on the plants. I'm going to update my grow diary in a day or so and I'll put the link in this thread for anyone who wants to see where they are now.