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Cherry Pie's parents?




not just Durban, F1 is a strain as well

Don't believe the retarded "cook fam" it's gdp/durban poison x paki chitral kush

that's the f1 durban so many people get this wrong the cherry pie kush is by St George not the fookie fam


Cherry pie and gsc were conceived in the same room... At the time the cookie guys were running floridah, GDP, and f1 x durb.. The f1/durn threw dicks and pollinated floridah making cookies and GDP making cherry pie...

That was always my understanding of it at least...

The slash is interchangeable with the x ...... Dunno why people started don that but I do as well now... Only on the d1/durb tho.... Lol

So cherry pie = GDP x (f1 x durb)(r)

You were lied to man
How can cookies be the sister plant?!?!?! They cannot be cuz gsc
Is hermed bagseed cherry pie kush which is gdp/durban poison x paki chitral kush
durban poison x gdp is cherry pie the cookie fam are a bunch of hunched backed trolls spreading lies all over the Web fuck the cookie fam all of em


Any one heard of Napoleon's cut of cherry pie?

Glad to know the durbs in it for sure.

I smoked some really good dp a while back.

This thing is a real rooter and grower. Serious. Growth.

Only problem I keep hearing around here seems to be flavor, and I know I've read that if it's done outdoor it's great, while indoors is a pickle to dial in.

I have on one of the threads here on the mag. He may be the breeder or maybe someone in the circle from back in '06-'07 due to Highonpottery being the first to make any posts on cherry pie which he was gifted SEEDS from a anonymous friend unnamed from Humboldt maybe that unnamed guy is napoleon or maybe napoleon is part of the circle