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Fermenting, burying, traditional curing.


New member
Best way I've found, you use drying weed and no heat at all.

You harvest normally and hang the plants to dry. After 4-5 days of drying at 60-70% RH or 3-4 at 50% RH you take the stems and leaves out and press all the weed into any container that allows you to apply pressure.

I use a mason jar with a piece of wood and the leg of the bed to do the pressing. After that you just close the jar, put it in a dark and fresh place and wait for some days.

3 days is the minimum. I've done up to 2 weeks and I got really black strong shit. 3 days appears to be a little incomplete, but you can still have some of the original green weed smell.

It is nice to use mason jars because you can see if the mould is growing. It shouldn't.

After some days, you take it out and separe and extend the buds for a proper airing and drying. After some few days of drying it should be ready.

The pressure breaks the plant's cells and mixes all plant fluids with the smashed trichomes. It should help to avoid mould growing.

If you try this, don't use all you weed for the first run ;)
Good luck.

Thank you !

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Colombian cob

Colombian cob

Here are a few cobbs I made a few years ago with Colombian sativa.



Very easy to do and exotic for those who have never experienced fermented cannabis. This was Punto Rojo and Red Snake.



I have been working with other methods of fermentation (cannabis) with very positive returns. Soon for export.

red rider


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Well-known member
I have gotten dark brown/black mexican brick with red hairs that look much like the pictures here. I remember I always associated brown/black with schwag but there have been exceptions. I know the mexican growers tend to brick the weed while still slightly wet, then it is often wrapped in plastic and sits inside a hot semi trailer until it crosses the border. I wonder if some batches are moist enough to go through fermentation in those hot semi trailers?

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


I have gotten dark brown/black mexican brick with red hairs that look much like the pictures here. I remember I always associated brown/black with schwag but there have been exceptions. I know the mexican growers tend to brick the weed while still slightly wet, then it is often wrapped in plastic and sits inside a hot semi trailer until it crosses the border. I wonder if some batches are moist enough to go through fermentation in those hot semi trailers?

Yeah 90% of people think the same way, if it's brown it's shwag and if it's green it's KGB. But my photos are of the finest quality tropical (high altitude) 22 week sun grown Colombian land race. This is in noway cartel made and has never left this country. Although Spanish is spoken in both Mexico and Colombia, they are very different countries with different cannabis. Now days there is no fermented export cannabis coming out of Colombia, bunch of green (pretty) crippy that is as boring as apple pie is all.

red rider


Well-known member
Yeah 90% of people think the same way, if it's brown it's shwag and if it's green it's KGB. But my photos are of the finest quality tropical (high altitude) 22 week sun grown Colombian land race. This is in noway cartel made and has never left this country. Although Spanish is spoken in both Mexico and Colombia, they are very different countries with different cannabis. Now days there is no fermented export cannabis coming out of Colombia, bunch of green (pretty) crippy that is as boring as apple pie is all.

red rider

I don't think they would intentionally ferment the bricks, I went to mexico in the late 90's and the buds were bricked slightly moist wrapped tightly in many layers of plastic. Then it would sit in the back of a semi trailer in full sun for days before crossing the border. I have gotten Mexican brick that had a earthy smell, smooth taste, and a euphoric happy buzz from brown earthy brick weed and wonder if it could be fermented?

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I don't think they would intentionally ferment the bricks, I went to mexico in the late 90's and the buds were bricked slightly moist wrapped tightly in many layers of plastic. Then it would sit in the back of a semi trailer in full sun for days before crossing the border. I have gotten Mexican brick that had a earthy smell, smooth taste, and a euphoric happy buzz from brown earthy brick weed and wonder if it could be fermented?

Yes I think what you had was indeed fermented (unintentionally) but I don't like cartel weed. The cob cure I do is I think very different, from the process to the plant used. I pack those fresh corn husks with wispy moderate potency sun (Colombian) grown native varieties and let time do the work. The fermentation process doesn't increase the potency, but enhances it while making the smell and taste richer.
To me this fermentation process (cob cure) makes my Punto Rojo taste like the fine Colombian of yesteryear, maybe even better.

red rider


This is going to be a bit long by necessity. I grew up at a family owned business that scraped, salvaged and sold over a thousand tons a month of badass industrial process equipment and from real young I hung out having free reign and obsessively built inventions from the free material available to me.

I also from birth had a genetic neurodivergent condition that at times (too many) could cause me to get stuck until I knew what was happening inside a machine. Besides the disadvantages I have a knack for noticing things in complex systems most miss. Not always just a few that stand out though. One with extraordinart implications for cannabis.

After a first outdoor grow resulted in over 300# of potent seeded buds I decided to make thai type sticks fortified with oil. I wanted it to be Ca. Compliant back then (over ten years now) so I was trying to use convection under variable vacuum and condense with pressure kind of like a refrigerator pump with a vacuum on one side to pressure. Was trying to get three fractions in one run and a vapor phase change and for good measure distribute it back on deseeded bud...on a stick! haha! I tried electroplating them with charged vapor everything. At the same time I was searching for a real recipe for real Thai stick old school style like high school. A daunting task indeed. I eventually found a translation of a Spanish High Times where a backpacker spent time with Buddihs nuns in Cambodio and they made "Thai Sticks"but watch how straight up it is as you would guess they did it according to him like everything else in a rain forest.

To combat mold they dry partially in a hut with hot coals (like everything else) they at some point tie it on a stick(like everything else) they lave half the stick plain and stand them up in a bundle on the stick in a clay jar with maybe water hash or some concentrate goo on the bottom of the jar they seal it and bury it on top of hot coals to vaporize the goo and I believe create anaerobic conditions also like tanning skins ( i ended up reading all this and applying it) it inhibits mold (smoke) and gets rid of chlorophyll breaks down sugars and something I got good at later the big one is carotenoid degradation products oxidized carotids give tobacco gold color like Thai Acupolco Gold etc) they give aged wine its color aroma n flavor roasted paprika and ROSES their aroma real powerful. So they leave the jars long after the coals cured the article said. No idea of accuracy I dont care first thing I did was wash a lb of bud in cold quick alcohol in dry ice mixed the ice with the bud too shook it up and dumped it into a ten in veggie steamer.

Boiled off the alc added a tad of water to make sure boiled it all out nice then put a ten in three foot high piece of stainless pipe on the steamer put the basket way up high with fresh picked wet buds added blue freezer packs and taped the lid on and heated over night.

I changed the gel packs a couple times and the kitchen stove would occasionally burn instead of vaporize which was good because in the morning it was just right for moisture. The buds had turned golden were gooey hashy smelling with black highlights on the leaf edges and they were potent I called the "Black Tie".

The process is hit and miss and hard to do but I believe it is an art waiting for artists. I wrote a long report of all of my rediscoveries of ancient tech it happens a lot but in this case I realized Id reinvented the smoking process which meat cheese nuts and tobacco benefit from and have a niche. But I went way beyond that.

After a LOT of hard obsessing and inventing I was stuck at a road block on the convention machine (never finished because I discovered something better) when after a month or so I saif fk it I know the parts down stream are off the shelf and started designing it backwards which is how I do everything (another divergent trait new pathways) but I had a major Eurica moment which quickly turned to the realization Id just invented something from scratch exactly how it was first patented in 1920.

But remember Id been dismantling industrial equipment from every sector my whole life I know all the way they use to make everything we consume and I then digested every single cannabis product sold I can tell the processes by the products and realized this tech has been completely overlooked by us. A monumental oversight indeed.

I put it like this. The cannabis industry has evolved to date around a technological hole due to theabsence of one relatively inexpensive type of industrial process equipment resulting in cannabis consumers paying more for fewer coices of inferior products, all of them it applies to everyone every category. It the reason for dosing and dietary limitations. Using it I can produce every type of product only better faster cheaper more variety and even several new categories. Its allowed me to do exotic extended cures smoke cures for specialy blending products I age like Purique tobacco which is smashed in barrels with screws until it ferments and bubbles. Its expensive and used for blending only. I trade oils for water and these products can have ols aging from five generations back then I freeze dry and powder through a sieve smaller than trichomes the special blend products up to five layers of each. These products in the 50s thc etc still break with scissors roll and smoke in a long burning joint. I believe this is going to be where you expert growers will seperate the men from the boys with your talents its too easy to get genetics etc now and only a few like yourselves can know enough to pay more and they usually grow by then. I believe numbered signature batch runs are the brandable, artisan, signature products everyone has been searching for. And whoever gets in first can start the mystique like Purique these buds are freaks the brandable family haha!

Im going to try and add some pictures. I collaberated with a group in Santa Cruz for about 8 months that incuuded every type of pro dispensary old school grpwers a guy with a blog and network of old heads pharmaxists etc first thing they say when looking at one of my buds and they stink to high heaven because part of the process is done cold but the typical response after wow oh my is NOTHING LIKE A MOON ROCK! I wouldnt hang one from my rear view mirror. Extractor waste rolled in dirt dipped in bus station bathroom deodarant. Mooshy unstable etc. Mine are true connesuer buds. I sound arrogant at times because it is what it is I challenge people that I have the best buds on Earth because when I prove it bring your best and oils and Ill use them to show you better! Its as good as you grew it.
Seriously though only someone who grew it and knows the taste through and through those I love to double what you fought so hard to grow it. My process you cant even see it. Sorry I go on but it is a lot of info.

Part of this is I did what I do with systems and if this existing tech is not managed collectively thought through it could self introduce through dangerous do it yourself vids like BHO. And industrial processes all use a concentrated formula so today for us unfortunately that means BHO outlaw extractors. Any new increase in concentrates will translate directly into more explosions. I spent two years sidetracked and stuck on that system. I found the NCIA hasno crisis response plan at all as evidenced by they didnt recognize BHO news stories are the most reputation damaging possible and the numbers commonalities lack of mitigating response distance traveled and number compared to a good story people actually read I found we were at a critical level already.

I found homeland security memoes saying they are watching numbers and waiting to pounce if legalization equals explosions it does. I started trying to warn them and never had a response. I said according to Harvard Forbes etc expect institutional sanctions from insurance. That began in dec 2014. in mid 2015 Lloyds of London "suddenly and unexpectantly exited cannabis" and nobody understood why. They said money laundering concerns which also nobody understood they hadnt lost a nickle nope.

But you know what I call $100 million in property damage alone from BHO in just the ten months prior to the exit? Thats what we call a clue. BHO has cost the industry 10-20% of total real money value. Hard to see when making so much money. But its the invisible anchor. Leass are harder, permits political capitol and new states. I found the parents opposed to pots website had more useful data more concern and was doing more than all our national orgs and trade associations combined.

I merely suggested I have enough you should hire professionals because if a youtube video gets out how I do what I do expect BHO explosions to triple in 90-120 days and climb as high as ten times in a year. This is why I wrote a report.

The Rise And Fall Of The Emerald Empire. The tragic tale of the industry that had no clothes. Predicting the collapse of the cannabis industry. Communities go up in flames Trump gonna regulate you back to the sixties and raid everyone. They can protect the people if we cant. The easy answer is Mercaptan mandatory in every can instead of voluntary. Its reputation repair 101 I call it EvesLaw. We take back the narrative show were the experts join hands with parents opposed to pot, police chiefs city councils churches have willie Nelson N Whoopie in front of every camera breaking bread with republicans Satan haha! you get it. A campaign in a can we could have full page ads for it and business name. It shows were not just money grubers but community members we are not the Dabbahadeen. BHO fires do for us what ISIS does for Islam and it is our fucking problem.

My dad died the business chenged hands and Im living in my van which just broke down. Im looking to pass the torch and "give" it into the right persons hands there is a fortune to be made just contracting manufacturers for ex demand before they learn of our untapped market. One High Times expose with pictures and everything changes. This is going to be for us what it is today a powerful sub industry with its own tradeassociation not a niche. The industry will reorganize around it. 80% of all products will be one way or another touched by it. All growers will produce these VIP high dollar buds you will have to or get used to second place. And damnit you will want to. Todays top shelf will be retro classic old school plain buds thes will be the new bar. Or when the tech is out there its not expensive every asshole will have three times the everything. its just the truth they have more character range of everything. Cultured cannabis for the cannabis culture I call it Xannabis the Xpanded Xperience. Its fun as hell to. Now you will grow to perection but then everyting the first posts talked about. This makes it uniform and so easy a kid could do it perfect every time. You will look and braking down the plant like meat oh and the heat in specialty products also the maillord reaction (roasting or baked) maillord reaxtion create a plethora of new f;avors and fragrances. This is art waiting for artists. Ill show and share to the right individual right now so please miss mewith a buch of nay sayers and guessers Im not saying anything more except to someone who the NCIA will listen to and has some juice. Ethical the people first. And why would anyone really want me to reveal everything now I just said a lot of people would die so keep it in mind. Its a decade of research it takes a bit to say. A few that just commented the senior members Id talk to. Im in Merced co I can show you faster than tell you. Id like to go back to advancing the methods and tradecraft. Im new but will try and post some picks now. Peace Im SIG The Servant in The Garden. Ive got some truth for ya.URL what?




also Im trying to add test results but it comes out in a different format tptally different and instead of a column or results their all together and instead of THC at 42% its one of the other numbers and all fked up. These buds were infused with oil wet and closed in a clear container in the sun it was just an experiment to see how CBD helped break down the plant and trying to dump green so it has 14% cbd 34% thc Ill figure out how to print the test results right. But that night after it got cool the water had transmuted past oils nd oils got cool so they felt prickly like a starfish put in basement in the a.n. the water in center has equalized and it was brown and mushy I thought I ruined them and let set a couple days came back they turned that gold sun burned look had the red polyps or ruptues inside and smelled strongly of blue dream flowers I figured the heat sun oil rain coat overloaded carotenoids and rapid degradation oxidation ergo strong flowers, I went to work infusing other blue cookies and blue oils abd layering old cured condiment bud powder with complex sugars etc. Sealed them shut three weeks before halloween and wrote on the jars do not open until halloween blue nightmare. One was given to a canna cup trophy 2 time winner best sativa and four time judge he opened the jar on halloween smelled it said WOW! theres a lot going on here. I saw him a week later he said all hed been smoking was my stuff and its really good/special. I have results for Jack Hammer 43% thc and Blue nightmre. These are the pics green bud is jack and brown blue nightmare


I'm hoping to connect with a good responsible community oriented individual to share what I've learned in ten years of as secret as possible testing. And also show why I'm so convinced that this thing is poised and has the potential to take off on its own doing great harm to the community setting us back years. If fires start rapidly climbing and people get hurt and killed in significant numbers we better expect the Feds to drop a heavy hammer. But legalization efforts will be set back also. Everything is in jeopardy today and were on borrowed time today. Its a miracle it hasn't already happened.

Ill post my email if allowed. Id like to talk to a senior member etc.Someone thats been a steward for cannabis.