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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

(The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 832)
Selection source: Kyo no Hosshin, Seikyo Shimbun, November 28th, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Trust is built on promises kept. The most important thing in gaining the trust of others is to keep our promises. By keeping our promises, even if those to whom we’ve made them have forgotten, we come to establish our own path, creed, and character."

SGI Newsletter No. 8678, The New Human Revolution––Vol. 26: Chap. 1, Atsuta 24, translated 26th Nov. 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"And Nichiren declares that the sufferings that all living beings undergo, all springing from this one cause--all these are Nichiren's own sufferings."

(On Reprimanding Hachiman - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.2, page 934) Selection source: "Teachings of Buddhism", Seikyo Shimbun, 23rd December, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"As the great scientist Albert Einstein (1879–1955) declared: 'Enduring peace will come about, not by countries continuing to threaten one another, but only through an honest effort to create mutual trust.'[1] To succeed in dialogue, which is the most direct path to peace, it is important to build trust and to forge and foster friendships. Towards that end, let us listen to what others have to say, respect others, and learn from them. These are the golden rules of meaningful dialogue.

"Nichiren Daishonin writes: 'The purpose of the appearance in this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his behaviour as a human being' (WND-1, 852). It is only through our sincerity and earnest actions that we can promote a growing commitment to the ideals of peace."

SGI Newsletter No. 8693. Our Brilliant Path to Victory. The 55th Anniversary of President Toda’s Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons—Part 2 [of 2], from the 12th Sep., 2012, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated 28th Dec. 2012

[1] Albert Einstein, Einstein on Peace (New York: Schocken Books, 1960), p. 380.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Let's wisely manage our daily rhythm of life.
Making good choices about the food we eat and our sleeping time,
let's not allow exhaustion to accumulate.
Let's make healthy living our top priority!

Daisaku Ikeda


New member
Indoor Companion Plants

Indoor Companion Plants

Hello there,
I have a question, and given my recent introduction to chanting and the Nam myoho renge Kyo. This seemed like a fitting place to ask it. Does anyone have experience with companion plants for Cannabis indoors? The primary goal is to subvert pests, but also mask odor and generally improve the well being of the plants. Thank you!


Hello there,
I have a question, and given my recent introduction to chanting and the Nam myoho renge Kyo. This seemed like a fitting place to ask it. Does anyone have experience with companion plants for Cannabis indoors? The primary goal is to subvert pests, but also mask odor and generally improve the well being of the plants. Thank you!
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! cheep on chanting bro! make this plants companion... if you want =)



What a collosal month! I had a huge amount of obstacles, persecution, struggles and turned out victorious in every regard. Today I made the determination to support our monthly kosen-rufu gongyo meeting on Sunday, as a member of the behind-the-scenes group so I could support our gathering of Bodhisattvas of the earth in appreciation of all the Gohonzon has provided me with in the here and now. I had to chant for more money than I ever needed in one nut, but that wasn't difficult with faith it was exciting because I knew it was coming as I demanded that the universe protect me and my home. I had to pay a huge expense to repair my home and also pay for my next semester of graduate school. No Joke it was more than the downpayment to get a house, but I chanted with faith and appreciation everyday.

I saved my home and all the money came from the most myoho (inconspicuous) places, but there were severe obstacles. A co-worker who is higher in the corporate food chain than me tried to shit on me and blame me for not doing their work, basically bullying. I stood up for myself and sent our ultimate superior a message requesting an audience with him. Before I got to speak to him this other person indicated to me that they already spoke to our manager and the manager would be calling me soon. I was so gutted that this person pre-empted my move to protect myself. However, when I finally spoke to the chief, first I explained that we cannot be wasting time with the nonsense we will be briefly discussing, but more importantly I will not be tolerating injustice against any member of my department and company. My boss basically said, "hey I just want you to know we love you, we appreciate you, you are great." WOW! BOOM- ultraVictory!

Next, my contractor is about 98% finished and comes over recently for a check and I was feeling good from doing gongyo and cleaning. We spoke for a bit about the job and life, he was looking at my altar and said to me "You're a king." and other things, but that resonated with me because I consider Sensei to be a King, PasstheDoobie is a Daimoku King, one day Prince William may be the King of England, etc. BUT, Nichiren Daishonin is the real manifestation of the Buddha of Beginingless Time Eternally Endowed With the Three Bodies, the Original Buddha, my Master and prime example of my life. Friends this thread supports towards understanding how we could practice together and fight for kosen-rufu with Sensei (President Daisaku Ikeda of the SGI) right where we are as we are. In fact, the Castle is the SGI and we Bodhisattvas of the Earth are actually all Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses.

That makes sense doesn't it! Its fucking thrilling to accept praise, but to know that the true origin of this goes a little something like this to me:

Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944) is joined by Josei Toda (February 11, 1900 – April 2, 1958) to start what will become through Daisaku Ikeda's leadership the Soka Gakkai International, which inspires and engages a great man known as Tony Matsuoka and another amazing pioneer for American (USA) kosen-rufu by the name of Ted Osaki! Mr. Matsuoka (RIP) and Mr. Osaki (RIP) nurtured a young PasstheDoobie into developing faith in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism who shakubukued Babbabud. From First Honorary President Makiguchi to Babbabud! WOOOOOOT WOOOOOOOT. My main man Babba introduced me at a critical juncture of my life and jumped in the "ocean" with me (so to speak) to help me swim to the shore of developing my own Buddhist practice. Collaborating with Babba and this myoho thread on ICMAG, soooooo many Bodhisattvas of the Earth have emerged and I've directly introduced over 30 people to the Gohonzon and 12 have recieved the Gohonzon and started their own practice. I "randomly bump into people" that are familiar with the practice and have Buddhist dailogue everywhere a brother goes, that's all an easyDaimoku knows!

This month for me began with faith based on Nichiren Daishonin, who's philosophy inspired the 1st President of the SGI to create the Book - Value Creation Pedagogy, which became the central crux of President Toda's efforts to rebuild the organization after the Japanese Imperial government imprison Sensei Toda and his mentor President Makiguchi. I chant to the same Gohonzon as President Ikeda, as many members of this thread and all the members of the SGI. Its been a while since I encouraged our Chanting Growers to support their local organizations, but I'll just lead by example this upcoming second month of what will be a great year.

I'm going to live with gratitude and fight for the best possible future in my life, continue my education towards a doctorate, build friendships and bridges to a brighter future. This all began here, page 1 of this Babba and PTD. I showed up around page 158ish!! We are into our 1st thousand pages and roaring like the Lion King everyday. I read every post and owe PTD some pics (I also saw the video when you posted it and have had sooooo much mercy for my parents lately and continue to show them actual proof on an escalatingly consistent basis)! Much love to all! Big hugs to my people! Love you all and am so grateful for all the newer members representing!



Ohh how could I forget, Today I was invited to be a "Student Mentor" for undergraduates! Coincidence? I think not, its our faith! Let's keep healing my mom with daimoku and improving our lives with faith ;)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
What a collosal month! I had a huge amount of obstacles, persecution, struggles and turned out victorious in every regard. Today I made the determination to support our monthly kosen-rufu gongyo meeting on Sunday, as a member of the behind-the-scenes group so I could support our gathering of Bodhisattvas of the earth in appreciation of all the Gohonzon has provided me with in the here and now. I had to chant for more money than I ever needed in one nut, but that wasn't difficult with faith it was exciting because I knew it was coming as I demanded that the universe protect me and my home. I had to pay a huge expense to repair my home and also pay for my next semester of graduate school. No Joke it was more than the downpayment to get a house, but I chanted with faith and appreciation everyday.

I saved my home and all the money came from the most myoho (inconspicuous) places, but there were severe obstacles. A co-worker who is higher in the corporate food chain than me tried to shit on me and blame me for not doing their work, basically bullying. I stood up for myself and sent our ultimate superior a message requesting an audience with him. Before I got to speak to him this other person indicated to me that they already spoke to our manager and the manager would be calling me soon. I was so gutted that this person pre-empted my move to protect myself. However, when I finally spoke to the chief, first I explained that we cannot be wasting time with the nonsense we will be briefly discussing, but more importantly I will not be tolerating injustice against any member of my department and company. My boss basically said, "hey I just want you to know we love you, we appreciate you, you are great." WOW! BOOM- ultraVictory!

Next, my contractor is about 98% finished and comes over recently for a check and I was feeling good from doing gongyo and cleaning. We spoke for a bit about the job and life, he was looking at my altar and said to me "You're a king." and other things, but that resonated with me because I consider Sensei to be a King, PasstheDoobie is a Daimoku King, one day Prince William may be the King of England, etc. BUT, Nichiren Daishonin is the real manifestation of the Buddha of Beginingless Time Eternally Endowed With the Three Bodies, the Original Buddha, my Master and prime example of my life. Friends this thread supports towards understanding how we could practice together and fight for kosen-rufu with Sensei (President Daisaku Ikeda of the SGI) right where we are as we are. In fact, the Castle is the SGI and we Bodhisattvas of the Earth are actually all Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses.

That makes sense doesn't it! Its fucking thrilling to accept praise, but to know that the true origin of this goes a little something like this to me:

Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944) is joined by Josei Toda (February 11, 1900 – April 2, 1958) to start what will become through Daisaku Ikeda's leadership the Soka Gakkai International, which inspires and engages a great man known as Tony Matsuoka and another amazing pioneer for American (USA) kosen-rufu by the name of Ted Osaki! Mr. Matsuoka (RIP) and Mr. Osaki (RIP) nurtured a young PasstheDoobie into developing faith in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism who shakubukued Babbabud. From First Honorary President Makiguchi to Babbabud! WOOOOOOT WOOOOOOOT. My main man Babba introduced me at a critical juncture of my life and jumped in the "ocean" with me (so to speak) to help me swim to the shore of developing my own Buddhist practice. Collaborating with Babba and this myoho thread on ICMAG, soooooo many Bodhisattvas of the Earth have emerged and I've directly introduced over 30 people to the Gohonzon and 12 have recieved the Gohonzon and started their own practice. I "randomly bump into people" that are familiar with the practice and have Buddhist dailogue everywhere a brother goes, that's all an easyDaimoku knows!

This month for me began with faith based on Nichiren Daishonin, who's philosophy inspired the 1st President of the SGI to create the Book - Value Creation Pedagogy, which became the central crux of President Toda's efforts to rebuild the organization after the Japanese Imperial government imprison Sensei Toda and his mentor President Makiguchi. I chant to the same Gohonzon as President Ikeda, as many members of this thread and all the members of the SGI. Its been a while since I encouraged our Chanting Growers to support their local organizations, but I'll just lead by example this upcoming second month of what will be a great year.

I'm going to live with gratitude and fight for the best possible future in my life, continue my education towards a doctorate, build friendships and bridges to a brighter future. This all began here, page 1 of this Babba and PTD. I showed up around page 158ish!! We are into our 1st thousand pages and roaring like the Lion King everyday. I read every post and owe PTD some pics (I also saw the video when you posted it and have had sooooo much mercy for my parents lately and continue to show them actual proof on an escalatingly consistent basis)! Much love to all! Big hugs to my people! Love you all and am so grateful for all the newer members representing!


Dude, you made me cry! I am so proud of you! No one else in my life has ever reminded me of myself as much as you do! I'm not sure if that's a good thing! But with Mugi-wasshin, it doesn't freaking matter does it!

HA! Living Sensei's encouragement! Living life with the focus of leading others to Buddhahood! The proof of actual fact! Born of faith and action, it is a Victory of Gold!!!

Congratulations Brother!

Be the Buddha! :tiphat:

Bowing in humble obeisance,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Please keep this in mind when chanting about a problem. There is no problem you will face in life that you cannot change and overcome. It doesn't freaking exist!

Don't be afraid!
Don't be defeated!
Victory of GOLD!!!


Bowing in humble obeisance,


As Easy's post just demonstrated!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! cheep on chanting bro! make this plants companion... if you want =)


Kosimoto san,

If you read back in the thread, you'll see we really don't converse about pot that much here. Some of the people that participate in this thread don't even get high. Keep chanting! The answers to your questions will get answered!!!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Life itself is a continuous exploration of the unknown. There may be times when we encounter unexpected storms of adversity. But it is in challenging those difficulties that we find the way to break through them and win. As long as we don’t lose sight of our goals, not a single day will ever be wasted; each day will be precious and meaningful, filling us with hope and allowing us to grow."

SGI Newsletter No. 8708, Our Brilliant Path to Victory, Bring Forth Fresh Passion and Energy!—Part 2 [of 2], from the 19th Oct., 2012, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated 22nd Jan. 2013


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Volume 1, page 283) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, January 31st, 2013


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The true path lies in the affairs of this world."

(The Gift of Rice - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 1126) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's essay, Seikyo Shimbun, December 29th, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"'It is the heart that is important' (WND-1, 1000), the Daishonin says. Our attitudes and mental states are indeed subtle, and sometimes the smallest difference can lead to a huge divergence in the directions our lives take.

"Even when addressing members of the same family, the Daishonin always tailored his advice to fit the unique circumstances and emotional state of each individual.

"Always being mindful of how we can help each person establish strong faith in the Gohonzon is the essence of the humanistic teaching of Nichiren Daishonin."

SGI Newsletter No. 8691, Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory, [43] “Reply to Niiama.” The Gohonzon Opens the Way to Happiness for All People, from the August 2012 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translated 25th Dec. 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The power of medicine is very important, but overcoming an illness depends, in the end, on your life force. As long as you don’t transform the karma of suffering from illness, you may recover from one illness but you’ll only come down with another. Buddhism teaches the way to bring forth your inner life force and transform your karma."

SGI Newsletter No. 8462, The New Human Revolution––Vol. 25: Chap. 2, Shared Struggle 18, translated March 1st, 2012
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