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Come one come all to the greatest message on earth!

Come one come all to the greatest message on earth!

Dear Pearlemae:

Thank you for your post. However, please refrain from posting without reading into the basis of this thread. We are practicing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism here and not worshiping Mr. Dalai Lama. I'm very grateful for all who post on this thread, but it is imperative that we remain focused on topic because this thread is so important to me and many other people. This site welcomes all people from every part of the world and if you wish to explore your belief in the 6 syllable Tibetan mantra. The Tibetan school is not very dissimilar from the Buddhism practice on this site and thread. The following information will clarify a bit further:
Tantric Buddhism uses meditation, mudras (hand gestures), esoteric rituals, many kinds of mantras, sutra recitation, and, in some schools, the harnessing and elevation of sexual energy. Tantric Buddhism is practiced in Tibet and in areas culturally influenced by Tibet. Like Zen and Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism has gained a foothold in the west.

Tibetan Buddhists believe that when their Teacher dies, he will be quickly reincarnated among them to lead them again. They believe he can be identified in childhood by auspicious signs that had accompanied his birth, his exceptional abilities and his past life recollections.

The leader of one Tibetan school is the Dalai Lama, who is also the political leader of the Tibetan government in exile in India.

In contrast to Tibetan Buddhism, Nichiren Buddhism:

· Does not use meditation. We actively practice what we chant for in our daily practice of gongyo and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

· Does not use mudras (except for holding the hands in an ordinary prayer position when chanting).

· Does not employ esoteric rituals (no fasting, no alms giving, no required circumcision).

· Uses only one mantra ( Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! ), not many kinds.

· Does not seek to employ sexual energy.

· Does not believe that Nichiren is reborn among his followers.

You will really like how this practice will also go well with your International Cannagraphic interests! We have a merry band of Chanting Growers and the best is yet to come for all of us! A lot of great things in motion, kick back, read some more and let's keep reacquainting with each other and having a great time!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Sincerity knows no barriers of age or nationality. Words spoken out of genuine concern for others strike a powerful chord in people's hearts."

SGI Newsletter No. 7932, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 23: Chap. 1, The Future 43, translated Feb. 10th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Regard your service to your lord as the practice of the Lotus Sutra."

(Reply to a Believer - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 905) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's essay, Seikyo Shimbun, February 12th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?"

(Reply to Kyo'o - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 412) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, February 13th, 2010
Just dropping in to say hello to everyone,

It is so good to see that you are all still around after 3 years of my absence.

I have since moved to California with my girlfriend and started a new life. I hope to catch up with you guys some time soon.



Almost 200,000 views! Whew!


Just dropping in to say hello to everyone,

It is so good to see that you are all still around after 3 years of my absence.

I have since moved to California with my girlfriend and started a new life. I hope to catch up with you guys some time soon.



Almost 200,000 views! Whew!


I NEVER STOP CHANTING FOR YOU! Although you've been gone if you search the thread you will see that your name will appear many times throughout the years you've been busy. I'm so glad you came back and really appreciate your note very much. You've always been a great example of a chanting grower!

When I finish law school we'll be neighbors for now I'm just going on that upward and onward trajectory!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! for life buddy! WOOHOOOO!

Big hug,

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Always, thanks for stopping by and checking in. It's great to see you back!

Hope to see you more often when you have time.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I told you everyone misses you Always! Welcome home and don't be a stranger! Good luck with what you have going on in Cali and post here often. We are Brothers and Sisters for life!

Much love and deepest respect (and gratitude for your return),



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"'Treasures of the heart' are not restricted to this existence. They adorn our hearts forever, throughout the three existences, and they are also the key source that enables us to acquire 'treasures in the storehouse' and 'treasures of the body.'Genuine happiness is not determined by 'treasures in the storehouse' or 'treasures of the body.' It's determined by the inner strength and richness of our hearts. If our hearts are burning with hope and courage at all times and filled with the spirit of challenge, we'll be brimming with joy and vigour no matter what our situation. This is true happiness."

SGI Newsletter No. 7846, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 22: Chap. 4, The Treasure of Life 18, translated Aug. 27th, 2009


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Where is my Brother Scegy? I was looking back through the years here, and came upon our first post from Scegy and the ensuing conversation. It was almost four years ago and since most people don't take the time to read back through the thread, I'm going to repost them. Sceggers are you out there? Thanks for being my Brother! (this starts on page 177)

hello to all Thinkers on this forum!
i started to read this forum untill i noticed that there are1 180 pages :) but i read the first 20 so i think i know what u'r talking here
i must say that i was touched knowing that other ppl think like me, but at the same time i felt terribly sad because i see no light here....i've had these kind of thoughts in my mind since i was little....and untill i met MJ i couldn't get out of my depression, i was effected by every single person i met, i always put other ppls infront of me...and after thinking a lot with MJ i realized that it is I that i should be worring about and taking care of in the first place then the others...i know it's a common expression but i didn't really understand it until reacently...i could go on...but let's stop
the more i live, the more i realize that most of the ppl on this planet don't like themselves and therefore they give the same respect to others.....problem? capitalism mixed with politics....and their consequences.

solution? how many ppl watches tv, reads the newspapers, goes to partys and drops dead....list goes on and on

do you see what i mean?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
This was Easy's response:

Would you believe me if I told you we are on the same page! I too struggle within myself and externally as well! I also detest the sick effect capitalism has engrained upon society and the lack of fruitful progression in many realms of polictics actually regressing since the self distructive nature of SOME have overrun the masses in many instances, look at the "dark" continent, check out the sick and hungary in anytown in the world and realize we need to free ourselves and engage in a positive movement somewhere along the line.

That's where SGI comes into play. SGI is a buddhist organization which promotes Kosen-rufu, or world peace. It is possible once it begins with you, but believe you me it only gets tougher! Ohh i know, I jumped into SGI looking for a panacea for lifes woes and what I have found is the conduit into enlightenment! The path is long and arduous but the results are relative to your PRACTICE! in other words the more you put faith in yourselve and empower yourself the more you grow and the more benefits you will reap! Freeing yourself and propagating the fruits of your wisdom will only make you chant, NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO more vigorously! It is our mantra and the saying of sayings, omnipotent words when examined further will help you come more into touch with your Buddha nature. Its within all of us bodhisattvas of the earth! Believe in yourself and bring upon the most excellent lifeforce, laden within you!

Thanks for stopping by, your almost there!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Scegy responding to what Easy said:

<quote>Believe in yourself and bring upon the most excellent lifeforce, laden within you!</quote>

that is how i live, but i'm a minority in my generation that's the problem...i'm afraid that we've come to far in destroying nature to overcome our greed and live in harmony with nature again and ppl around u.
why is that? simple rule of harmony, give some take some, but since we are so many we can only take, and give shit the way we work.
tell me this
how many factories do you know in ur place that have all their side products recycled?
how many ppl prefere to ware more clothes instead off turning on the heat?

i try to live as less harmfull to nature as i can but today's lifestyle forces me to do the opposite sometimes.so you see i contradict my believes even as i speak here.
so the question follows, how can i live without harming the nature and influincing on the others to do so too?if they can not see the dillusion i see...i should move to the moon? ofcourse i do know ppl that live by the same principles as i do but they'r 1 to 10 000
i see no end to this, i once thought that weed makes me think this...i felt depressed untill i thought that.....you see, harmony is what makes this whole shit spinning around and working the way it does...it's a simple thing, yet so uncomprihensive to many!
if all ppl grew...they'd learn to be patient ;)
probably a question pops in your head reading this, : "what do you want then?"
somthing that i'm certian that i'll never have :)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
My response to Scegy and others:

(In reverse order:)

Hey Bud! Last sonogram is Monday. The twins are putting on weight daily. She's pretty sure they are bigger than the trips were at this time, which was when they came out. So the endurance test begins. You would freak to see how big she is!!! And today she noticed she had more room in her stomach after her meal which means they have started to drop, so they could come sooner than we thought. In reality they are big enough to come out now. Your message of love was received with a lot of love in return. You and MrsB have truly become close and personal friends and we cannot express enough our gratitude for your love, support, and concern. Thank you~!

Easy! You da man, dude! What fantastic posts! I can't tell you how glad I am to know you and have you contributing so constructively towards the thread. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to you Brother! YOU ARE THE ROAR OF THE LION! You have my deepest respect! Your friendship is definitely a gift from the Gohonzon. Thank you for the countinuously inspiring words so eloquently delivered. Keep up all that chanting I hear in what you have to say.

Bob: What the hell was that? German??? I assume that means something, so whatever it is, I send it right back at you! (Beware the guardians of this thread. Sometimes they lack a sense of humor. Cause and effect, as always, can be very strict.)

searcher: Dude! Where ya been? So good to see you. If you have chanted before, start chanting again! Now!!! "Just wondering, did you mean the people that died in 9/11 had bad karma? And does believing in buddha help avoid dying this way." Brother, I never labeled it. But I don't think that "good karma" or "bad karma" is the issue. To die instantaneously might be considered a good karma compared to a long drawn out suffering from injuries or illness. To experience the futility, fear, and horror of those trapped on the upper floors, or to be pumped to the max with adrenaline full of hope to save others, as many of the fire fighters must have been, are two entirely different life conditions to depart this world in. Yet the karma to die that day would have been the same. Quite often we view life as the only thing that matters, when in fact, life continues in either a manifest or latent phase eternally. Nothing is forever, even death. Believing in Buddha is not the issue. Buddha is not separate from you. You are a Buddha. EVERYTHING possesses a Buddha nature. Manifesting that Buddha nature makes you a Buddha. That happens from chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon. So would practicing Buddhism as Nichiren instructed save one from such an experience? I believe it would. When you chant, your Buddha nature becomes manifest and you become in rhythm with your environment. That would allow you to mitigate anything, even if it appeared not to. Again in my opinion, to die instantly, while performing an act of Bodhisattva action, trying to save others, is to have lived life to it's fullest, no matter how old you are when that happens. But don't forget, a lot more people made it out that day than didn't. The collective karma of those that did, is certainly different than the collective karma of those that didn't. People die all the time. It is not a matter of how you die, but one of what life condition you were in in your last moments. No one knows that but the person dying. Even people that chant sometimes meet untimely ends, although that is a rare occurance. Nichiren had disciples that were killed, but many many more that should have been, or could have been, that weren't. I pray not about when I will die, but that I have the fortune say Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with my last breath. Longevity is relative. This is just another lifetime out of many.

scegy: I almost don't know where to begin. First of all, we aren't "Thinkers". We are people who practice the Buddhism of Nichiren and are attempting to share it with others, encouraging them to also try chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as we are. This Buddhism is based on action rather than contemplation. If you think you caught the gist in the first 20 pages, it wasn't revealed in your salutation or any of the posts you've made so far. This whole thread is about chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. In the absence of trying that as a prerequisite to any real understanding, I suggest you review the last twenty pages to gain more clarity of what we are talking about here. According to the teachings of Nichiren, whether you see any light is a reflection of you--of YOUR LIFE CONDITION. That is not necessarily a reflection of your intellect or the reality experienced by others. Personally, I see light everywhere! However, I am in agreement with your perception that it is just as important to take care of oneself as it is to committing oneself to the care of others. The more I read what you have to say, the more I am convinced you would get a tremendous amount of benefit from reading more of the thread. Easydisco has already addressed some of the things you said from the perspective of our Buddhist practice. I perceive all the things you point out, but they don't make me sad or unhappy. And that doesn't mean that I care less about them than you. I have already embraced a vehicle that allows me to change my own circumstance and in doing so change the circumstances (environment) surrounding me. I chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and practice the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. That empowerment has been something completely transferrable to others, as you will find by trying it yourself. Please do and keep reading! Thank you for taking the time to express yourself! (I'll respond to your PM via PM)

Have a great day everyone!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Scegy clarifies where he's coming from:

don't take my words as disrespect to others, i never put myself above others. wasn't talking about intelligence, it's pure fear that drives this nonsence called capitalism. i also see light in almost every man i meet, but they don't see it in themselves, therefore they'r not growin it as they should?reed me?
would you feel offended if i learn the debate as i go? i will try to be as less provocative as i can, i just like to learn things my own way, nothing more or less.
not knowing the past, first, sometimes gives you the right perspective on the present...so i think
about thinkers....i ment those who try to achieve their own peace in their head


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Easy adds more encouragement:

Welcome back,

Please be advised my introduction to this thread occurred less than 50 pages ago, if you go back and read the last 20-50 pages of this thread, you will become much more familiar than you can ever hope to be with Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I must have posted the definition of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo at least twice, and the constant encouragement from PTD and Babba have fueled us this far, still going strong.

Look at me, I am just another human living in the same time as you, until I began to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, I sincerely had no direction, I sense almost a sad confusion in your heart! Just as I once was lost, hoping to figure out the incredible or mystical aspect of life which I knew was always there. I could never put my finger on it and being raised in a monotheistic enviroment really made it all the more difficult to "outgrow" the inheirant confusion and trickery! I was duped into focusing on things I could never truely accept, but shedding that layer of skin and letting myself be reborn into a path of enlightenment has helped me to look past man's evils and enjoy the present! Its a daily struggle Sce, now that your seeking spirit brought you this far, continue to read and grow with us!

Nam Myoho Renge KYO!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
And I add a bit myself:

But Brother, I meant no disrespect either. Surely you can "learn the debate as you go." You are free to do as you please! My only thought is that in these last 20 pages there are many references that would bring you additional clarity as to what Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is all about. It isn't fair to Gypsy's server space to re-post all of those topics. Try checking out this connection, to read as you please, the perspective and spirit that is attempting to be conveyed:


The point that Nichiren Buddhism makes is that now is a specific time period, referred to in the Lotus Sutra as the 'Latter Day of the Law.' This coincides with a time-line of around two thousand years after the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni Gautama of India's death. The societal circumstance that frustrates you, was predicted along with a remedy. That remedy was for individuals to appear in society that would lead others to embrace the eternal law of causality that is embodied within the title of the Lotus Sutra of 'Myoho-renge-kyo.' By envoking this title by repeating it along with the character for ones sense of devotion, 'Nam', we derive the mantra that we speak of here: Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. You are astute in your observations, but in my opinion, your sense of futility is incorrect. I was merely trying to point you in a direction that might add something very positive to your daily life.

Please try chanting these words--Nam-myoho-renge-kyo--and see what happens.

You are welcome here always. No debates. However we do make pointed comments aimed at trying to provide those seeking answers the truth as we know it from living this Law with our lives. Does anyone else have something to say that would make my meaning more clearly understood to our friend scegy? Please jump in!

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