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ICMag Donor
Hi everyone!!...hope everyone is doing great :D reading daily and enjoying all the posts...Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member


ENERGY!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Hi Mrs Babba!!! Nam myoho renge kyo :woohoo:

Hi WAMEN!!! Nam myoho renge kyo :woohoo:

Wecome Southwind!!!!!!!! :woohoo: Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!


VICTORY IS OURS!!!!! :woohoo:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Active member
Thomas, where are you man,i bow in obiesence to you.

peace and all my love to you and yours


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Buddhism in Daily Life

Buddhism in Daily Life

Rissho Ankoku--Securing Peace for the People

Buddhism takes a fundamentally positive view of human life. Its core message is that every individual has infinite dignity and potential.

In the Lotus Sutra, the scripture which is recognized in the Nichiren tradition as the highest, most complete teaching of Shakyamuni, the image of a massive jewel-decked treasure tower is used to illustrate the beauty, dignity and preciousness of life.

If we truly understand that human life is the most precious of all treasures, we will value our own lives and those of others. From this perspective it is clear that war, as the ultimate abuse and cruelty to human beings, is to be absolutely and totally rejected, and peace should be our constant goal.

If society embraced this view of life's value, preventing violence and addressing all forms of suffering would become the highest priorities of humankind, as opposed to the accumulation of material wealth and power. Those who nurture and care for life--parents, nurses, doctors and teachers--would be treated with the greatest respect.

But humanity's common curse is an inability to fully believe in or appreciate the value of our own lives and those of others. And even if we do accept this in theory, to act on it on a day-to-day basis is extremely difficult. When faced with a bitter interpersonal conflict we may still experience poisonous thoughts of jealousy and hatred, and wish to harm another person or wish that they could somehow be "got out of the way."
Inner Transformation
The UNESCO Constitution states that "since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." Likewise, Buddhism stresses that only an inner transformation of our lives, from the deepest level, can make our compassion stronger than our egotistical desire to win over or use others. It offers us teachings and tools which enable us to effect this kind of core transformation.

Buddhism views life as a struggle between the forces of good and evil. Good is defined as the creative, compassionate nature inherent in people, the desire to be happy oneself and aid others in their quest for happiness. Evil is defined as that which divides and breaks down our sense of connection, propelling us into a fear-driven competition to use and dominate others before they can do this to us. .

During the lifetime of Nichiren, 13th-century Japan, a series of natural disasters--earthquakes, floods, pestilence and fire--had devastated the country. The sufferings of ordinary people were enormous. Nichiren's determination to uncover the fundamental cause of this misery drove him to study and analyze the underlying belief structures of society. Specifically, he was aware that although the country was filled with Buddhist temples and priests, somehow their prayers and actions were failing to produce results in the form of peace or security for the people.

He felt that the disorder evident in the world reflected disorder within human beings. As he wrote, "In a country where the three poisons [of greed, anger and foolishness] prevail to such a degree, how can there be peace and stability? ...Famine occurs as a result of greed, pestilence as a result of foolishness, and warfare as a result of anger." He was convinced that only Buddhism could give people the strength to overcome these spiritual poisons in their lives, but as a result of wide-ranging study, he concluded that Buddhism as it was being practiced in his time was encouraging a passivity that left people vulnerable to the sway of these poisons rather than empowering them to overcome them.
Happiness Now
Nichiren specifically rejected the prevailing belief that all Buddhism could offer was the hope of comfort after death, and that the best attitude to take toward life was one of patient enduring. He passionately believed that Buddhism as originally taught had something much better to offer: the possibility of happiness and fulfillment in this present life, and that it could give people the strength to transform human society itself into an ideal and peaceful land.

Nichiren's most important treatise, entitled "Rissho Ankoku Ron," literally "On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land," presented to the political ruler of the day in July 1260, was a passionate cry for a return to the original purpose of Buddhism--securing the peace and happiness of the people. A key function of Buddhist priests at that time was to pray for the protection of the rulers of the nation. In contrast, Nichiren's focus was the ordinary citizens. In the "Rissho Ankoku Ron," for instance, the Chinese character he chose when he wrote "land" has at its center the character for "common people," rather than more frequently used characters that show the king within his domain or armed protection of the domain.

Lotus flowers by Fang Zhaoling
In a sense Nichiren's concern can be said to be what is now defined as "human security." As SGI President Ikeda said in a recent discussion on this treatise, "In the past, 'security' has solely implied national security ... But what kind of security is it if, while the state is protected, the lives and dignity of each citizen are threatened? Currently, the prevailing view of security is steadily being altered from one that focuses on the state to one that focuses on the human being."

Nichiren starts his treatise by describing the turmoil he saw around him. "Over half the population has already been carried off by death, and there is hardly a single person who does not grieve." His prime motivation was a wrenching sense of empathy for the people's plight. He had taken a vow to lead himself and others to happiness, and this meant struggling to awaken and empower people to challenge their own destiny. His outspoken determination earned him a controversial reputation which persists to this day. "I cannot keep silent on this matter," he wrote. "I cannot suppress my fears."

In terms of concrete action, Nichiren urged the political leaders of the day to cease official patronage of favored sects and for open public debate on the merits of the different schools of Buddhism. On a personal level, he called on the leaders to "reform the tenets that you hold in your heart." In today's terms this means transforming ourselves and our most deeply held beliefs about the nature of life.
Philosophy of Peace
Commenting on the nature of that transformation, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda says, "What matters is that the spirit of the great philosophy of peace expounded in the Lotus Sutra [with its teaching that all people are Buddhas] be given full play in society as a whole. On a societal level, 'establishing the correct teaching' means establishing the concepts of human dignity and the sanctity of life as principles that support and move society."

Many people today live with a sense of confusion, emptiness and despair. They feel powerless to effect change either within their own lives or society as a whole. Idealism is equated with naïveté and cynicism serves a cover for the failure of hope. Disrespect for human life fuels violence and exploitation.

The function of any religion or philosophy should be to give people the courage and hope needed to transform their sufferings. We need to develop the strength to engage successfully in a struggle against the forces of division and destruction within our own lives and the larger social realm. Unless empowerment for ourselves and others is our goal, we will be unable to resist and overcome the negative influences within our own lives and their environment.

To create an age of peace, one in which life is given supreme value, it is vital for us to have a philosophy that reveals the wonder, dignity and infinite potential of life. When we base our actions on this belief and take action out of compassion for others, the result is a pure joy which in turn motivates us to further action. Empowering ourselves from within, our sphere of compassion becomes wider and wider, encompassing not only ourselves, our own families and nations, but the whole of humanity. We develop the wisdom and compassion to reject and resist all acts that harm or denigrate life. In this way, both an inner sense of security and a peaceful society which prioritizes protection for the vulnerable can be assured.
[ Courtesy July 2003 SGI Quarterly ]

Daily Encouragement by President Ikeda:

Doing gongyo every day is a challenge. Introducing others to the practice is a challenge. Getting people to subscribe to our organ paper is a challenge. Attending meetings is a challenge. Sometimes it can all become too much and leave one feeling negative and wanting to take a break! Since we are human beings, it's only natural that we might feel this way on occasion. The important thing, however, is not to spin out of the orbit of faith. I hope you will continue to pursue the path of Buddhahood steadily and patiently, encouraging one another on your journey.

Lectures and articles about Nichiren Buddhism: http://sgi-usa.org/buddhism/
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well look what the cat drug in :) Welcome back to the "Chanting Growers" thread Easy :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
I second that! :wave: Welcome back easy!!!! :wave: You have been missed!!


bonz :wave:

:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:


Joint Date: Today.
These words make me feel really silly about me complaining for my weedless situation.. i got my life..my health.. my family and i got a strong circle of friends where all the good vibes keep flowing constantly.
Its good.. Its all good :smile:

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo




I came back for PersonalMeds, Fallen, Respect & Smile, Scegy, Tree, Dutchgrown, Capt. Crip, Eagle, mr. wags, WAMEN (forza!) and everyone else whom did not receive Gohonzon yet.

Babba, Bonzo, Socal, Hitman, Alwaystotheleft
; Your all in my daily prayers and essentially part of my practice, CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE LAW!

PasstheDoobie, I couldn't resist anymore (You know I read the thread everyday) even returning in a limited capacity (I am very busy with SGI activities outside the thread everyday) is totally impromtu at this point in lieu of private messages to my friends here whom I also miss very much. Whenever I read your posts to me expressing your feelings I also could totally empathize.

We are at a critical juncture in our lives, its a win or lose struggle and the Mission is to Spread The Mystic Law and encourage the World to Chant Daimoku and help others find their Happiness as well.

I have had the good Fortune (with less than 1 year since recieving Gohonzon) of shakubukuing 4 people and have lined up 3 others to join me in Kosen-rufu. This year I plan on going forward and shakubukuing over 40 people (my New Year's Determination). As a result my life is drastically changing for the better, everyday more and more. My life is Proof of The Mystic Law and my heart rejoices every morning singing appreciation Daimoku and "shining my mirror"! Live courageously and Live Free!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Don't be Afriad. Don't be Defeated. Victory. Heart of Gold!
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the curving corridors of the instants

the curving corridors of the instants


Hello again,

Godd to see you Babba

I was reading the reply by SoCal and I have to agree adamantly, it is the day to day practice, it is looking at myself TODAY and at the end of my day reviewing what I have done and seeing where I can improve my inner self, because when my inner self is harmonious and accepting of what is happening NOW I can respond to what is happening NOW in a way that will benefit others.

When I am most disturbed and "things" are not going "my way" or rather the way I want them to go, I have relief by doing something for someone else, by getting out of my trouble and helping you in yours ....................paradoxically helps me in mine.

And yet "not naming" the force and not "expecting" to be helped from helping you, is how the help comes.

My force seemed to say to me"expect no help"...not that I would be GIVEN NONE.


All these things are visible and graspable and yet they are only "one degree off" of how I usually envision the world.

The vision that sees past the world of Maya and into the moment that is the only moment.

The Oceanic moment of All-Time.

And I can easily shift my vision to the "left" and lose that vision.

It is a strange act of balance for me.

I wish I could live so far in the vision that it would be almost impossible to lose it

yet the world cries out : "money, bills, sex, illness, look at me LOOK AT ME!!!"

I wonder if I would know I am past the world vision if I lived in the Oceanic moment all the time having nothing to compare it too,

for I forget so easily.

I am ungrateful so easily, I can envy so easily.

I am human and sometimes trapped by the dust and the rust of Maya
she is so seductive! and not to be trusted.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
It is the way of ordinary people that, even though they spur themselves on to arouse the aspiration for enlightenment and wish for happiness in the next life, they exert themselves no more than one or two out of all the hours of the day, and this only after reminding themselves to do so. As for myself, I read the Lotus Sutra without having to remember to, and practice it even when I do not read its words aloud.

[ The Four Debts of Gratitude, WND Page 43 ]


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Friday, January 12, 2007

Selection Source: These excerpts are from "For Today and Tomorrow," a book of daily inspirationals by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

In a passage of the "Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings," the Daishonin observes, "When you bow to a mirror, the reflected image bows back" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 769). People who respect others are respected by others in turn. Those who are unstinting in their compassion and concern for others are also protected and supported by others. Our environment is essentially a reflection of ourselves.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
“Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.”
-- Martin Luther King Jr.

"Nonviolence" does not merely mean to refrain from violence. Violence erupts when one person blames another for a problem or conflict. Conversely, nonviolence is a way of life in which one resolves, “Let me be the one to change first.” If this spirit were to be embraced, how much more at peace would our families and society itself be."
--Daisaku Ikeda


"It is the same way with the practitioners of the Lotus Sutra. Though they may not understand the principles of Buddhism and may not know that they are suffering from delusion, if only they have faith, then without a doubt they will be able to free themselves simultaneously from the illnesses of the three categories of illusion; illusions of thought and desire, illusions innumerable as particles of dust and sand, and illusions about the true nature of existence. They will reach the lands of Actual Reward and Tranquil Light, and cause the three bodies of a Thus Come One that they inherently possess to shine. "Therefore, the Great Teacher Dengyo says: 'Neither teacher nor disciples need undergo countless kalpas of austere practice in order to attain Buddhahood. Through the power of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law they can do so in their present form.' This means that both the teacher who expounds the principles of the Lotus Sutra and the disciple who receives his teachings will, in no long time, together become Buddhas through the power of the Lotus Sutra."

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Welcome home EasyMyohoDisco!

Maybe now, we'll hear from Meds, Respect and Leo! Scegy? Where ya been Man?

Bonz, I'm here every single day.

More "fortune through crisis" situations going on right now. I'm back on the Daimoku campaign trail again. That, six kids, and local members are keeping me from doing much more than that right now.

Hello to our new friends!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I spoke to Respect in PM and Smile can use our chants. Please continue to chant for her Nam Myoho Renge Kyo !!


Active member
Evenin' ya'll, babba get/or ask Respect to PM me, i spose i could PM him, still want to hook up at the Center with him.

Hey on a Quick note i just wanna let ya'll know that my lil girlie friend is chanting everyday with her Gohonzon, she even called me the other morning to let me know that she had the house to herself so she did morning Gongyo without having to be quiet, she was thrilled, it was cool, im very proud and happy for her.

What i was gonna say the other day was that i may be getting more involved in setting up meetings and just plain gettin things goin. We had a meeting on sunday but it was the first one we had had in about a month and a half, a couple days befor i asked my friend whos house the meeting was being held at if she knew why we had basically stopped having meetings and she didnt really have an answer except that "people are busy". Well that didnt set right with me so i asked her a few questions about how and who coordinates these mtgs. She said she was a dirtrict chapter head and another girl was just a didstrict leader and kinda on and on. In other words all these people with these titles but nothing is gettin done? So at one point she sain maybe we need to kahe the chapter bigger , by bigger i mean seperating into more groups, i immidietly said NO!!!!! j/k i didnt yell but i was firm , if anything we need to bring more people together maybe combine a few districts so the meetings are bigger cause here we are i a huge city and i have been to mtgs with 3or 4 people there? #1 i dont think its good for the new comer to walk into a mtg with only 4 people there. and #2 i know for me the vibe us so much better when at least 10 people are chanting at once, and of course after the mtg its allways so cool to exchange whats been goin on with each other.

Also T i have ran into that big guy, your friend from way back, remember and he has said to me , yeah we'll get together and chant at Johns house and im thinkin very cool man!! So these things never transpire and then it hits me that maybe i was supposed to set it up, thats just kinda trippy dealin' with 2 people that have been chanting for 70 years combined. Well talkin with the girl aho was havin the meeting at her place , she said sometimes these people just need a kick in the pants, so IM GONNA START KICKIN! A moth and a half between mtgs just doesnt seem right, oh and i had talked to thin girl on thursday and when friday rolled around Audrey and John and the hugher ups if you will were having their own meeting 2 hours before our regular mtg. Of course my ego tells me that its becase of me asking and wondering whats goin on with this meeting every monthand a half deal that they are disscusing. I never found out butthe bottom line is im gonna start puttin a fire under if this continues the way it does, i dont need a title to call and get people enthused to chant. So well see what happens.

Man i can ramble eh? and i wont know if i made any sense untill i read it a few times! To me ten people or more should be easily obtainable where i live and thats what im shootin for.Shit 20 would be even better and like i said im in the big city: shouldnt be a problem, should it? And its gotta be a set day of the week like sunday , EVERY WEEK, keeps us all together and freshly in touch.


Im just stoked on the chanting and like my meetings and then they just disapear? WHOS IN CHARGE HERE!!!!??????

nuff ranting

peace and all my love


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Bonzo said:

Im just stoked on the chanting and like my meetings and then they just disapear? WHOS IN CHARGE HERE!!!!??????

nuff ranting

peace and all my love


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It sounds like the Devil of the Sixth Heaven is. So change it! You can, just continue without becomming discouraged yourself. Well done Bonz!


Active member
Thank you BIG HOMIE!!! :wave: :woohoo: I am going to do whatever i can to do just that!! Change it!! :chin: I cant tell ya how much i get outa these meeteings and im sure im not the only one and thats why we have em' in the first place.

wooooooooooo hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im excited, im going to pick up a book on thursday at a friends house who is a friend of Bill and Bil has suggetsted that we det together at this guys house and chant so???? :woohoo: , im gonna see if i can get a few people together for a lil Gongyo. Is there anything wrong with a lil improptu thursday evening Gongyo?

T!!!!! My brother, how are you and your awesome family? For some reason you dont seem as far away as you are right now, it feels good man, i can feel your enthusiasm!!! :woohoo:

HEY!!! My mom has been chanting a lil bit here and there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been chanting for her faith to return, im just blown away my friends, my mom nees to come back , and she just might be, woooooooooooo hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:


bonz :wave:

:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:
:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:
:woohoo: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :woohoo:
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