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Chanting Growers Group

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You are in the right place...

You are in the right place...

But it's been too long waiting to get that test out of the way. You couldn't possibly be in the right mind! Here's to hoping you can get growing as soon as possible!

Oh ya, Did I mention that I got the wonderful surprise that the wife planned in a new completely stealth growroom, five or six times larger than the one before, with not only water, but a sink, and forced air in and out ventalation; secret, hidden, locked access with eight foot ceilings (more than 50 sq. feet)!

Can't wait until November!



New Look for the Junior Member

New Look for the Junior Member

Check it out!
With a little help from a fellow member of the Growers Forums, this computer moron (me) was able to add a pic to his name. Had to start with one of my music heros from the 70's. You all are one great group to be a part of; makin' a middle-age fart like me feel like a 20-year old again. And if you happen to cross paths with "Spankin' Elvis" as you're browsing through the Growers Forum, please offer him a few kind words, and please . . .Don't Be Cruel!
Kick Out the Chants, Brothers and Sisters!


Back to Pensacola

Back to Pensacola

Challenges are great and they continue but have been able to overcome them one by one,. I'm tired and drained and So Cal I appreciate you understanding I don't have much time to sit and chant. I do in my head, in the car, and laying down. I have spent hours on the phone trying to cooridinate two houses, two jobs, trucks, FEMA, etc etc. I think that I can't go anymore and something falls into place. Trust me, I know you guys are chanting. I will right more when I can. There isn't the time now. I have to go to MISS to get a truck, that is the closest but the guy felt sorry for me and is only charging me $450 for a 24ft budget truck to go 800 miles. THAT is a benefit! I would have to wait no telling how long and since the Gohonzon saved everything in my house I have to get it out before the place goes. Love toyou all, Tommy I sent you an email on your regular email address. Love, Cindy


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Over to Europe!

Over to Europe!

So we are all going a mile a minute. SG, I hope you understand I would like to catch up with what has happened, and give you as much encouragement as I can, but you are too far from the nest this time little sister, and you don't need me to tell you what you need to do. Go or it. Use your wisdom. You have received a high priced education; time to put it to use!

I am off to the airport! The Doobie brothers are being signed for TV commercials, a magazine cover and multiple shots all over the place (sides of busses and shit). This should be all of the media exposure they need to lauch their careers. Hopefully this will end up paying for their colleges.

More from another third of a world away in a few days!



Happy Travlin' To Ya, PTD

Happy Travlin' To Ya, PTD

Good luck to you in your travels and all your worldly ways, PTD!

Wanted to thank you for your advice on keepin' my cool, and for your direction to the Wizards of Weed-Growing. Have made a couple contacts now and gotten lots of great knowledge from PMs and from staying on those postings. Hoping to make some re-arrangements here at my place soon, to make room for a new addition or two.

So the Doobie Bros. are gonna be celebrities now! Take lots of pics for their scrapbook. Believe me, they'll freak when they see that stuff as teen-agers. A good reminder of how Mom and Dad have been lovin' them all those years. As teen-agers, they'll never admit how cool it is, especially to . . . PARENTS (UGH)! But it'll all change when that "phase" passes.

Stay safe out there and come back soon with more knowledge from around the globe.

May all the chants be with you,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

Can you float through the universe of your body and not lose your way ?
Flow with fire-blood
Through each tissued corridor?

Can you let your heart
pump down red tunnels
stream into cell chambers?

Can you center on this
Heart-fire of love?

Can you let your heart
pulse for all love
beat for all sorrow
throb for all pain
thud for all joy
swell for all mankind?

Can you let it flow
With compassion
For all life?

Taken from the Tao Te Ching

SoCal Hippy

Active member
the poet of the people, Walt Whitman

the poet of the people, Walt Whitman

Why what have you thought of yourself?
Is it you then that thought yourself less?
Is it you that thought the President greater than you?
Or the rich better off than you? or the educated wiser than you?

in another poem:

What do you suppose I would intimate to you in a hundred ways,
but that man or woman is as good as God?
and that there is no God any more divine as Yourself?

Daisaku Ikeda says, "Yourself" here also can be read as Life - this is the realm of Buddhism and the world of the Lotus Sutra. Nothing is greater or worthier of respect than you yourself - this is the message that the Lotus Sutra calls out to every individual.


Never Sell Yourself Short

Never Sell Yourself Short

Wise words, SCH, from a great poet; and more wisdom from a great teacher.

The message I take from both is the same: when we allow the dark side of our nature to take the upper hand, we begin to deny ourselves feelings of importance or validity, we belittle ourselves and wear a mask of inferiority. Walt and Daisaku are asking us what possible good can ever be made by us ALLOWING this to happen? When there is infinitely more spiritual wealth and true happiness to be found when we embrace the enlightened portion of our nature, why do we sometimes persist in selling ourselves short?

I recently passed through a dark phase of my present existence when I felt I had no choice between the dark and the light; when all my rationalizations came to the same conclusion: I was basically useless to myself and to others around me, and whatever value my existence once served was now void. My kids were grown and were doing well without me, my wife and I split up, and I was laid off after working over 23 years at the same job career when the company left Indiana for Mexico. Everything appeared to be going wrong and my dark side was laughing it's ass off at me, convincing me I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

Since I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, it took almost three years for me to realize this shit wasn't gonna get any better until I started liking ME! My darker nature was fooling me. I DID have a choice to do something about it. And so about a month ago . . . I did. I didn't move away, quit my not-so-great job, find a soul mate, or change much of anything in my day to day routine. I simply realized I had the power to make the choice and I chose to like, rather than loathe, ME.

In the past month, so much has changed my head's still spinning! I started waking up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead. Friends and family started coming my way from all directions, enjoying my company as I was enjoying theirs. My general health has improved as much as my outlook, and I'm now looking ahead to the future with confidence and lots of new plans (one of them being to grow myself some bodacious nuggets like the ones I'm seeing on the IC website - which was introduced to me by an old friend who, by the way, suddenly came out of the blue).

The choice belongs to US, brothers and sisters. The words of Walt Whitman and Daisaku Ikeda never rang truer or clearer for me than right now. Is it coincidence SoCalHippie decided to share them with us now? Don't know about that, but he (she?) sure timed it right to nail me between the eyes!

"Nothing is greater or worthier of respect than yourself"
NEVER sell yourself short.


SoCal Hippy

Active member
so similar Gordy

so similar Gordy


I don't know you but reading your post led me to feel a connection to your life in a way that is mind blowing. The poem by Whitman had a great reflection on my life as well and then hearing your 'dark period' expressed....its like so similar to mine in so many ways. The timing is is scary in that everything you said pretty much co-insides with my recent experiences. I don't even know you but we must have some karmic connection. Wow! it still is making me think deeply about you and what you have gone thru....mirroring me!

I too was in a long marriage that broke up unhappily after 20 yrs. My kids (3)are older and on their own. My career, after being with a company for 9yrs(the longest I had ever worked for a firm) was lost after the recession in the mid-90's and it seemed ever since a 'dark cloud' hovered over my existence. No hope, no courage; not alot of positive optimism in anything. Late last yr, a best friend of 25 yrs died, my father died 2 weeks later, my mother suffered her 2nd stroke and had to be put in a convalescent home, my significant other at the same time found out she had breast cancer and was facing a future treatment of 2 surgeries, chemo for 3 mos and radiation for 2 mos......and,of course my job(s) sucked.....

This last occurence, my gf's cancer is what made me start to really practice (chant) again. My total focus was on her total recovery from this nasty disease and I chanted and chanted and chanted. I am happy to say at this time that she is a cancer survivor and cancer free and from my sincere prayers and practice I have come to realize alot about myself and what was making me suffer so.

I didn't like ME! what I had become and who I was. I never want to go there again!!! Ever! Once you begin to change that, you can appreciate your life again....and when that happens, you actually can open your heart and let others in. This is my life changing experience. For me, only thru chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo could I experience this and change this fundamental darkness in my life so I could become happy (again) and really enjoy life in its fullest.

I feel it is only by challenging adversity that we can develop the depth of faith necessary to enjoy happiness in this world. Obstacles arise as a function of the fundamental darkness innate in life, personified in Buddhism as "the Devil of the Sixth Heaven," which acts to keep us ignorant of our Buddha nature.

Gordy P....its nice to know ya!!! and good luck on those buds

SoCal Hippy

Active member


I really hate to see you leave Natty. You are such a caring and sensitive person and I am sorry your experiences with some a**holes on IC has made you not participate any further.

I believe here at the chanting growers thread you have been treated with the utmost respect and you have never felt threatened in any way. Please reconsider if you read this. Chanting growers is a 'safe' place for all.


Keepin' Up With the Jones

Keepin' Up With the Jones

Hey out there, Enchanted Land,

Junior Member GordyP reporting. Been reading my ass off, catchin' up with as many threads as possible, but this is the one I'm calling home. As a state-bound Indiana lifer, really enjoying the news from soooo many growers not only around this country, but around the globe! Gotta say contributors to this thread are unique with their mystic views on cause and effect, BUT... regardless where in the world postings come from, I keep finding myself grinnin' and noddin' when I read how similar we all are when it comes to the wildwood weed. Never heard of so much togetherness, helpfulness, generousity, and commonality from so many people, livin' all types of lives, in every fuckin' part of the world! Thanks, PTDoobie, for turning me on to this combination school, temple, and party. Hope you can find some time soon from all your traveling and diaper-changing to check in on your peeps here and give us all an update!

nattynattyG, sounds like you've been travlin' a rocky road for awhile but have bounced back with love and smiles for everyone! You stick around now and help keep the party goin'. For every A-hole I've found in the Grower's Forum, I've found a hundred super people there with advice and kind words (and Lots-O-Laughs).

And SCHippy, thanks for your reply and relating to my feelings about how great it feels to RESPECT YOURSELF. Damn, sounds like you've been down a rougher road than I have, with so many relatives and friends being ill or movin' on to the next life, and all so close together in time. Thinkin' about you a lot now. It's good to have buds out there who can relate so much with your feelings there's a kinship developed. It's gonna be a hoot traveling through the middle ages with ya, bro. I can tell from the thoughts you've been posting that you've bounced back with a vengence, too! You've got a strong heart and a sharp mind, and together with your faith, you've weathered the worst of times.

Now for the BEST of times! This is a Grower's Forum, and I'm always on the prowl for some growin' advice. I gotta get caught up with all this genetic stuff I keep reading from everyone: Orange, Blueberry, Strawberry, Bubblegum reefer? It's all lost in translation to an old fart like me, stuck here in the heartland these 50 years. Sounds like it's gotta be worth the expense and effort to grow and clone, but I gotta say how partial I am to that sweet n' pungent crop of Tennessee Skunk as it'll be finding it's way up here to Hoosierland pretty soon. It's gettin' better every year! If/When I ever send away for genetics from Seeds Direct or BOG, which variety will give me that good ol' Skunk flavor I like so much? I'm used to smokin' pot grown in the great outdoors, but I'm quickly putting space and gear together to farm my first indoor crop now that I've been inspired by I.C. Which genetic seed(s) can I grow indoors that'll give me that Tennessee flavor - I'm already assuming the buzz will set me on my ass, regardless of what "flavor" it is. Help an old man out, will ya?

Keep chantin' out the Jams, brothers and sisters,



tRu-ly the MAN!

tRu-ly the MAN!


What a nice surprise to come home from a hard day's work on a Friday afternoon, kick back with a cold beer in front of this tube to check out my fav-or-ite place to be in computerland, and find your helping hand directing me to some dynamite-lookin' Skunk seed! OOOOOH, just lookin' at the pic of that fat, fuzzy, red-haired bud of Sen Sensi Skunk, I'd swear I could smell that familiar odor comin' right out of the screen! I get a big kick outta reading the paragraph descriptions Seeds Direct puts with their MJ varieties. Some of em' really crack me UP!

Man, the guy who started this thread is a born and raised Indiana boy like us (though you'd never know it now). You know your input here is welcome ANY time, brother. I'm out there about every night scanning all the threads that look interesting to me, and most of them do. Happy to see you found my call for help.

I'm about finished rounding up all the necessities for my seed bed and grow "room". Probably spend some time this weekend puttin' the pieces together. Gotta get my heat and humidity tuned in before I get started. I'll think about CO2 generators, ultra-ventilation schemes, and fruit-flavored reefer genetics down the road when I've got one or two decent harvests to my credit. As always, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Keep em' Green and Growin'



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
What a way to start my day!

What a way to start my day!

Dudes and Dudettes!

What up? Back from the EU, and had the time of my life. What a GREAT time! I smoked SO MUCH GREAT POT! The wife spoiled me with some great new duds, and we laughed our asses off for 10 straight days! The Mystic Law was very kind to us time and time again!

Where the hell is Southeren Girl?

I now understand what all of the fuss is about with NYCD and Haze!

Gotta try and call SG right now and then report more in the next post! Gordy and SCH! You two fucks! I have been telling you about each other for over 30 years! I knew you would get along like best friends because you already are and have been for many, many lifetimes.

I never knew how it would happen, but always knew you two would be clones in your lifeviews and as it turns out, experiences. You both have the same relationship with me from two different periods of my life. I can¡¦t tell you how much joy it brings me to hear you two talk to one another the way you are now. I am glad ICmag has brought out the friendship you both have the opportunity to share!

I have gotten SOOOOO¡@¢õ¢é¢ö£B¡@¢ê¢í¢ö¢í¢î¢ñ¢ü¢û¡I



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
So here's one of those chanting benefits...

So here's one of those chanting benefits...

The wife and I get up and get ready to go out bicycling and are in a hurry to start our first independent day of exploration. Just as we are about to leave we decide to cool our jets and do gongyo and chant some daimoku. After finishing, the wife says she has the sense of feeling so much safer.

We are bike riding through the town square of a major and ancient european city. It has been raining. Rail tracks criss cross the hundreds of years old brick pavements beneath us. I stand to drive more power into my accellerated pedeling, when at top speed and completely out of control I wipe out. The handle bars spin all the way around ripping off the headlight, as I catapult through the air over them.

As my wife told the story of the scene, as she saw it riding from behind; she paid me the highest of compliments:

"It didn't look like it could possibly be you!"

Somehow in a split second I managed to do two summer-saults, tucking my head so it never hit anything, by landling on my wrist but somehow my watchband (a very good watchband, I might add) took almost all of the tork from the fall as I initially slid along on it on the slick brick pavement. Er something!

Somehow I was saved without a scratch or bruise, with the exception of a tiny scuff of the first layer of skin on my knee that didn't even bleed. I had two cops over my face before I could get up, that I had to convince I wasn't hurt before they would let me go. They couldn't believe it.

I couldn't either.

Gotta love those Buddhist Gods!



Easy Rider

Easy Rider

This is John Cameron Swayzee, coming to you from Amsterdam, where we've strapped this Timex watch band to the wrist of Buddhist bicycler, PassTheDoobie. He'll soon be giving our rugged timepiece band the ride of it's life as he races down a treacherous Holland street, hits this giant rut, then flys ass-over-applecart onto the pavement, riding this tough, but tastefully elegant, watchband all the way to curb.

Here comes our cyclist now, traveling at a BREAKNECK SPEED! Watch closely now as he hits the rut.......and there he goes!!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
So then, here's another one.....

So then, here's another one.....

We get to Paris. Had to take a different carrier there, Air France (which has the worst attitude of any carrier I have ever flown). We get the end of the baggage claim process and I am sweating and fretting. My large bag with most of my stuff in it hasn't come down the conveyor yet. Not lost luggage! From an international flight into a foreign country? Damn!

After it becomes clear that it isn't coming, I am really pissed, but kind of surprised that the wife isn't in any way sharing my stress. She is almost smiling! "What a great life condition!", I'm thinking. However, as we begin walking toward lost luggage, to fill out a claim, she tells me what has happened. "I can't believe this! I thought about this happening before we took off!".

"You thought they would lose our luggage and didn't say anthing to me?"

"No, I thought how cool it would be if they did, as long as we actually eventually get it back! You know the new credit card we got that we have these free upgrades on? Well they also include as part of the deluxe membership package we got, lost baggage insurance! If these guys don't get that bag back to us within five hours, we get five hundred bucks!"

"Yes, but that has all of my clean underwear and stuff in it."

"That's what the money is for. They pay for you to buy new stuff, since you don't have access to your packed clothes. The money is for you to shop with. If you don't buy anything, you can't claim anything. If that bag isn't back at the hotel in five hours, we're going shopping!"

We got to the hotel where I discovered to my surprise that I had NOT packed my clean underwear in the missing bag! Well the bag didn't arrive in the five hours, and we got too stoned and were too tired to go shopping. The next day we had set up business meetings with friends to legitimize the trip for tax purposes.

The meeting we had set up was with one of the biggest vendors in Europe in their product specialization. His dad's dad built the business, so they are very old, established and moneyed. He was staying, and the meeting scheduled to take place, at the Paris Ritz Hotel. It was a wierd feeling to go through those revolving doors and look up at the security camera that had caught the last images of Princess Diana alive.

I had nothing to wear to the Ritz now that the bag really wasn't back by the next day. It was almost 24 hours and no bag! So we called the customer care department. They said go shopping! If the bag isn't there within a 24 hour window, the insured amount goes up to $1500 per person. Since we are married and had shared clothing in the lost bag, we are BOTH entitled to the $1500 allowance! WE ¢å¢Ó¢Ü¢âSHOPPING!!!

Can you imagine how much fun it is to spend $3000 on clothes in Paris for free? You have no idea. When you chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and have a conviction to show actual proof for the sake of others, all kinds of great things happen to YOU as a result! I never stop talking about buddhism for this very reason.

My realization is the thing that Gordy and SoCal both hit upon, and that I shared in commom with them as all three of us went through this shit at the same time: If you don't like yourself, you can't truly like anybody else.

If you don't like yourself, you can't truly appreciate your life. Without appreciation, life is meaningless, and without meaning, there can be no lasting happiness. In short, feel joy for the things you have; rather than sadness, deprivation or envy for the things that you don't.

The fundamental starting point is learning to like yourself again! It is the key to compassion for others which is the key to the fortune to experience lasting happiness in this lifetime. Give yourself a break, be your best friend!

Just my .02.....


SoCal Hippy

Active member
awesome experience dude

awesome experience dude


That is like one of the most unbelievable experiences I have ever heard. But then Nam Myoho Renge Kyo works in such mysterious and mindblowing ways. Wow! Can chant with a little more confidence hearing that. Glad you enjoyed your european adventure. Somewhat jealous, you know. Give my best to you lovely wife and a kiss to your kiddlings.

And Gordy P, you have the makings of a marketing guru with your Timex adaptation. Very humorous. What kinda work are you doing now?

Ive been kinda/sorta busy with my new gig so haven't been posting much lately. PTB...heard anything from SouthGirl???

SoCal Hippy

Active member
cool stuff

cool stuff

Its like PTB is half a world away and we are like on the internet at the same time posting on IC.

I would love to have a shopping spree in Paris! any others??? PTB says all you gotta do is chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.....cooooool. I'm doin it!
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