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A VP Kamala Harris Might Lead To Marijuana Legalization


ICMag Donor
Though she coauthored an official voter guide argument opposing a California cannabis legalization measure as a prosecutor in 2010 and laughed in the face of a reporter who asked her about the issue in 2014, she went on to sponsor legislation to federally deschedule marijuana in 2019.

The reason Kamala Harris was a bad presidential candidate is the reason she could be a good vice presidential candidate

It remains to be seen whether she will push Biden in the same direction, as the former vice president has maintained opposition to ending marijuana prohibition, despite supermajority support among Democrats.

While Harris, a former attorney general of California, made marijuana reform a major component of her criminal justice platform when she ran in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, she’s been less vocal about the issue since dropping out in December 2019.

Convincing Biden to come around seems like a steep task in any case. Some advocates suspect that the Democratic National Committee’s platform committee voted against an amendment to add legalization as a 2020 party plank specifically because it’s at odds with the presumptive nominee’s agenda. Biden has drawn the line at decriminalizing marijuana possession, expunging past convictions, modest federal rescheduling, medical cannabis legalization, and letting states set their own policies.

But it remains the case that Harris is the chief Senate sponsor of the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act — a comprehensive piece of legalization legislation that includes various social equity and restorative justice provisions. Advocates will be watching to see if she continues to advocate for the reform move as she’s on-boarded to the Biden campaign.


Active member
Though she coauthored an official voter guide argument opposing a California cannabis legalization measure as a prosecutor in 2010 and laughed in the face of a reporter who asked her about the issue in 2014, she went on to sponsor legislation to federally deschedule marijuana in 2019.

The reason Kamala Harris was a bad presidential candidate is the reason she could be a good vice presidential candidate

It remains to be seen whether she will push Biden in the same direction, as the former vice president has maintained opposition to ending marijuana prohibition, despite supermajority support among Democrats.

While Harris, a former attorney general of California, made marijuana reform a major component of her criminal justice platform when she ran in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, she’s been less vocal about the issue since dropping out in December 2019.

Convincing Biden to come around seems like a steep task in any case. Some advocates suspect that the Democratic National Committee’s platform committee voted against an amendment to add legalization as a 2020 party plank specifically because it’s at odds with the presumptive nominee’s agenda. Biden has drawn the line at decriminalizing marijuana possession, expunging past convictions, modest federal rescheduling, medical cannabis legalization, and letting states set their own policies.

But it remains the case that Harris is the chief Senate sponsor of the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act — a comprehensive piece of legalization legislation that includes various social equity and restorative justice provisions. Advocates will be watching to see if she continues to advocate for the reform move as she’s on-boarded to the Biden campaign.

i've seen fish out of water flip flop less


ICMag Donor
Time will tell.....I've witnessed Sheriffs' turn to med marijuana industries, judges and others that once thought cannabis was "bad", a "gateway drug" only to delve into the business.


Active member
Joe was already a puppet for Big Pharma so his idea to move Cannabis to Schedule Two is no big surprise. We will need a prescription and it will allow them to take away home growing.
Just in time for all his Pharma buddies to release all their new Patented Canna Medicines.

I'm am also a moderate centrist which neither party cares about so I am going to sit this one out and hope that someday a new party of moderates from both sides can come together and form a third party and finally start getting something done in this country


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ya, federal legalization will lead to a SERIOUS war on home grows. The states fukn up cannabis law is bad enough but at least they let us have little tiny scraps of grows.
Here's some thoughts for those under my current age of 50:
Scientists, doctors and politicians knew, before I was born, that cannabis is not a harmful drug. They knew we had food, drinks, air, medicine, etc that is more harmful. Yet, trillions of dollars have been generated with the war on cannabis. They know. They have known, and they don't care. If it goes legal, it will be because they have a plan to control it. All of it. And if they control it, it means they will have to stomp out a resistance they have not been able to for 90 years. They can't kill us all. They are finding it increasingly difficult to hand down 20-life sentences. I just don't see how they can control it, therefore, I can't see how they can legalize it.


Active member
Ya, federal legalization will lead to a SERIOUS war on home grows. The states fukn up cannabis law is bad enough but at least they let us have little tiny scraps of grows.
Here's some thoughts for those under my current age of 50:
Scientists, doctors and politicians knew, before I was born, that cannabis is not a harmful drug. They knew we had food, drinks, air, medicine, etc that is more harmful. Yet, trillions of dollars have been generated with the war on cannabis. They know. They have known, and they don't care. If it goes legal, it will be because they have a plan to control it. All of it. And if they control it, it means they will have to stomp out a resistance they have not been able to for 90 years. They can't kill us all. They are finding it increasingly difficult to hand down 20-life sentences. I just don't see how they can control it, therefore, I can't see how they can legalize it.

Drones for outdoor and power companies snitching smart meters for indoor... they can’t eradicate homegrowing but they can limit commercial production enough to prop up whatever monopoly there paid to protect... they’re tightening the screws for sure.


Active member
Drones for outdoor and power companies snitching smart meters for indoor... they can’t eradicate homegrowing but they can limit commercial production enough to prop up whatever monopoly there paid to protect... they’re tightening the screws for sure.

off grid solar for the win :party::groupwave::headbange


Well-known member
Cannabis legalization was already proposed for the 2020 Democratic Party Platform and they vetoed it lol.

i believe there is enough support for it on the D side, but they did not want to run on it due to the urgency of trying to remove chump. why give the Rs another stick to hit them over the head with? i can see the headlines now - chump on the porch of a church, holding an unopened bible and saying "not only do they hate God, they want to give YOUR CHILDREN the devil weed marihuana..."


Active member
Barry McCaffrey says fuck you!

also drug courts are no better than unimpeded spying, which we also dont seem to give a fuck about, collectively.


Active member
Maybe the biggest irony about Dems providing legalization is that their version like Oregon decided to give 20% of taxes to LEO.
NOW, they aint even mentioning that little aspect as they say nothing about current situations, like Oregon Dem leadership has. They are agreeing with defunding while shovelling money to the piggies thats called power brokering. Fuck republicans Fuck democrats. Eazy peezy.


Active member
Fuck republicans Fuck democrats. Eazy peezy.

It really is that easy! Once you buy into one of the other you become part of the problem. The parties keep us divided so we can't get anything done and as long as we keep tolerating that were going nowhere.


Active member
And the minute a third party ever does get in...

That will be the day they team up to get of Rid of them

So they can get back to business as usual

It's True



still no reason to vote for Biden, imo.

legalization, but, at what cost.

look at the bigger picture.

and don't be fooled by terms like "might" and "may" and "could."
pure smokescreen to pander to a segment of society.
personally, I don't trust any prosecutor, former or not, that has put someone in jail for something they 'claim' to "may" want to legalize.



Active member
Biden campaign is not even willing to give empty promises

Their position has be formalized as follows....

DNC withdraw support for marijuana legalization

Single payer health care is 'off the table'

And while we were distracted by bogus Russia-gate bullshit and impeachment based on phone call

They were giving Trump enhanced spying powers. money for his wall, and 750 billion military budget

These assholes are worse than Trump because people trusted them...

They won't represent the will of majority of democratic voters

That's not something they care about



Well-known member
Biden campaign is not even willing to give empty promises

Their position has be formalized as follows....

DNC withdraw support for marijuana legalization

Single payer health care is 'off the table'

And while we were distracted by bogus Russia-gate bullshit and impeachment based on phone call

They were giving Trump enhanced spying powers. money for his wall, and 750 billion military budget

These assholes are worse than Trump because people trusted them...

They won't represent the will of majority of democratic voters

That's not something they care about

it's the same damn reason for both of the 2 big parties
peeps from neither side are going to unilaterally agree to close out it's 'closest' party in views, values, ...
it would have to be mutual destruction, must go simultaneously


taking the country, as a whole, down in the process.
the very definition of selfishness. and pettiness.

we, truly, need to remove the whole of the house and senate and replace them all with adults and rational people. no more fringe idiots from either (extreme) side.
the president is just a pawn. there to take all the blame for the crap that comes out of both the senate and the house.


Active member
we need to allow senate and govt to make the bills but not allow them to make the vote anymore , the people’s vote should be the whole vote for everything including all bills . That gets Lobbyisium a major defeat ( they show right now a normal senator or misc govt official uses it’s time 70%+ on lobbyists talking to get their connections and money) we need a department for anti Lobbyisium like Canada and have peoples vote . things would get done and the bills would be done at a 180 degree cause it would be a honor vs the govt officials right now they can do w/e the fuck the want and play like rock stars and work like manatees on the PEOPLES efforts.

why the fuck do we allow this? everyone knows it’s corrupt now , wasteful and the people in power are not doing their job ( so it should if it was a biz be fixed or it would be bankrupt) this is even why we ran away from the orginal England and went to us is for “freedom” and now we are really worst of everything and the most wasteful with the most cash. Shameful

thing is the current is fucking the people and giving to the rich “ Rockefeller “ and Corp


Line item votes.
(I hope that's what you were emplying)
Because, frankly, its all the pork and pet projects that make bills DOA and gridlocks progress.)

Remove the lot. And outlaw lobbyists.
Also, no more fundraising from corporations. (contrary to SCOTUS rulings, I feel corporations are NOT people)
Single entities only. Max donation of $100.
If you cant raise the required amount of money to succeed, then, maybe, just maybe, your platform isn't good enough to do so.

Just throwing out thoughts.



ICMag Donor
still no reason to vote for Biden, imo.

legalization, but, at what cost.

look at the bigger picture.

and don't be fooled by terms like "might" and "may" and "could."
pure smokescreen to pander to a segment of society.
personally, I don't trust any prosecutor, former or not, that has put someone in jail for something they 'claim' to "may" want to legalize.


So, don't VOTE for Biden. There's enough majority that are exhausted by DJT's constant chaos, smoke & mirrors, lies, not really doing ANYTHING for American citizens, all his atrocities. It's ALL about DJT and how much money he can make, but walls are crumbling, he'll get his "due process".

Until there's a STRONG Libertarian/Independent, we'll have a 2 party system.

Better in some respects compared to say, the Netherlands...8, 10, sometimes 12 different parties weighing in.

Will be watching closely for the Harris v.Pence debate. Should be a clear K.O. with Harris triumphant!


Active member
The problem being the DNC

And they select the candidate and the platform to run on

They selected Joe Biden

And right of center platform

Nevermind what the people or majority of dem voters want

Or the fact they were about to select Bernie Sanders

That was stopped cold

Everybody dropped out but Biden right before super Tuesday

except Warren she stayd in to split the Sanders vote even further

Painfully pathetic move on DNC

fuck them

Lets do 4 more years of Trump and get it over with ...absolutely

fuck Biden and kamala harris? wtf is that ???

DNC once again proved what's up Corrupt to the core

must stop Bernie!!!!

And now hes completely useless What a waste

We dont want Biden!

He was NOT winning But if everyone drops out maybe then he can win and they fucked up Iowa

A Joke this thing.....Talk about Criminals
