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Bill S10/15

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I rec,d an email an hour ago saying that Bill S10 passed the senate,yet it doesn,t show up when I logged on to that thread here on IC Mag? Any one know if it,s a mix up or did it in fact pass today or yesterday or just a jokester??
Can,t find anything when I google S10
any one?


joe fresh

Active member
yeah man, we need these connnys out....liberals are corrupt, so we might be able to bribe them into having our way........lol......or the NDP who are in favor of decrim and maybe legalization....


It,s not as if we didn,t know it was coming.... funny I didn,t see it on here earlier?
I checked the links you included skullrack but just quickly browsed thru them...Thanx
Does it go into effect immedaitely or will it go thru some other bullshit to make it law? I,m at the end of a more than 5 plant thingy and I,d hate to be the first person in the country to get popped under this new law......hoped this day would never come...but



S-10 originated in the Senate, so there are still a few legislative steps that need to happen before it becomes law. Second reading then referred to committee followed by third reading, referred to the Governor General who Proclaims it into force and effect.

Harper knows full and well he does not control Parliament, he needs the support of other M.P.s to pass this lame excuse of modern morality. In theory this thing can easily die when a vote is called at the end of second reading.

I expect it to fail before the next general election, so the supposi-tories can use it as a wedge issue in the next campaign.

Bottom line...S-10 will fail just as the previous Supposi-tory bill did because the same M.P.s who punted it are still there.

Clear as mud I bet, lol


Snowberry thanx for the info...
So it is possible this thing could actually die in it,s tracks?
as a side note I,m surprised this passing hasn,t caused more activity in the gossip threads.
Even Googling S10 doesn,t seem to bring up the new info about it passing the Senate on the 26th?
Dunno...I guess it ain,t big news or a lot of ppl. aren,t even aware of it.....or they don,t give a shit....It sure as hell got my blood pressure up.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I think they keeping it on the dl , figure it would've been in all major papers?, hope this dies on the vine , jails where Im @ aint nothing nice, if it pass's I will be getting the #1 criminal lawyer on retainer/speedial

peace TS


Hey! One goose step closer to a police/nazi state;Crystal Nacht will be Trichome Nacht.... hold on, it's coming...PRIVATE CORPORATION PRISONS to put all those "flower" folk in. The private prisons to be owned,and run by the fucking friends/supporters of the Tories. Of course they'll be run on the AMERICAN model...JUST LOCK THE PEOPLE UP!.. According to Harper{and his cave people},pot people are equal to CARTELS.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
This shit doesn't surprise me one little bit. Our Gov is as corrupt as the day is long... Follow the money lol Headband707


Hey Headband how,s it goin....
Yeah man this shit is just too much.It,s like the 60,s and 70,s all over again.
I thought I could relax in old age but guessI,ll have to don the fighting fatigues again lol
Man I can,t survive on 4 friggin plants,not unless they weigh a pound per....
If I get busted I,ll drag it out til I,m gettin the old age pension lol
I think the courts are gonna be plugged solid in the near future,because most ppl. are gonna make em pay to put them in jail.No more plea bargains for house arrest.It,s a different world out there now with this new bullshit law.



When does S-10 go before the house of commons?

When does S-10 go before the house of commons?

So, its terrible but S-10 passed the senate on december 13, despite some arguements from the liberals. I haven't seen any information as to when it is to go before the house of commons... the final decision. WTF. The way it is currently written, it is illegal for a university student to give a friend a tylenol 3 for a headache, and subject to mandatory 9 months. No smoking up your buddies either. thats trafficing. no cookies, brownies, or hash. thats 9 months for manufacturing cannabis biproducts. Incarceration of women is expected to rise 225% it cost $230 000 to keep a woman in prison for a year.

The positive, rohypnol is now a schedule I drug, and its use on someone else guarantees imprisonment min 2 years.

Harper's government is destroying our freedom one step at a time. I love my country but our mini bush has got to get the hell out of parliament.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
So basically the ,message I'am getting from this is that baking brownies, is only slightly not as bad as date raping some bitchs, and Ive done brownies, wasnt a big deal ......maybe I should try .........
pecae TS


Great News

Great News

The Liberal Party has just announced their opposition to Bill S-10! That means that our Conservative minority government will not be able to push it through. The Bloc Quebecois, NDP and now Libs are opposing the "dumb on crime" stance. This is the first time I have heard of attempts to ammend the 6 plant minimum to 20, citing that there is little distinguishing between someone who is growing for themselves (or making a mistake as they put it) and those with 200 plants and the intent to traffic.

check out http://www.whyprohibition.ca

and the Liberal Party Press Release

I am glad that we are seeing some real logic for a change! Looks like its back to the drawing board for the Conservatives. Take that Harper!

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