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Most paranoid/bad vibe strain?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Also, I am PRETTY sure 'how many times you took acid' is part of the equation too. After you've seen houses melt two or three hundred times, bong hits can trigger after shocks in my opinion.

This is a great point actually, the first time I had terrible anxiety from smoking pot was after having tripped for the first time. LSD does open you up and make you far more sensitive to some of the ill effects of some certain types of herb. :ying:

+k dude :tiphat:


very intruiging stuff everybody. i suffer from anxiety and have went through loads of strains. i find either its a weak strain and i could puff all i want all day. but all my top grade med stuff never takes more than 1 strong rip and i exhale quickly. and i get paranoid or anxiety still. i have found a few strains that cool me out. but indica sativa rules dont really affect me i guess. also i ate a shitload of acid for a good 5 years when i was young. rambling.


agreed meth,pcp etc... will do it too ive had panick attacks & get parnoia easily from smoking sativa's easily ever since a few BAD meth incounters:(
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Paint Your DreamStrain
Edit: You might also want to clean your system out by not smoking for at a minimum a week, but I would go 2 at least. Fast for a day and drink lot's of juice esp. cranberry. If you toke on a regular basis esp. if it's got indica in it, you want that out of your system to fully enjoy a rushing sativa.
As a 'ol timer on here said once.....sativa's are for smoking, indica's for making hash.

This advice about fasting and halting smoke intake is important. That is actually the point where I witnessed extreme anxiety, is after a break from weed. After you clean out your system, you'll be more prone to the hidden anxiety effects in almost any weed, save for strains from breeders that particularly breed out anxiety inducing traits, like DJ Short. My tolerance is very low right now, so usually the first smoke of the day I hit lightly, as to avoid the onslaught of negative effects, and then start to hit heavier as the day goes on.

No cannabis has ever made hallucinate like that, you sure it was just weed in it? :comfort:

The experience he is explaining is most likely not a hallucination, but a change in perception. The new plane of thought that weed puts you on can make ordinary human reasoning seem quite alien. You don't see humans turn into little green people before your eyes, its more like, you are put in a frame of mind where humans look foreign to you. You are stripped of your typical human emotions and are looking at people from a perspective like you are God looking at HouseDwellingMen through a microscope.


Active member
Wow, I got into this thread really late, but I wanted to give my input on the most paranoid strain I ever had. 3-4 years ago, member Homer Simpson grew out a pack of strawberry cough from dutch passion and kept a particularly hazy pheno that absolutely blew my mind.

There was a very interesting threshold between fun trippy and paranoid/bad vibe, and of course I crossed that line many times and needed to take a shower or eat my way out of it with a giant sandwich or something. The funny part about it was we acquired the strain because we heard it had anti-anxiety properties. I realize that this was luck of the draw and attempting to stabilize and clone only strain, but still ironic.

I will never forget, and still tell the story often, about the time in college I decided to wake and bake with a bowl of his cough and on my way to work I started to have a panic attack and had to call in sick :dance013:
I am not judging anyone, and I am not meaning to single anyone out or be cruel. Please, don't take offense.

Fuck the hard shit, who seriously thought Meth was a good idea, and something positive could come of it? Besides a STI test, from skanky women.

I've been in a room with people tweaking, I wouldn't have a wanted any part of whatever the hell it was they were on. If it was beef, instead of meth. I wouldn't eat any steak or burger ever again. I didn't see them having a great time. Starter fluid goes in your car, not your body.
All Natural, All Safe. That is my motto.
Don't nitpick and say Belladonna or Hemlock.

I have never had an acid trip, nothing has ever been through my sinus cavity or mainlined. I try not to ask for trouble. I steer clear.

Opium can hook you, yes. I don't have any access to it, and when I've tried it, I didn't mind it. Glad it's not around often. Chasing the dragon, fuck that, go look for Bigfoot while you're at it.

Organic cannabis is the way to go.

Back to the subject, sort of. I had some psilocybin cyanescens, aka "Blue Meanies", the best fungus I've ever had, hands down.

I had some Sweet Tooth #3 bong hits, while flying and everytime I would clear the rip. I would vibrate very intensely, more than anything else I've ever had while shroomin', anyway, rip after rip, hard vibration everytime. I was so fucked up, I had 2 lit cigarettes at one time, lit one set in the tray, cleared my bong hit and lit another, then one behind my ear was on stand by, so 2 lit cigarettes and 1 unlit cigarette on 1 person, I made it through ok, but man was I gone. Breeder Steve, did an excellent job with Sweet Tooth #3, and I am thankful to have that experience. It was an ass kicker, and next time I decide to eat those, I will make sure something in the Bluberry or Shishkaberry is there, In retrospect I enjoyed being a cosmic tuning fork, but at the time I was a little freaked out, I swore the room was rotating, I felt like the room was rotating and I was sucked to the couch, watching my universe rotate.

Eat some shrooms, smoke something blue. Talk to the invisible man in the sky.
This is an experience for everyone, I think you shouldn't miss, It put my whole life in perspective.


"who seriously thought Meth was a good idea" "and something positive could come of it" ?

hitler -

point taken eh.

I totally agree with cleaning the system out for a good while, then take a massive dose of some electricfying haze on an empty stomach.. have fun, I know I wouldn't.


I am not judging anyone, and I am not meaning to single anyone out or be cruel. Please, don't take offense.

Fuck the hard shit, who seriously thought Meth was a good idea, and something positive could come of it? Besides a STI test, from skanky women.

no offense never thought it was a good idea but theres times back in the day when i was a teen when friends say hey smoke this not telling you that theres meth in it & then when you loop it they think its funny (really messed up) i never tried anything other then NATURAL on purpose.:tiphat:

in my experience c99 & hazes make me paranoid/racey


I think if you're a true chronic smoker none of this really happens to you because you know what to expect, and are used to it, and seek it out. It's only when people are caught off gaurd with strong sativa that they have limited experience with they can be overcome with panic...especially with the duration of a true sativa high, they think its just never gonna end lol. Once you smoke it often I think it becomes what you want most.

When people make claims of how terrified they become smoking "early cut" C99 just tells me how much so many are missing out on the true cannabis experience. If you're a true chronic smoker and you and your girl toke on Cindy before a movie, your high will be gone before the previews end and ruin the flick.


Registered Med User
paranoia and bad vibes ay?

paranoia and bad vibes ay?

eat too many edibles. if i told u some uh the bad trips i had from edible od's........
strawberry cough got me a little paranoid too. I've also heard that the SE Asian strains like Thais and Vietnamese black are especially racy. Pretty much what every one else seems to be saying.


The first time I smoked hash, man, I needed a pair of driving goggles.
Hash rules.

Has_some_sinse- swt#3, I cant wait for koots drop!.thanks for the insight on ur experience.
honestly I think THE VORTEX from TGA fits your bill.. really head warping stash...subcool is entering it in this years CANNABIS CUP as well

Baba Ku

Active member
Someone earlier mentioned F13...that is no bad vibe strain at all, in fact it is the antithesis of a bad vibe strain. To me it is a cherished strain to be smoked at the alter of praise for all things good. (shrug)

I agree with others about cleansing the system for the ultra-high experience. Just about any potent weed can bring on the paranoia and whities if you are duck sober and have some healthy puffs.
Some, like myself, own paranoia and deal accordingly. Others have a hard time dealing. I think ones personal metal state has lots to do with this effect.

Panama redbud from the early/mid 70's was weed that would flip some out and they simply couldn't handle the intense high it produced. It would set you into an ulterior state of being to where you were just outside the rift of others around you's existence. Hope that made sense...??? I have seen folks whitey on it because they simply hadn't experienced such an intense high before.

Some weed has very little to no soul at all, and is probably what the OP is looking for. To me, sp,e commercial mexican can be nothing but thc bombs that go straight to the head and are so intensely up, that some can't deal.
I have found that a hybrid called querkle is a similar up no soul kinda smoke, although it tastes and smells lovely.
And just about any skunk1 that I have tried is a racy edgy type weed. I grew some MrN sk1 this year and it is definitely a racy buzz similar to some old school colombians and mexicans. Hell, it is old school colombian and mexican...


Tom 'Green' Thumb
The first time I started having panick attacks from trippy weed was after I had a three year peroid of cocain addiction, then another 3 years of chasing the dragon - no needles. After that, it screwed me up, but what did I expect? I think I wassomeone else when I think back to the crap I use to do. Just weed for me now - period.



Good points by everyone. It's not so much the weed although personally I would want a pure sativa but the other factors as well;
1. The setting your in at the time
2. your emotional well being and mental stability.
3. your tolerance level in general
4. how clean your system is in the first point. I would like to clarify that when I mentioned drinking juices, drink them every day whether smoking, fasting or not. And lots of water. Also I would think if you drink a lot of caffeine whether it's coffee, soda's, energy drinks, etc. will affect your high.
Myself, I cut back on my consumption of weed a while ago. I don't always smoke everyday and the few times I do it's kept at a minimum. I've learned that by doing so
a. the weed lasts longer
b. the high is a lot more intense
c. the QUALITY (at least for me) of the high is a lot better.
Personally I can't understand why someone would want to smoke something that will make you that paranoid. Depending on your mind state, the setting, etc. you could do something that you'll seriously regret later such has bring unwanted attention unto yourself and/or your grow.


Maybe he wants to give someone their first taste of why drugs are baddd, mmkie?


green crack {aka green cush} this shit when grown full term has an almost lsd effect i screwed up and made some brownies outta this and man i was on a damm ride thats for sure every 1 i know says thee same it got its name right..first and last time i grew that stuff aint my cup of tea

Karma Genetics

Only now of a few i smoked recently, I would say SSSDH and my dominator are pretty cieling less, Smoke enouf and your thought will go paranoid when not experienced.

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