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Filter design, need input


New member
I was sketching up some filter designs and based on the mechanisms of other filters I came up with this and was wondering if you guys think its practical or if it wouldn't work for some reason.

Its a design based on pvc pipes.

I made a quick paint drawing.


  • pvc filter.GIF
    pvc filter.GIF
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not enough carbon to work, the air will blow right through while still smelling if it does work initially the small ammount of activated carbon will be used up and need changing.
i like the design tho, just add a bigger carbon chamber :D


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
That may work for a PC grow or smaller with a low cfm axial. What are you using for a cab?


The bigger the area of carbon, the slower the air will pass through = Smaller fan needed, No smell, Better lifetime :)
Here is a suggestion, (NB: Inside of the cap on the right side of my drawing, with the tube leading out)

If it was a small cap, you could make the entire side into a filter.

Enjoy building :)


New member
FreezerBoy Its for a cab of about 4 cubic feet(23.5"x15"x20").

freeride, on the filter design, im confused, you say a 4" round hole is not enough area, but, would that be compensated by adding more carbon(an inch or two more?) or would this block air flow too much? Do you have another suggestion?

Pedro, I don't completely understand your suggestion, but if it helps, Im trying to keep everything inside of the cab.

I got one 80mm fan(34.5cfm, static pressure .10), would this fan be enough for a cab like that with 204w of cfl? I will be using 1/2" pvc pipe for intakes, how many 1/2" holes would be needed as intake? Also, I have an adapter that says dc5v-11v, would this be good for this fan or do I need a 12v adapter?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
80mm 34cfm sounds like trouble. I cooled a 150 HPS with a 120mm 76cfm axial but, upgraded to a 250CMH and temps went through the roof.

How many 1/2 inch intakes? Billions and billions. Well, actually maybe 100 as a guess. Make it easy on yourself. Get a hole saw and punch 3 holes. One for exhaust, two for intake.


New member
Well Im not thinking on upgrading for a long long time, I just want a basic stealthy grow box, and a mother chamber(pc), just enough to cover my needs.

So, a 34cfm fan pulling through a filter would not be enough to cool a 4 cubic feet cab with 204w cfl?