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Whos all going?

Fhew.....glad that i dont have to fly here.....i could just spend those coins on more weed.lol
I will be there, the lovely people from International Cannagraphic gave the Cannabis College a booth....thanks guys.

I welcome all of you guys to visit me and my buddies at the 420 event, cannabis college booth, i have a feeling that it will be great, at least it is not just about which is the best coffeeshop anymore.

the fact that only private breeders can enter is a unique concept.

Nice to see many of you that i chattet to before and i hope to have a great clash of ideas with all of you.

good luck to all of the Cannagraphic crew.



New member
Can't Wait

Can't Wait

Hey there!

I'm SOOOOOOO going to be there!

I'm going to be covering the Cup for a few mags etc so I'm really hoping to hook up with as many kind folk as possible to ask a few questions and smoke a few .... so if you see a mass of blonde curls talking shite... thats me... come on over and say "Hi"!

See you soon, but till then - TAKE GOOD CARE!



New member
Try this for Haze

Try this for Haze

Hey T'farmer - and everyone else - Good mornin'!

Just a quickie for you but you might like to know that I've been REALLY enjoying the Issac Haze that's out now... such a sweet buzz I can't tell you! I'm sure there'll be some left by the time you arrive ... though I am going shopping again today!

See you when you get here!


Cool Amsterdammer and Dopray

Cool Amsterdammer and Dopray

Heavenhigh................................... I can hardly wait to meet you Dopray ..Where are you from??? What do you do best??? Are you a female ?? are you smart?? Are you a pot smoker??/ How long have you been here ?What is your bikes name? Do you smoke hydro???How old r u?? Are u single??? Are u new in town???..GET MY POINT?<< HUGS Z..."Walk your Talk..............Amsterdammer.I really like your photo gave you high points.Love z.
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New member


Best haze I have had is from a place called Celonica in Den Haag...bar none the best.......I have been to many many coffee shops in Amsterdam, utrecht, rotterdam,nijmegen,tilburg breda,amersfort etc etc the list goes on and as I am a lover of haze and am constantly trying more all the time. this would be worth the trip in itself only 45 min from amsterdam But you pay a premium as well the anbieding is 37.50 Euro for 5 gram expensive but worth it (expensive for out of amsterdam prices anyways)
One more thing if you rent a bike you can get a day pass for your bike for 6 euro and take it on the train where ever you want to go 6 euro anywhere all day return
Plenty great coffee shops elsewhere in this country ie first coffee shop to open in the netherlands was in Utrech, or Willy Wortals coffee shop a dutch icon for the coffee shop ind.
Sorry stoned and babling


ooh i like it

bike, train and haze tips.

might have to make a side trip and visit nol's places in Haarlem, and the den haag trip sounds tempting.I never have enough time in the dam/holland.


New member
High Zoe! I'm going to see you really soon!

I'm not sure if you're getting my name - I'm Doprah - or maybe its a pun that I'm ducking under: Dopray (don't pray but chant a little I guess).

I'm a pretty global person having lived all over the place for a long time but have been in the Dam for over three years now and loving it! I am definately female, have been told I'm too smart for my own good and am definately a pot smoker! I just gave up tobacco a few months ago and am so freaking pleased I did.... not that I won't support anyone elses right to smoke to their hears content... I just didn't want to put any more of my money in the buggers pockets you know what I mean?!

I haven't had a back since the first week I got to the Dam. I locked it to a tree and when I came out the next day everything was gone except the frame... which was still locked to a tree. BUT, I've just been given a bike which I'm collecting in time for the Growers Cup - Maybe we can all decide on a name for it then! I am going to be fabulous and forty this year and can't wait! Hitting all those interesting peaks and all that! I am single and have been for a while - maybe that will change now that I've given up tobacoo though eh!

But I'm curious.... what is your bikes name!?!

Take good care and enjoy the week!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production


I won't be making it this time, but I can tell you guys and gals are going to have a fabulous time. You can just feel the excitement in these posts. The idea of meeting face to face with all of you really has me yearning to go. But I just married a year ago. My wife wanted a house, and I wanted an indoor grow room, so the funds have been spent so to speak, but maybe next year the 420 cup will be on the list of to do's. I hope you all have the times of your lives and stay safe.

GreatLakes THC


My mords wixed

My mords wixed

Heavenhigh Doprah... Sorry about the slip of the key...... Anyway I ride "The Flamingo Flyer" her name is Priscilla.....I love my bike,, The feeling of riding through Amsterdam is a feeling I cherish...........I mean.I REALLY LOVE MY BIKE........HUGS ...Z


Amsterdammer's and our bikes

Amsterdammer's and our bikes

heavenhigh Doprah. My bike is probably my favorite part of Amsterdam.. I just love fying through town on the "Flamingo Flyer" I have a new one you know. Its NOW lime green in a few days it goes through Heavenhigh's Metamorphisis (is that how its spelled?).....And becomes a true Flamingo Flyer....I have a Don Featherstone Flamingo on the front....Which leads me to my Don Featherstone Story. He is a friend of mine from America. He owns Union Products and I think I can safely say without him getting mad, a Billionaire.......He produced and manufactured his Flamingo line in 1951 the year i was conceived after a success story with his front yard trolls..He is quite famous and has had, his face, on the covers of Time Magazine, Look and Life.....He has been married to the same woman for more than 50 years I do believe. They have dressed in matching clothes that she makes every day of their marriage....He says I have Flamingoitis..... He is correct.. I am founder, president and creator of S.P.P.F.S.........This stands for "Save the Plastic Pink Flamingo Society" I have been in existence since 1981.. The year my daughter was born.......Unfortunalely.................... I lost my memberlist of 165 members in a fire that wiped me out.........But flamingos come to me anyway and I have a small new collection..again..My favorite pair (they should always be in pairs as much as possible) are Elvis and Priscilla.. Elvis lives in the Garden at Cannibis College(he likes the pot) and Priscilla lives on the "flamingo Flyer"....Priscilla would rather live on something than in it.. AND she gets to fly through town and get me home after work at Sensi......BUT Elvis gets to pose and be in ALL the magazine coverage with the Cannibis College.."Elvis you are such a movie star"!!!!!!!..Lady Heavenhigh........Lately my Flamingoitis isn't so severe!!!!!!!!............Instead I've been Pooped by Betty Boop...........HUGS! z
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I usually refer to my Amsterdam rentals as "bouncy" or bouncing grannies.

:D love those spring loaded bouncy seats.

1 week and i'll be bouncing around looking for haze fuel.



New member
Whew Zoe! There are people out there who don't have such loving relationships with humans - how lucky is that bike of yours!

As for flamingos - I lived in Bermuda as a child and one of my favourite treats was to visit the flamingos in the zoo there... such as it was... I'm sure it seemed much grander to me at 5 than it would now! Though after your story - you never know!

Take good care!


Flamingos in Zeelznd NL............................WOW

Flamingos in Zeelznd NL............................WOW

Heavenhigh Doprah.......Did you know I lived in Zeeland here and every summer for 4 years I saw flamingos fly south.. I lived in St. Philipsland NL in a bird migration route. Strange sound when they fly directly over your head......I have lots of flamingo stories live and plastic ,, I will share when I have energy to give away~~~~~~Very busy~~~~~Hugs z


well ill be thinkin of you guys , and ill toke up big that day to make sure im not missing everything .. lol .. would love to be there , but am sure i wont miss the next one .. and after all someone has to cover the events down under ,,,... the nimbin mardigrass will be held on the 1st and 2nd of may , and ill be there to see whats going on ,,, all reports say its a blast , so if any of you are up to after the 4/20 come along .... see yas there , if not see ya on the tread that i make on the fun ...


New member
Hey Wallyduck - I'd love to know what goes on at Nimbin this year - please be sure to post that stream mate - I'll be watching out for it! I'm hoping to hit it out there sometime!