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Landrace breeding... where do I start?

I have been playing aroung with breeding for awhile now, nothing serious just crossing this and that and inbreeding lines I have bought to try to see if I can isolate and fix traits, stuff like that. I've decided that to really test myself and come up with something with some originality to it though that I'd have to start with Landrace genes and perhaps some IBL australian lines and perhaps SK#1 for my first attempts as it's a known quantity and I'll be able to see where I'm going right and wrong using it. I have some CannaBiogen Citral Kush and that's about it as far as anything close to LR goes. What other sources would you guys recommend? I see some seed co.'s selling so called equatorial landrace sativas which flower in 11 weeks! I don't know who is selling hybridised beans and who has the real deal. Any suggestions?


Hey, I'm still basically just getting into the hobby but I'm looking to do similar things. How have your crosses come out? Did you reach your goals?

What kind of traits are you looking to breed for?

This is a thread that was just started as well that might turn into a good source of info for you: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=218636
Thanks for the reply and q's. As far as my X's go I've so far been very impressed as they have been successful in that they have shown more vigour as seedlings than any of the parents I have used to make them. I have X'd a fair few strains over the years but only have 2 of them going right now. I have VBSxBlueBerry (VBS was given as a freebie years back and is either BlackberryWidow or an S1 of Somablaze's (RIP) Blackberry clone, very fruity/berry aromas, tendency to purple regardless of temps and awesome taste, very special) going at the moment and unlike the mother these are all green apart from very deep purple running in the stems. They are showing great vigour and already have a very nice berry odour in veg. I also have DucksfootXsativa (I thought I pollenated the DF mother with Satori but I think I messed up and hit her with an Oz line I was growing at the same time) which are extremely fast growers, they have overtaken everything they are in the tent with even though started 9 or 10 days later. They have varying leaf shapes though non have the ducksfoot webbed trait as such but one is very similar. The Ducksfoot I used in the X I refer to as 'mine' as I've been inbreeding it for 4 generations since the purchase of the seeds 5 or so years ago. The first gen from seed varied but were mainly lemon phenos with a a few different skunk/lemon and the strong lemon which I liked the most. I have fixed the very strong lemon trait into the line I have and only strong/very strong lemon phenos are present now although from what I hear this trait is dominant and can tend to be the predominant pheno in most inbred Ducksfoot lines so I don't actually know whether I achieved this or simply wanted what was bound to happen. As far as breeding from LR genetics goes I want to take similar gentics to those which Sam made Skunk#1 with and try to emulate the Skunk line but as I remember skunk from my younger years, filthy, stinky, sticky buds I had to hide really well so my sister wouldn't find then smoke them. I know this sounds stupid but I have time, patience and am willing to fail in order to learn. Believe me, I could cross some inbred lines of modern strains find a good match and create something people would like but I want to learn how to start from the start so to speak as not many people really bother doing this nowadays and I think that in order to really know the plant I'll have to go back to the building blocks of todays strains, work them and learn from that work.


I know this sounds stupid but I have time, patience and am willing to fail in order to learn...
Hey I hear ya man! Like I said I've only one grow under my belt but I'm hooked. I bought some clearance stuff at seed boutique (NRS Swiss Miss, NRS Swazi & Nirvana's Royal Flush) that I want to try crossing and breeding. I've been very fond of cannabis since discovering it and if I were in this for $ I would be failing hardcore lol.

Congrats on that lemon smell! Even if it was the gene pool's natural tendency to go that way it's still cool that you kept it alive and worked it to that point! Exactly my expectations for starting out; just get some seeds.


Active member
trying to recreate skunk#1 you have 3 options:

1- search the internet far and wide, throw your faith and money (lots of it) at a seed breeders and hope for good parent stock....

2- buy plane tickets and hike around columbia, afghanistan and mexico... and hope you find good parent stock and don't get shot in the process.

3- find an old hippie who has saved bag seed/cuttings/black light posters from the 70's... pray his seeds are still viable and his moms are good parent stock.


Well-known member
If looking for landraces why not try the real seed company, i had a couple of Nepalese plants and right now i'm growing Highland Thai from them and so far they seem to be genuine. Astur Jaya also sell mexican and south-african genes, Afropips more african landraces as for the south-east asian ones your best bet will be Gypsy's collection.. hope this helps.. :)
Thanks for all the responses... dupe: thanks for the good vibes and positive feedback I completely understand where your at I've been there and trust, it only gets better!
steve: fuck mate I wish, not so much that I'm out to recreate the strain, just to get some similar genetics and take the same/similar road that Sam did so I can learn from mistakes and see where I've gone wrong. So much of the bud today is so similar that for an amatuer it's a crapshoot even figuring out if you have isolated a trait you wanted as you could be working 3 strains which all carry it but in different levels/slightly different variations you know know what I mean? BTW, went strain hunting in Indonesia last year, broke a leg in a bike accident! didn't even get to where I knew there was some dope bud!!! mrs enjoyed the trip though! Van: I was looking at their range and they seem to have some good stuff, I'm thinking of starting with an african, an Afghan/Pakistani and a thai or Nepalese sativa. I just figure if all the strains I use have very different traits then I'll learn a lot more when X'ing them, BX'ing them and trying to fix particulars as I could definitely say "ok, shortened the flower time, must be the Affy, yep there's where I got it right" as opposed to having all these contemporary strains that are so similar and I'll learn but at a much slower rate as recessives could pop up, I could fix a trait but not know which plant it originated from as certain phenos carry it, the list goes on. Using LR genetics to breed would be much more clear cut I think and despite the flower times and all the other 'negatives' what could be learned would be well worth it.


If looking for landraces why not try the real seed company, i had a couple of Nepalese plants and right now i'm growing Highland Thai from them and so far they seem to be genuine. Astur Jaya also sell mexican and south-african genes, Afropips more african landraces as for the south-east asian ones your best bet will be Gypsy's collection.. hope this helps.. :)

I'd love to read some grow/smoke reports on those RSC landraces. Have any links?

The Revolution

Active member
I will say you are off to a good start. Finding pure stock can be difficult, especially when it comes to the ancient sativas. But they are out there. Theres many underground or 'less known' breeders still preserving and reproducing these lines.
I wouldnt rely on just one seed company. Also keep in mind many of these Co. stock are hybrids of the old strains.
The best way to learn isnt from a book. Its from growing a variety of strains from all different lineage. Its much easier to follow gene frequencies when working from pure strains than it would be if working from a hybrid or polyhybrid. Theres lots to learn. Theres much more to it, than crossing one great looking, or great producing plant, with another great looking plant.
Youd think this would produce, a mix of the two 'good looking' plants...but it doesnt always work out like that. I would start by researching dominant and recessive traits, and than monitoring and documenting gene frequencies.

I wish you like with your journey, and if your serious about this, it will become a JOURNEY.


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Creating a new variaty from pure landrace stock is difficult espcially sativas indoors as you'll probably find out,you do get some plants that perform really well indoors but most need a very long veg time and don't seem to flower right so its best to take clones from each plant and flower those after about a weeks veg after they've rooted properly and starting to grow flip the lighting to 10 on 14 off which should kick em into bloom nicly.
There are a few sativas that only start flowering when there genetically mature which can be 9months from germination(original haze is like that)but once there mature they act like most normal plants and can be cloned and vegged and flowered when ever you like,so take every landrace you grow at face value and don't expect every plant in the same batch to act the same as you'll find out as most landrace vars differ slightly from each other.

good luck with you breeding adventures.

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