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I think I made hash,kinda,maybe

I ground up an ounce of buds in my coffee grinder so that I could make tincturewith some 151. I had ground up leaves before so it was very clean - no coffee grounds. When I was done I noticed this blonde,crumbly,slightly sticky substance that stuck to the grinder in certain spots. Well, I just had to save that stuff and try it out. When I took the first hit I thought it didn't light-------until I exhaled a Big cloud of smoke, very smooth, but it does have those lung expanding properties(and mind expanding) if you take a big hit. MMmmMMmmm, been a long time since I had real hash.

medicine man


Med Man
I do the same thing sometimes. I think it's more like super kif, not quit hash but kicks ass.

What about grain alcohol instead of 151. Doesn't 151 have like aged caramelized barrel stuff in it from the rum processing?

Hell, I don't know. But, I do like scraping little slabs out of my grinder on occasion for that little kick. I even toss a little on top of bud in the bowl for that little extra hashy taste and high

Texas Kid
Guess it is more like kif than hash. You can mold it a little since it's so sticky. I used a bunch of small buds off the bottom of a plant so they weren't nearly as gummy as the big ones on the top. Probably would have froze up my poor little coffee grinder if I put them in.

Is 151 no good for tincture? Seems like I read it was OK because of the high alcohol content. Not sure if I can get grain alcohol here, last time I used Tanqueray. Now I'm wondering if all the THC will be extracted because there is a whole lot of nice powder going to waste if not. Maybe I will throw some of the leftovers into my next batch of brownies, Mmmm, rum flavoured brownies.

medicine man
Hash is pressed kif. You made hash. Try breaking up your buds over a sieve or in a Mr.Coffee gold mesh filter with a mirror or polished flat stone under it. That way you can have hash all the time. Just collect it and smoke or press for later usage.