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CC article on grow lights.



There is an article on lighting in the most recent Cannabis Culture magazine that discusses the various light sources used to grow weed. After reading the fluoro section, I doesn’t accurately describe the results you can achieve with an all fluoro grow. It mentions that plants will strech and root systems won’t develop as fast if kept under fluors during the veg phase. They used a fancy word, Phototropic, to describe stretching. It goes to say the lights are only good for seedlings and unrooted clones. While this could happen, it is easily corrected by positioning your lights within a couple of inches from the canopy, something you can do with fluoros since they are much cooler than HID's. Rather than addressing what you could do to avoid this problem, the article chooses to solve this dilemma by getting larger, more powerful lights for flowering. Here is a pic of a Lifesaver plant I vegged under a cool spectrum cfl. The internodes are tight and the roots are strong. The last pic is from a recent cfl grow which yielded 6oz of dried bud from 3 plants. Photo what!

CC Is Emery's site/mag right? Yeah it is. Think about the source first then peep this...I grew a BlueBerry plant under a Shop Light from seed on a bet. I won $100 US and was blessed with more than 1 OZ dried and trimmed Buds (that was the bet. I produce an OZ or more under floros in soil and I win). If all you have is floros by all means you will produce smokable nugz of good quality by constructivly placing the lights all around the plants. In flower the lights are only on for 12 hours a day dramatically reducing the space needed to protect your girls from burning. It takes most style of floro bulbs many hours of constant use to produce the heat that could burn a plant. Best Idea......Get your info from a site run by a more respectable person. Marc is proving to be less than Credible in his Egomaniacal State of Confusion. Who wrote the article you read? Many of those are Old Threads and have since been proven useless.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Well said Herb. There are many threads here showing productine growth under a floro do a quick search and you shall find. Nice job by the way.


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Phototrpism is not stretching as such, it is where the plant turns itself to face the light. If i place a plant opn a window lege, the growth will try to lean towards the dirction the light is coming from. We as growers take advantage of this natural plant mechanism when we tie and train our plants. We tie the branch down, and it in turn, bends itself back up in to the light, and gets bushier. In fact a lot of us depend on thes to get nice bushy mother plants with plenty of growth to be able to take many cuttings at a time.
Take a look at these clones on the tray

This tray has just been re-arranged after watering so the plants are all in a different position to where they were bfore. See how they are all pointing off in different directions. They were all pointing towards the centre-where the light wasabove them. This is phototropism
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During the daytime, I've allowed my plants to bask in the natural sunlight since they are in my bath tub for the moment. My bathroom gets full sun. I noticed when I went to go turn to lights on they were leaning towards the window. I knew therre was a name for this reaction to the light, but I couldn't remember what it was. I've currently got my babies under fluoro's and I plan on adding a couple more as they get bigger.... :smile:


Has anyone seen the current iteration of High Times? Since the failed grand experiment of removing the pot growing from the "premier" pot growing magazine, they have returned to their roots. One of the first articles this year was on low budget growrooms. Since this is a particular specialty of mine I was very interested and bought the mag. Well, few things this grower has read have been so riddled with inaccuracies and fallacies. It was like reading my first posts on growing five years ago. They said the same crap about fluoros that CC does, but went on to supply bad (and so far uncorrected) information about what type of light they were using and the wattage of the fixtures. It was truly disturbing to see HT saying crap that I unlearned four years ago in a five page four color article. What the hell have these guys been reading lately? Oh, thats right. They dont have to read anymore. They know it all already.


I cant even get one of them to check out OGs fluoro forum. The fargin bastiges.....


Active member
On the CC article note further; that the lumens figure given was incorrect for MH at 90,000 as you can get a "117,000" and for hps 1000 watt lights as well, "112,500" any one would get the higher rated Eye Hortilux or Venture, at 145,000 and 140,000 respectively. The difference in juice used on a regular basis is a joke as well, who has the same bill every other month lots of folks who use different electricty amounts all the time. This needlessly scares people into thinking the power company is out to get them for 2 lights! In a house this is ridiculous! This is not current info, the HPS can grow a plant in veg as well as bloom it without any problem, the newer bulbs have better spectrums and you can get the added blue ones too! Now you will see folks asking these questions about lighting with wrong info, and leaving them with severe doubt as what to believe!


Haha, they have no idea what they're talkin about. What a joke. I loves me some fluoros. Tight nodes, indeed.