
  1. Antoine Mack

    Antoine's Eurobox-Beet

    Hallo liebe Freunde der hortikulturellen Unterhaltung. Bin gerade dabei, meinen ersten Indoor-Grow seit etwa 15 Jahren in die Wege zu leiten. Dachte, ein Report dazu wäre ganz fresh. Mein erster Grow-Report ever, wohlgemerkt. Also seid gnädig. Konstruktive Anregungen sind natürlich immer...
  2. Piecho

    Oil extraction from leaves?

    Hello, I would like to give a try essential oil extraction from fresh frozen cannabis leaves. I read about a method, when you blend them and keep about 30min in ice water. Oil suppose to start separate after that time. If you have any experience and ideas about easy to apply in home process...
  3. Piecho

    Hey, let's build budget desktop vaporiser together!

    Hey, For resonable price ~8$ we are getting precisely regulated 80w ceramic heater that you can just plug to your wall. For example - Would be great if design would fit to vaporate micro doses of bubble hash, but 0.1-0.2 flower as well. I...
  4. Piecho

    How much I can safely dim my LED board? And how to do it?

    Hey, I am currently using this board - In the single panel mode, in minimum value is still too bright for young plants. I've been wondering, do I have spend money on the weaker panel or it is just matter of changing of the potentiometer. In...
  5. Piecho

    DIY Dynavap induction coil build

    Hello! Want to share my recent project, ask for your opinions and help. I am designing water filtering extractor containing Dynavap and DIY coil heater well known in the community. You can see the example projects here:
  6. Johnsmithled


    This is how I built an overpowered light worth $2500+ on the market for only $850. All currency is CAD. *BEFORE STARTING* Watch the 6 part growmau5 series to learn the wiring: For the grounding plug: Technical: 4x Hlg 185H 700ma in series drivers (i suggest you buy the newer 240H model)...
  7. Kimes

    Would these cheap garden nutes work for cannabis?

    Been thinking of cutting the costs and not hauling water with nutes, so came across these.. Would these work for cannabis as they are, or should I mix them up, if so in what ratio? Or should something be added to them for optimal effect? These 3 powders are readily available locally and are...
  8. ExNavyInSTL

    Check My Math: Adding Disodium EDTA to Your HydroBuddy Nutrient Recipe?

    I would like someone who makes their own fertilizer to check my math. I've learned Hydro Buddy and I have created my "ideal" nutrient recipe (in theory). However, I want to make sure I understand the formula for adding Disodium EDTA to chelate my Fe, Mn, Zn & Cu. From what I have extrapolated...
  9. med-man

    the bud bucket - dry bud trimmer

    #tomstumbler #centurionpro #thetwister #trimonator #kush #cannabis #grimreaper #harvest #trim #trimming #trim #trimmer
  10. med-man

    med-man tables full and the med-man method

    as used by my award winning students teemu shelanie, unlicensed producers and phat pharmer for some reason, these are not accessable on youtube per say in my history, but are in my channel editor for ease of use im posting all the links here video 1 -...
  11. med-man

    the best way to ship cannabis clones / plants

    the med-man method: lighthouse full vid here:
  12. SativaDreams

    Stealth ideas for those who want to grow but cannot currently!

    This will be a thread with all ideas that people may be able to work out for their own stealth operations incase they can't openly grow or don't have anywhere/room they can grow some obvious methods that have been used commonly on this site: Stealth Dressers - I personally used this method if...
  13. Anti

    Anti's MicroStealth Cab Design (Dr. Bud Method)

    DESIGN! BUILD! GROW! This thread describes the design, construction and initial harvest of a STEALTH MICRO CABINET utilizing 125w of CFL per sq. ft. In the following pages you will find pictures and detailed descriptions of the whole process, including the build of the cab, parts list...
  14. N

    Basement of My Dreams!!!

    The Story So as we are all painfully aware life in the USA these days is hard and getting harder every day. My wife and I used to own a restaurant in Wyoming and then the economy fell apart. Now we are Bankrupt and back in our home state of Michigan looking for work and failing...