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wild in Bulgaria acres of ruderalis

Ganja baba

Active member
hey guys just here is some photos from my Bulgaria trip, and what a surprise i was in for ...

Before I get to the nitty gritty I would like to talk a little about the place .
I was in varna on the black sea coast on some business with a friend ,on arrival we were met by a contact of a friend and was driven to our hotel....

i could tell it was a friendly place from the start.... we arrived in the evening so i didn't get to see any thing of the local surroundings
We were so tired we hit the sack , after a few spliffs of course....…

The next day we met up with my new mate who picked us up from the air port great guy very friendly and help full we got on from the word go…
He showed us around the beautiful city by the coast.......

over the following days we met other people that were mates of the guy who picked us up, and guess what ? these guys were into some wicked hip hop,
they got their own tracks and all ...… and they are good i could listen to them all night.... we got taken out local style swapped spliffs made a few locals have a whitey which they loved......

Defiantly some of the most friendly people ive met .... And they took me to see fields of weed ,ummm my favourite....

here are the photos .... we were driving about 10 minutes out of town , when we started spotting them ......

My mates told me that most have been chopped a few weeks ago .......
The locals dont smoke these plants as they say they dont get you stoned....

we pulled up and i was told it was ok for me to take some snaps ,so of i went , then of course i needed seeds so i got every one picking away , a few cars drove past so we had to hurry......

It is hard to show the depth of the field with my camera , the shots were taken in full sun I played with the shutter speed to get the night time effect with the flash … I think it was the best way to show individual plants...…

You will notice some taller plants that dont look small ...… these were only on the edge of this field and we think are the result of people throwing seed from imported drug verities , or trying to hide the better grade weed ....

there was weed as far as i could see and 95% was just gone nee height ...
they said the plants had been growing 7 to 8 weeks so i assume they are auto flowering ruderalis ......… there was Crystal and my hands were full but i needed to get rid of evidence in case of police stops so i didn't smoke it ...… they told me it wouldn't get me stoned any way......

They smelt very nice and familiar...... it was amazing to walk through a field of weed in full flower ...… im going back next year ....

There are also some snaps of some Asian weed growing in a friends back yard I got seeds from that to .......

one more thing i thought i saw a UFO just before we came in to land i showed my friend he said it could have been any thing and started getting clever ...… then 2 days after we landed the locals were talking and i asked what they were saying , they told me people had been seeing aliens for the last 2 days ...… what a flippin coincidence or what ......

you can see the more sativa ones growing around the edge of the field , there were no big ones any where else , i got seeds from these to ..

fields full of cannabis

the brown plants in between the green ones are males .

A lot of people say its hemp , but I cant see why they would grow 4-ft hemp plants for fibre .
When ever I visit a cannabis hot spot like the caribbean they always ask if I have ever seen more ganja than they have and i always say yes in bulgaria there are fields and fileds and fields of the stuff ,i have seen more weed than this in india , but it was not in one field , but over all more ....

i will be growing some out doors and indoor this year and testing the thc with a thc test and see what its saying
i was told these are all outo flowerers .
if you wanted to make wild cannabis populations in colder parts of europe like say the uk , this is about the only strain that would make it on its own no probs , hehe ... you seen any yet ?
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Wicked pics, that sort of acerage will pollinate every mj garden for miles around..

Ganja baba

Active member
Dimajones-AICC- said:
Awesome!! :nono: :nono:

The bulgarians could make tons of hash!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

can you imagine some really oily sticky black hand rubbed hash , that looks amazing and dont get you stoned lol.. that what they say it looks like ...
it would give soap bar a run for its money ..


Pink Bubble Tooth
ICMag Donor
nice thread m8

im proud of this country

and tourists were allways welcome.

take care of the cops theyre every 30 km looking to cash.


Man Bulgaria is awesome.... i had 5 days R&R in sofia, from when i was in the Army in kosovo. Had a blast, cheap shoping, 25 cent beers,gorgeous hookers.......ahhhhhhhh now if i could only remember it........


Well-known member
it is all hemp :(
my college buddy owned a castle near the black sea and I'd trip out on those pics-it is all scwag he said


Active member
Is just hemp,,,,, i can remember year 99, it was 19th of july,going to festimad after sanfermin, and we were driving by the area of SORIA in Spain,,,, it was full of fields of hemp, we started running between the plants,,,, i dunno but around 6 km ..... and there was more fields in that road,,,, they stopped growing.. dunno why.... this road is the road that i use for going to Madrid :headbange
so provably that weed doesnt get stonne
see ya :joint:

Marroco fields back 99


Seen them pics at Bbay.....

Yah i agree whay would you grow hemp fiber
with short assed plants?

That marroco field look like the real stuff too....


Active member
Lougrew! said:
Seen them pics at Bbay.....

Yah i agree whay would you grow hemp fiber
with short assed plants?

That marroco field look like the real stuff too....

Thats real kiffi, thats me in a trekking near el puente de dios..."god bridge" back in 99... so u can see how was the plant 10 years ago....
Right now u can see more pakistan plants, and mixed btwn paki x marroco.... is not easy at all to find old kiff plant,,,, too much europeans planting mexikans, jamaikans, skunks,pakis, c+.......... bufff .... dunno what we are going to smoke in a few years.... but never come back the real marroco hash.... ive been there last year 4 times and is hard to find old marroco hash... i prefer always weed...but a green te with a nice hash is always welcome at the riff...
see ya :joint:

mexikan,,, old marroko hash.... pakistan


New member
That is a Beautiful Site.Imagine, Cannabis used to grow Wild in the U.S.Will it Grow Wild again? Probably Not.I would Love to see it though. :rasta:

Ganja baba

Active member
strained said:
well im pretty sure there is still patches of feral hemp in certain places in the us.

the us goverment eradicates more hemp than drug weed , and adds it to its list of found cannabis , even though it doesnt get you stoned lol...
it out there in cali for sure


Hi Ganja Baba for me it's a great pleasure to see pics from places near by my city here on ICMAG.Thank u dude.The whole country is full of wild growing sativa dom plants but really this can't get u stoned.Near Varna there are some good fields with really good plants but it's dangerous to go there cause they are secured by men with guns.This weed is for commersial purpose of some criminal gangs around here.Most of the people here want to grow pot on their own because the price are very high now it's about 8-12euro per gram! Before some years you can buy 50gr first class shit for 20euro-but not some well known strain but it was very good balkanian sativa lol. If u still interested in any info about I am always ready to speak. :muahaha:

Ganja baba

Active member
EverLast said:
Hi Ganja Baba for me it's a great pleasure to see pics from places near by my city here on ICMAG.Thank u dude.The whole country is full of wild growing sativa dom plants but really this can't get u stoned.Near Varna there are some good fields with really good plants but it's dangerous to go there cause they are secured by men with guns.This weed is for commersial purpose of some criminal gangs around here.Most of the people here want to grow pot on their own because the price are very high now it's about 8-12euro per gram! Before some years you can buy 50gr first class shit for 20euro-but not some well known strain but it was very good balkanian sativa lol. If u still interested in any info about I am always ready to speak. :muahaha:

thanks mate , good to see you at my thread , i was amazed by the resin on the plants , but every one said , including you , that it wont get me stoned .
are they auto flowering plants do you know ?


No deffinately,no.They are early flowering but this is all.They look like good plants but they are not.If u r really interested in some local strain i can help u.
See ya
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