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Using dried fan leafs as rolling paper?



Anyone ever done this.. I know it's probably possible yet hard... any tips I wanna try it. :joint:


stone fool
In the late 70's, I made weed cigars using early bud for centers, and fan leaf for wrappers, iso oil for glue, they looked very cool. Tasted like shit sticks, with a brain numbing headache stone. Hope yours turn out better.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Haps said:
In the late 70's, I made weed cigars using early bud for centers, and fan leaf for wrappers, iso oil for glue, they looked very cool. Tasted like shit sticks, with a brain numbing headache stone. Hope yours turn out better.
LOL Sounds like good times man.

ISO oil you mean that stuff that came in the white plastic bottles years ago, that mom would use on sewing machines, when she made clothes?


Best way to do it is take a fresh big indica leaf and roll up some lightly cured herb with it (not to dry, not to wet...still sticky so the fresh leaf will stick to it and the herb will continue to cure as the leaf drys).....tie the joint up with great care not to rip the leaf (kind of like sausage)....when the leaf is dry untie it & fire it up.........this is also good to do with a fresh sticky tobacco leaf
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stone fool
Iso oil is alchohol extraction, we used to have these space ship looking machines that used a traffic light in the base as a heat source. Good, but not as nice as BHO.

You can strip the hemp fibers from the stems to do your ties, keeps it an all herb product.


ThirdEye said:
Best way to do it is take a fresh big indica leaf and roll up some lightly cured herb with it (not to dry, not to wet...still sticky so the fresh leaf will stick to it and the herb will continue to cure as the leaf drys).....tie the joint up with great care not to rip the leaf (kind of like sausage)....when the leaf is dry untie it & fire it up.........this is also good to do with a fresh sticky tobacco leaf
Haps said:
Iso oil is alchohol extraction, we used to have these space ship looking machines that used a traffic light in the base as a heat source. Good, but not as nice as BHO.

You can strip the hemp fibers from the stems to do your ties, keeps it an all herb product.

Thats what I was kinda thinking ThirdEye,thanks for the help!
Will be nice reason to have well flushed plants :) Good idea Haps will nice tasting ties:).. now maybe use hollow stem as a roach/filter hmm gotta try this.. has gotta taste good

-blunt to my head :joint:
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prob taste nasty if the stuff burning still had nasty stuff in it.. :)

I'll try it and tell ya .. usually my dried stuff has a decent flavor.


id stay away from the hollow stem idea. I've tried making a pipe out of one of my bigger stems and they burn at low heat and are about the same harshness as cardboard when you burn too far into the rolled up filter on a J except with the stem there's a nasty smoke as it chars at pretty low heat. Maybe a fresh wet stem would work, though that kinda kills the whole cigar part of it (putting a stem filter on it).


tried it before... like others said, the leaves don't taste too well. maybe try a water cure on them.


Yeah I would have to agree about the taste herb leaf......but you should get some really high quality tobacco seeds and grow them out organically.......much better taste and the leaf is more conducive to rolling a big fat joint......we also use the tobacco for chalice and spliffs


**** tobacco keep that shit away from weed, they do not belong together

Elevator Man

Active member
Shade leaves are full of crap, and very bad for you - don't smoke them, compost them. They don't even have the benefit of some nicotine to counteract the sugars and other carb-breakdown products. To top it all, the tar content is very high. All those studies where they talk about weed having 20 times the tar of tobacco, etc. ? They tested shade leaves.

Ironic that someone mentioned to keep away from tobacco in a thread suggesting cancerous practices, but there you go...it's a topsy turvy world...


Watercure should do it.. i'll try that then rule em out lol..
thx for the stem advice i'll keep that out..

:joint: :joint:


Imma try 2 dried leafs. I wanna smear some oil n keif on it n put another leaf on that.. then roll up some herb in it... if it's good imma call it a PB&Joint :O

If the leafs don't work lol I'll find something else.. I just like long slow burning smoke sessions
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Active member
fan leaves taste gross.

why not just roll a blunt? that's tabacco.

what's so bad about tabacco? I'm not a smoker but I like smoking tabacco once in a while, like cigars. nothing wrong with tabacco other than it obviously causes cancer but imo any will increase your chance of cancer.


Active member
oh I tried smoking fan leaves once when I was out of bud and had some leaves, it does get you high if you smoke a lot but it tastes really gross, like your smoking shit.

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