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beans are ready to ship BLACKBERRY S1's



heres the beans i am ready to ship out ...l


Early Pearl

Looks pretty much...

Looks pretty much...

So are you going to share those seeds with fellow growers? In og I would have gave you more karma... That sounds and looks heavenly. I would die for a few of those.


I believe..

I believe..

He actually means to sell those beans at seedsdirect if I am not mistaken. Not just give them away.

Plus, I havent heard anyone speak about the potency on those beans, just the pretty colors.


Active member
I just want to help you ORGNKID...

I just want to help you ORGNKID...

If you could take 10 seconds fixing the spelling errors in your signature, it may improve people's first impression of you in the forums. You don't even have to do it, I've done it for you. Just copy and paste...

I just want to produce good beans to share among the community. I am new to the seed world, but I love growing nugs and I want to work on sharing the best strains I have tried with the weed growers all over the world. I will make a couple mistakes on the way, but I will do my best to keep the seeds I provide pure, along with quailities that count...

There you go! It's ok to make typos but it helps to spell better than a middle schooler; not to diss you or anything. I'll be your official proofreader if you want.


Bakin in da Sun

EDIT- Btw I dont care about your spelling. I hardly ever bother to give my replys a spell check these days. I just thought newbs post was funny. Hopefully you didnt take it to personally.

On a different note.... Personally to come to conclusion on these "Blackberry" Beans it will take time... "The proof is in the puddin" Right SP?

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Now we're making fun of his spelling errors with grammatically incorrect messages? He's a pot breeder, not an English teacher.

I get the feeling people have something against ORGNKID because every post he makes is met with ridicule and suspicion. Are we breeders and growers that nepotistic? Apparently so.

Personally, I'll reserve judgement until I've smoked some of those pretty colored buds.


yeah thats what i want

yeah thats what i want

Thats exactly why i come to these forums,to get my ass ripped for spelling errors. Your bag 'o' beans looks like you been busy,and probably too busy to be reading a dictionary.Dare to dream and find your ultimate strain,make beans.If you can find some on eto do your spell checking for ya do it,as they apparently have nothing else to do.Where will these beans be available? how can i get some I think a grow of blabk berry,blueberry amd srawbaerry cough would be kinds cool.

Hey look spelling errors,hopefully some lame ass will have the time to fix em for me.


Captain Expando
if you don't mind....

if you don't mind....

please, back to the subject at hand ~ Blackberry S1 from Cali Kush Seeds - There is confusion about Blackberry. This strain does NOT contain Black Domina. Mostly Indica, Blackberry is a cross of The Black x Afghani. Extremely sweet, The Black adds lots of purple to the bud while the Afghani stabilizes it. One of the most amazing features of Blackberry is that the tricromes are actually pink. Hash extractions will have a pink hue. ~

am i correct in my research?
i am running a test of this strain in a week or so for a friend.

just stayin' busy as a bee in a rose bed :cool:


Any test grows??????

Any test grows??????

Im not sure what the deal is but those seeds that are ready to ship out -the first pic- look pretty healthy to me. Is anyone from I.C. gonna test grow these?Who else besides Orgnkid has grown these out. I would like to try this strain and grow it./I dont know all the origins behind parentage and things like that, but those buds look sweet.


I can not spell either. Around here most of the growers are god fearing republican third grade drop outs. You peolpe all spend a hell of alot of time giving this guy crap. I have some questions about the stability of this strain. How stable was the parent stock? Did you back cross? What percentage of 10 will show the purple genetics


New member
Seems like there are a bunch of immature haters on these threads. I don't know much about all of your situations or experiences that would branish all the bashing twards someone who is bringing strains out to the public that no one else seems to be.

I dont know if it is jealousy or someone is pissed because KID is and has brought out the Blackberry before someone else has. I dont know!

Something is obviously bringing out all the BS and hate.

In my opinion I say leave the dude be and let him do his thing. I think there are alot of us out here respectfully waiting to try his BB s1"s.

KID keep on truckin brotha. Get them beans in the store so those of us who have been waiting to try them can get started!!



id like to see some purple bubble hash , now that would very pleasing ..

Chronis X

I'm happy to say

I'm happy to say

I have some of those beans and they are big - have one germing as we speak (yes one) - and let me tell you - the blackberry taste very very good and high is up there along with bubba & OG.

zeppelindood - no black domina in this - I have had the coop blackberry its not ORGNKID blackberry. I can tell you - I have tasted it and its the bomb.

ORGNKID You are the Man - with the Master Plan

See you guys in a few months with a thread -

Chronis X

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As 4 being shipped in i am hand

As 4 being shipped in i am hand

selecting all the beans and only shippin in the good ones..i still have 20 more plants to dig the beans outa..and I could care less What

JLP OR Nebu , or any of these's haters out here think...I am only going to say this once...When people talked shit on my bubba kush ..all they did was put there foot in there mouths...because i can see in many place people be braging they got the bomb bud bubba kush...and i said what it was and i am not a lier I have very few crosses and s1 beans...that i have made 4 sale not that i haven't made other beans i tryed them and lots of crosses just sucked and i won't smoke them so why would i sell there beans....so i leave it up to the BEANS to Prove there Purple Sweet Black Berry Bud...They will be tester sent out from gypsy as soon as he recieve them....

here is my next project them i am calling it quites till next year...i am going to be seeing doctors and doing some other ti=hing and don't have time to work on the plants 4 while...so i will be taking a break and resting and these will be the last of my work 4 now...thanx...Ok.



these Are s1's and should

these Are s1's and should

show purple in all the beans....since there a copy of there mom selfed to her self ..

.i don't mean to be rude or afend any one i am very sick feeling today and and kind pissy with my fingers when i get irritated...

thanx chronic x 4 poping by...I am only trying to release a limited clone only strains thata many are unable to get....


full time daddy
looks good orgnkid

looks good orgnkid

wow ff for a mod to say that........

...great job man keep up seed's.... i hope you fell better and every thing gos cool with the doc :)

Chronis X

Damn Friendly - maybe you know something everyone else does not know

Damn Friendly - maybe you know something everyone else does not know


Much as me & you talk and laff - I'm surprized
(private convo time) Pm me or something

Dude everyone on this board knows. I will tell the truth no matter what and I don't care who or whom I hurt -

But as a witness - I was there to see everything and smoke everything .........and it is top notch bud , to tell the truth about it ( as you know I will ) - I have not seen anyone yet put there hand to release any of the strains I have seen and smoked with my own eyes & lungs.

And I have YET to see anyone from Cali put there hand to the work - to where the adverage guy like me could get it ( you know how hard it is to get clones of real deal plants ) and I'm up & down the cost and I have money to travel and purchase as I please - kid does have the bomb bud.

The Bubba that kid has is some serious bomb - this is the same or better then I have seen in Eureka, Fortuna, Redding & los angeles.

The Blackberry was great, better than I thought it was going to be - really mellow the high can be fast - great club high - real blackberry taste.

I think the threads will tell the truth weather its from me or someone else who gets these beans.

But the F word is really strong - did he do some fowl Sh*t to you that were all missing.

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