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Heaven's Milk from the Cannabis Creamery



Hello, I wanted to share my recipe for cannabis milk with everyone.
This is not for rookies this is XXX strength, I'm not kidding. I just had a really nice harvest and lots of freshness sitting around, that the only reason I am able to do this and I am very appreciative.

OK so I started with the 1 Quart size mason jar, grinded up 1.5 ounces of A+ bud flowers (I used HOG and the Purps') and ground them up in my brand new Toastmaster brand food processor. Best $11.99 you can spend if you like to cook with cannabis or make extracts or even rolling. This thing is compact, portable and really works great. Once it is ground up, take it all and place in Mason jar and fill the rest of the one Quart Mason jar with milk.
*This is where you have to be careful with following my directions b/c I am not using any measurements and the amount and grade you use will vary greatly. Just use this as a place to start and adjust your method for your product that your using. My batch is super strong, I would say people could get away with just using a quarter ounce to half ounce if you are using bud flowers or a full ounce or more if you are using shake, trimmings/clippings, stems, etc

So once the bottom of the mason jar is filled with your procuct, take the Milk (I am not sure what milk works best, but I used 2%) and pure it until you have about 1.5-2 inches to spare from the top. Prepare a large pot of boiling water or use a double boiler/crock pot etc., just make sure the glass jar is not in contact with the metal pot. I just filled a large pot and placed two wooden spoons at the bottom and placed the mason jars on top. Shake the jar for a few minutes while you wait for the the water to come to a boil. It is good to have a little temp guage to test the water, you want the make sure the Milk in the mason jar doesn't exceed 100 Celcius. I used a little digital temp guage from the super market for a few dollars. Once the water in the pot is boiling, place the mason jar in, and bring milk to boil, and cook for 5-25 minutes, bring the temp down for a bit after the initial cooking process for a little slow cooking as you slowly bring the milk back to room temp. After a little bit, turn off the stove and let the water and milk cool to room temp together. Once the milk and water are just warm to the touch (be VERY careful) PLACE the lid on top of the mason jar with milk and let cool completly. once the milk is at room temp. seal lid down and place in fridge. if you want you can filter it out right now and consume. Use a PASTRY CLOTH not CHEESE CLOTH, very important, bc many cannabis recipes call for cheese cloth. It is good to always have both on hand for any well stocked cannabis kitchen. Take a second one quart mason jar and tie pastry cloth down over lid with rubber band. Pour milk with cannabis through filter and presto. It should 100% free of all product, if its not its OK not the end of the world, just fix your filter and pace it through one more time, do this until it is free of all product. If you dont have access to a pastry cloth and cant get it 100% clean, you can still drink it with some material, but it will be a little tough to swallow the weed chuncks (mmmmm weed chunks). I like to let the milk sit with the material in the fridge after I cooked for aleast a day or two. You can even heat it up again and add more cannabis to get it super strong. Then filter as above Thats about it, now use it to make chocolate milk, cereal, oatmeal, etc. If I missed something or someone has something to add, please feel free to post it. Sorry for the super long post. I hope it works as great for you as idid for me.

I am also making some cannabis tinctures with 152 Bacardi that I will post soon. Have fun and be safe. Peace _dj highst


Great post. Ive been looking for a recipie like this for a while. Just one question. Will it work mixing with tea to consume it? Thanx a lot for your recipies. Peace and *Bong* :friends:


When preparing cannabis milk, I usually rinse the plant matter a few times in hot water (not boiling, just as hot as you would drink a coffe for example) before putting it in the milk. This helps remove that "green" taste you sometimes get. As you rinse the weed, you'll notice the water you dump gets clearer each time.

Try to avoid skimmed milk. The creamier the milk, the better, THC is fat soluble.

Devilock, yes, it will work mixing it with tea, however you might need more depending on your proportions.



Thanx for the info relik. I usually have a few cups of tea at a time. If i try it i'll just keep drinkin till i feel something lol. Peace and *bong* :friends:


good call relik, cause my batch came SUPER potent, almost too potent and it did have a bit more of the "green" flavour to it. I think bc I made it so strong in relation to milk used and this applified the "green" taste. I will try that your technique. I am about to do a batch tom. I will try it and post reply. thanks for the reply


Hey DJ.Highst, have a cup for me :wink:

I have friends that mix cannamilk and melted cannabutter to make a quite potent mixture, but I find the taste kinda strange... not really milk, not really butter lol. But definitely canna based, you won't regret trying it.



I think I will call it Canna-sludge and i will definatly be making some today. I am going to make all kinds of treats today for Thanksgiving. I got a bunch of recipes and TOOOONS of cooking grade meds and keif. I cant wait. I promise today, I will get my camera out and upload some pics of all my recent projects (cooking related and non)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone