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Experts opinion needed... offgassing room or nute shed. fail



I know someone whose grow was wiped out by offgassing insulation. I hope you can get your issues sorted out.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
It's NOT caused from off gassing.

You are dealing with hot spots.

I had the following problem... I grow using the KISS method.
Substrate is pure perlite. PH and EC is fine.
In my veg room all is fine.
But in my flowering rooms I had some leaf issue. Looks like Mg or K def, or both, but in the fact rising the levels of this elements doesn't change anything.
I also have some spyder mites, and fight with theys about 2 month... they still not totally killed.
So most intensive problem I can observe in more bright and sweet spot under HPS lamps.

I suspect offgassing... because I put on the floor the cheap linoleum. and I'm using some PVC pipes to drain and irrigations.

Please help me define the problem, nutes or environment.

So some pisc of problem in different stages:

Raise the lamps, increase air flow at top of canopy and move plants away from hot-spot immediately under the lamps.

Oh and get them bugs under control.


Active member
It's NOT caused from off gassing.

You are dealing with hot spots.

Raise the lamps, increase air flow at top of canopy and move plants away from hot-spot immediately under the lamps.

Oh and get them bugs under control.

I can't rise lamps, maybe tomorrow I will rebuild tables to make plants little far from lamps.

BUT I have same problem in another room and it's do not depend from distance to lamp... for example this plant

far from the lamp about 1.2m. (vertical coliseum grow)

Also symptoms appears on old leaves first... and climb-up to top of the plant (like deficiency).
Also you can see leaf at the bottom like Mg def but it not ( add to solution and spraying Mg to foliage have no effect)

If you had read my post above I was make some pest control spraying.. (I had bought new chemical) also
I do spraying some chemical against mites every week. But this chemical kill only mature mites, and don't kill eggs.

I was told what in the shade plant's grows better because I don't turn-on few lamps and in shadow plant's almost don't have problems.

English it's not my native language, and for me hard to explain what happend in details.

Anyway, I think about some ventilation changes because buds near outtake fan looks good and more healthy.

But in another room when I add some mode air mixing fans plant's don't show any good changes.

And just because I wanna ask you Stress_test why you so assured what heat is my problem?
Did you had same troubles maybe and have pics? I just ask, it's not armtwisting, help me to understand my situation.

Thanks, waiting for reply!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I am convinced that the problem is heat related because: The color of the UNdamaged area looks healthy. The color of the damaged areas are not typical of any deficiency. The color and appearance of the damaged areas IS very much typical of heat related problems.

Various comments that YOU have posted also lean very heavily toward heat related problems. Such as: "buds near outtake fan looks good and more healthy", "shadow plant's almost don't have problems", "most intensive problem I can observe in more bright and sweet spot under HPS lamps"...

'You can't raise the light', this indicates to me that you are aware the tables are too high or the lights need to be raised.

'You are turning lights off', Plants grow BETTER with MORE light, not less. This indicates that the additional lights are creating MORE heat.

'You are spraying a lot to combat mites and foliar feed'... This is actually compounding the 'heat' issue because it bumps humidity and slows or stops transpiration (plants breathing) and the water/liquid droplets on the leaves magnify the intensity of the lights. Less light therefor causes less damage to the plant leaves, less heat also means that the plants won't need to transpire as much.

'The plants nearest the exhaust fan are healthy', this is an indication that they are being cooled better, due to more air movement. The 'oldest' leaves have endured more applications of chemicals and intense light, and so are the first to show stress and the damage appears to begin between leaf veins and tips and the leaf stems have a purple color.

I always try and take the path of least resistance when diagnosing sick plants. In your case: A preponderance of the evidence suggests heat stress.
That means that nearly all of the symptoms and information indicate heat stress and very little supports another theory or cause.

In most "toxic off gassing" I have seen the tender, fragile newest growth begins showing damage first.


There are FOUR lights!
It could be offgassing if there is Diisobutyl phthalate in that expando foam
your using for crack filler....


Its almost definitely offgassing my friend. I've just had the same problem and it took me 6 months to find it, and nearly broke my heart as well !

How to cure it :

1. Rip your growroom apart and dump all plastics, lino, carpet. I simply couldn't do that so :

2. Increase massively your fresh air intake.

3. You will need a carbon scrubber to clean the growroom air.

4. Foliar feed twice a week with a weak nutrient solution.

5. Back the lights right off to give the plants a chance.

6. Once you see the chlorosis beginning to disappear and your plants are drinking again, gradually move the lights closer.

7. Finally be aware that the plants can take 3-4 weeks to recover. Most of the affected growth will brown and die off but you'll see plenty of new growth and fast ! That will tell you your plants are getting better.

Hope that helps my friend.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
if heat is the problem, or if offgassing cheap plastic is the problem, airflow can help moth those problems, smailer, more intake, more exhaust, get those CFM (cubic feet per minute of air) up, exchange your air, preferably bringing cool air into the lower area of the room and pulling hot air out of the top of the room, or right off the lightz


Active member
So I would glad to inform society what I was have an offgassing, and this is not heat or hot-spot!
Now my clones in this room looks happy and healthy. :jump:


Active member
Just about to say some of those pics(especially the yellowing) looked like off gassing to me.
I had one of the original hydrohuts. They were notorious for that shit.
Screwed up a lot of my plants....


Dont be put off the scent of off gassing, I defo think it is. This produces all tne deficienct=y and over fert/feed symptoms.

Cant you cover and seal any supects with safe un breahable material?

I'm just tackling my 4 th off gassing issues, 2 of my own and 2 friensds, everytime ecxcept one, which was one of the smelly tents with the whits toxic plastic was due to carpets of carpet glue.

The place I'm in now is taking a lot of work to make it a proper sealed environment, but I'm getting there. Loads of ventilation and fresh air intakes, but so much neg pressure gasses are still coming in, I'll have that sorted in a few days though and hopefully my pitiful looking girls will come around.

Ps. Anyone seen the symptons where the leave first become very glossy rubbery texture, before going purplish from the middle leading to yellowing and then to the palest brown possible before falling off. Growth is sooooo slow and theyre growing upright without bushing out. They'rre only a few weeks old and it has been cold temps, but I'd be expecting more growth if I was fully on top of the gassing, a couple of days fixing up the sealing and then afte a few days they should start to take off.

Good luck dude ;-)

Wendull C.

Active member
I was going to say deficiencies of many types but @ stress test even convinced me! I use adjusta wings but switched from other white box type reflectors and had the same problem due to watts per square foot and just how well the wings work.
Though not as advanced.
Other than that it looks like a phosphorous lock out(burning at the edges, chlorosis, and finally the leaf dying all the way back.) If the heat doesn't fix it, try flushing with a dilute nutrient solution when you flush, they still have nutes and it works better anyhow, as they taught me in cshool "like attracts like."
On a side note adjusta wings are the best reflector available! IMHO that is and I don't know much, or have any experience.


Active member
Off gassing for sure. Whatever glue you used for linoleum is probably the cause. Get plants out of that room and you will see improvement if they are not already too far gone. You will never get the gas out of there if it is caused by glue or caulking/foam filler.