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Prague the new Amsterdam?



Hi all, i hear a lot about Prague being the new Amsterdam with Amsterdam`s coffee shops closing out visitors and all... If i didn't get that wrong than up to 10gramms should be legal there??? But where would one get some good dope? Are there similar shops as coffee shops or is there only a black marked and all the other illegal stuff that no tourist really cares about... would be nice if someone from around there could help me out with some information cause i' m seriously starting to consider a short summer trip to the eastern amsterdam

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Active member
cannabis is illegal here.
Up to 15g you can get a fine up to 15 000 CZK (600 EUR)
Where you can get some "dope" in prague dont know, you have to ask someone who s from there


oh... now that sounds totally different from what i heard. Thanks for putting me right :eek:)

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Active member
Well you can still visit prague, nice beer and cold chicks everywhere :D
You can smoke as much you want as long as you are acting like adult police wont bother you.

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