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stressing plants causes a more intense high

Well here is the story. I was flowering 6 cuts of the same KC. Brains Mango mother in different stages. well one of these plants had a very very rough life it started off a runt crap clone got neglected and was the last one potted weeks after it was rootbound in rockwool. then it got a growing container consisting of a 24 oz vitamin water bottle cut in half while the other plants got either 1 gallen or 2 liter containers furthermore it got less nutes dried out more often and got the worst of the spider mite infestation (they loved that plant more for some reason?) which eventually caused me to harvest early and tear down for some time. Now this plant was tiny budstick maybe 2 grams wet but when I smoked litterally only one bowl of that particular plant it was so strong I was litterally laying in my bed unable to move in a complete mind fuck trippy high. I got all the mites out of the bud by gently blowing hot air over them they all abandoned ship so It wasn't from smoking them lol anyway none of the other cuts were that strong tho still really good. I didn't share that plant I smoked it all to myself LOL. Anyone else experiance this?


Active member
ive had plants produce loads more trichs when stressed in early life i know its that cos i had 3 clones same mother and 1 got fucked up and ened up being the best out of the 3


Well-known member
Im gonna try it. Tonight I think Ill stress out my plant by yelling at her. "You bitch, you aren't pulling your weight, one more day of non stellar growth and Im getting the roundup after you, damn you!!" That should stress her a bit.

When plants are stressed, they secrete harpin protien. Harpin protien causes plants to kick in certain defense mechanisms and alters their metabolism. When harpin protein is sprayed on plants that arent actually stressed, they produce thicker stems and larger fruits. Im not sure if anyone has tested that out on cannabis, and I dont know if one would expect the potency to increase, but perhaps that is a factor.

You can buy harpin protein for foliar applications and for some plants it is supposed to be pretty dramatic.


stone fool
In 1957, the U of Ill did a study on hemp, they were able to document increases up to 7% in thc through different stress methods. Not mites, but stress.


Yes..stress increases potency in alot of cases esp.water stress.AND if a plant is deprived and stunted for some reason it is VERY potent IME,I think the plant produces the same amount of thc but less budmass. I have observed this with sativas more than indicas.

And Yes / have used Harpin protein..works great but has since gone way up inprice and havent touched it since..brand name messsenger.


stone fool
I do not know where to find the study, it was out of Urbana, Il. The meat of the experiment was water deprivation, bending, breaking, and I think putting nails in the stems. It did not always increase thc, the 7% figure was the highest tested.

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