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Haze in the Single Skin


Active member
Hello and welcome to my Haze in the Single Skin thread!!
I'm new to IC and wanted to contribute something, as well as elevate my post count a little, so I made a quick little "tutorial" on how to roll a single skin spliff.

I realize many of you already know this technique, but I figured I'd share anyways. I prefer not to smoke paper, so I usually use glass, but when you gotta roll one, better to use less paper, and smoke more of what we love...

I hope you enjoy the thread, and forgive me if I make a few mistakes because I just finished smoking the subject matter... :smoweed:

It's only 5 easy steps from buds to bunnin'

grind your herbs, grab a paper and a filter if you use them

place some herb in the paper, with the glue facing out on the lower part of the paper

Spin it up, make sure the glue strip contacts the inside of the paper properly (no folds or wrinkles). Roll it tight and moisten the exterior where the glue meets the paper.

Trim off the excess paper, it can be torn, burned or cut with scissors.

Finish the spliff by warming the glue to ensure adhesion, and trim any extra paper off the end. You're ready to smoke!

Feel free to add anything, and thanks for reading! :joint:


Active member
Right on, it takes a little practice but if you're already a competent roller it should come pretty naturally! I believe in some parts of the world this is the common way to roll, and it only makes sense! Enjoy a smoother joint!


Active member
bump - the "haze" in the single skin is "Arjan's Haze" - I really love this strain!
If this thread helps even one person roll a better joint I'm happy. I wonder how it worked out for swampdank??


Pull my finger
I tried it with some Ziggys. They released the ultra thin line, and this trick works for real. Thanks for posting this. I use this method about a dozen times a day now.


Active member
Awesome swampdank, good to hear. I like the new Ultra Thin ZigZags too, got a pack of 1 1/4's here, but I still prefer the Elements rice paper, and I use the "Raw" natural unbleached ones pretty often too.
I'm glad you've mastered the technique, sounds like you're using it more than I do these days haha :)


Get two birds stoned at once
That would be nice for the thin long joints I like to roll.

I love the elements rice papers too, I buy the 300 packs and never run out! They sell them at everyonedoesit for cheep so if your ordering anything there its worth getting a couple 300 packs IMO.
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thebandit777 - Thank you for the kind words. It was my pleasure, I assure you.

whiterabbit9 - Yes, "Upside Down and Backwards" would be one way of describing the paper's orientation. The idea is to use the glue on the inside, so that you can cut off the excess paper. Takes some practice, but it's worth it!

SpoCannabis - Thanks, and K+ back to all of you. The elements rice papers are fantastic, they were recommended to me at the headshop and I've since grown quite fond of them!
You can even just tear of the excess paper when you just licked and its still moist, or burn it of. Hold your joint in an angle and light the corner of the paper. On the side with the roach ofcourse. The paper will burn up and once it's at the tip you just start drawing in smoke.

It takes a bit of practice and some f-ed up joints but is practical when you don't have siccors nearby.


nice old school che, old rednecks been doing it like thast here forever


Active member
You can even just tear of the excess paper when you just licked and its still moist, or burn it of. Hold your joint in an angle and light the corner of the paper. On the side with the roach ofcourse. The paper will burn up and once it's at the tip you just start drawing in smoke.

It takes a bit of practice and some f-ed up joints but is practical when you don't have siccors nearby.

Yeah, I alluded to that in step 4. I like doing the flame trick, if I'm out with friends. It's a great party trick!

bagseed77 - Yes, this technique is more common in some areas than others. In my area most people roll the other way, that is with a ton of extra paper in the doob. I can't stand this, so usually I end up rolling most the spliffs.

BTW, if anyone is interested I learned this technique years ago from a book called "Spliffs - A Celebration of Cannabis Culture" by Nick Jones. (Pg. 96).


Active member
Cool, if you pick it up, be careful with the binding. I'm not sure if it's improved but my copy and some other early copies I saw had an issue with "removable" pages... still a great book!


Active member
Cool, if you pick it up, be careful with the binding. I'm not sure if it's improved but my copy and some other early copies I saw had an issue with "removable" pages... still a great book!

Those are bonus pages for practicing!:nanana:Heehee