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1000W GL145 Perpetual Top-fed SOG


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hi friends! thanks nickman! :tiphat:

Havnt been posting much but Im pretty sure you get the idea by now!!!! lots of evil pot being grown, just not many pics. :plant grow:

So I had prepped about 12 GDP to be vegged nicely and ready for the mother tent, but my test plant turned out not to be real GDP but some fake cut. its still good, just not purple at all and only decent bud.

I didnt want to waste my 12 veggers so i popped em in the dr120 non-sealed tent with 2 big blue dream haze plants and one leftover urkle.

That was 70 days ago. Here are the harvest pics from last week.

Fake GDP

one of two blue dream haze

one of the BDH was getting too tall so i had to tie her down:)

Pulled 607g from this tent, 18g from Urkle, 90g from two BDH, and the rest was the fake GDP.

I have a half blue dream/half urkle table at week 2 and getting ready to plant another 18 BDH ladies. too lazy to take pics now but will get some more next week after i plant the young'ns.



Active member
I guess I should post a quick method update:

I now grow in 100% canna coco.
In flower I use H&G aqua A and B, bud XL, top booster, and bud candy for sugars...EC from 1.6-2.0, pH 5.6-6.0.
In veg I use GH micro bloom at 1:1 and calmag. EC 1.0-1.5, pH 5.5-5.8.

doesn't get any easier than that!!


Active member
here is what's going on in the sealed 1kw tent right now:

left; all BDH, day 1.
right; half bdh half urkle, day 35.

a bdh who got tied down for stretching too much


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I guess it's time to revive this forgotten thread...

I'm still doing my thing but have changed a few aspects of the grow. The 4x4 tent is now a big plant tent with 9 large plants in 3-5 gal smartpots. The 5x5 tent is still SOG and 56 plants, half blue dream haze, half GDP.

I also added a 2x2 tent dedicated to mothers. I still use H&G A/B, bud xl, top booster, and molasses. In veg its GH micro/bloom 1:1+calmag. I keep it really simple.

The 5x5 averages 370g per table so 735g/1k light but it's perpetual so I usually take down one table per month. The mother tent was recently switched from a SOG that did not perform well (340g) and I'm hoping for 600+g/1k with the large plant format.

I only run GDP and Blue Dream Haze now. I would like to add an OG but can never decide on my favorite (either Diablo or Tahoe).

Clonebox with 40 GDP on top: 25 in dixie cups prepping for SOG flowering and 12 mini-moms prepping for the 4x4 flowering tent

The new 2x2 growlab with 6bulb T5. 4 mothers in there: 3GDP, one Blue Dream Haze

The 5x5 SOG tent with only one BDH table currently, the GDP table will start flowering next week. These are on day 35 or so.

The 4x4 tent with big plants in 3-5gal pots. Mostly BDH, a few GDP and one Bing plant. These are on day 40 or so.

All of this requires about 1-2 hour of work per week so I can't complain!!!:tiphat:


Active member
here are some shots of the flowering GDP, harvest shots to come:

GDP day 50 on left, gdp mom day 40 on right

gdp day 50

gdp mini-mom tent 11 GDP in 2gal pots day 40

after this is harvested I'm shutting down for the summer. Running 2kw perpetual flowering tents nonstop for the past 2 years along with a 7-5 day job is hard work. I need a break for a bit but I'll be back! :thank you:


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It will be good to see you return anyways I'm back from my break and ready to get it on I run 56 ladies per 4x4 and I get about 24 oz per 1000 looking for more now that I'm back without all the stress


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Both of the harvests pictured above were all GDP and came in around 3lbs. The huge mother plant took up more space than she was worth.

SOG is the way to go with GDP, baseball bats of pure rockhard purple. The big bush I flowered was purple on the colas but the majority was greenish and not what I was hoping for.

Some dried GDP shots from the SOG portion of the tent:

I took BDH and GDP clones today after no action for the last 2 months. I should have 28 babies ready to SOG in a little over a month from now. Stay tuned! :pet the cat:


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full speed ahead

The mini-mom tent; 16 GDP mini-moms (4 week veg from clone) at week 5. Also one BDH mini mom, she's leggy

The SOG tent was started on 12.10.12 and is about 3 weeks by now.
Left side: 1-2 wk veg, 27 GDP, 1 BDH
Right side: 0 veg, clone to flower, half GDP, far right half BDH.

Looks like BDH does well straight to flower from clone. GDP seems to need a week or two to get momentum and height needed for good production in a SOG.

I expect 700g from the mini-mom tent and 650-700g from the SOG tent. SOG should produce more but I experimented with clone-flower and GDP won't produce like it should in that setup.


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I'm still dialing GDP in the SOG but with about 2week veg in clones with good momentum 15-18g per plant can be expected. I averaged 16g per with plant on my first sog run with this strain and am shooting for 18-20g per in the left table this run.

16 per is 860g per 1k (56 plants). Thanks for the question.


Active member
GDP is moderate yield. She will yield numbers close to high producing strains but will need more veg time to do it. For example, I can get GDP and BDH to yield similar numbers in a SOG but GDP will need 2-3 weeks of veg to BDH's 0 veg.

GDP is dense, stretches about 10-15% but has high calyx to leaf/stem ratio. BDH stretches 50% and becomes leggy but will produce well if you can keep the branching to a minimum (no veg SOG).

More pics in a week or two


Active member
The mini-mom tent has been flushing for the last 6 days and chop is tomorrow.

gdp day 65
along with minor light burn, there is some leaf burn on the 4 directly underneath the bulb, I think it was caused by ph imbalance resulting in some sort of deficiency but who knows. does this look familiar?

SOG tent is trucking along on day 45 for the left, 37 for the right table.

left GDP day 45, right half BDH and half GDP day 37

GDP day 45

BDH day 45

chop pics to come soon.
Where exactly in the house is the grow located and how much can you hear it from outside of the room if the door to the room (if there is any) is closed?

Ive also done one of those "high tech" wooden boxes for the fan and it worked quite great, the only thing making noise for me now is the moving of the sound, which will be fixed with some new and longer ventilation

i also have the "buzzing" noise from my fan controller when its used so i have to buy a better one which alters the voltage instead of shutting fan on/off, any suggestions on good controller?'

And its looking good for you :)!


Active member
Where exactly in the house is the grow located and how much can you hear it from outside of the room if the door to the room (if there is any) is closed?

it is located in the garage, a 2 car garage. one car can still park in the garage. the whole setup takes up about 8 feet of garage on one side.
the door is heavy but the grow is very quiet, no noise can be heard in the living room even with the garage door open.
the loudest item is the fan and i have it mounted to the ceiling beam and wrapped in pillows and use 8" heavy duty insulated duct, not that cheap shiny pink stuff at home depot. you can see pics of the ventilation setup a few pages back.

Ive also done one of those "high tech" wooden boxes for the fan and it worked quite great, the only thing making noise for me now is the moving of the sound, which will be fixed with some new and longer ventilation
the key to killing fan noise is to 1. get a high quality fan like vortex 2. make sure fan is mounted or suspended to kill vibration noise 3. good insulated duct and a long duct line. my 740cfm fan blows out a vent hole in my garage and its not conspicuous from the outside.

i also have the "buzzing" noise from my fan controller when its used so i have to buy a better one which alters the voltage instead of shutting fan on/off, any suggestions on good controller?'

And its looking good for you :)!

I swear by CAP controllers. they are expensive but this hobby requires a big budget if you want no headaches.

thanks!! :tiphat:


Active member
post chop pics

blue dream haze day 62 after 7 days of flush

GDP chopped at day 70 after 7 days of flush

the SOG tent comes down in a week, flush started today. pics to come
it is located in the garage, a 2 car garage. one car can still park in the garage. the whole setup takes up about 8 feet of garage on one side.
the door is heavy but the grow is very quiet, no noise can be heard in the living room even with the garage door open.
the loudest item is the fan and i have it mounted to the ceiling beam and wrapped in pillows and use 8" heavy duty insulated duct, not that cheap shiny pink stuff at home depot. you can see pics of the ventilation setup a few pages back.

the key to killing fan noise is to 1. get a high quality fan like vortex 2. make sure fan is mounted or suspended to kill vibration noise 3. good insulated duct and a long duct line. my 740cfm fan blows out a vent hole in my garage and its not conspicuous from the outside.

I swear by CAP controllers. they are expensive but this hobby requires a big budget if you want no headaches.

thanks!! :tiphat:

Sounds like that could be one of my possible future grows! Thanks for the long text and detailed explanation.

Yeah i have made an insolated box for my inline fan and filled it with foam that expand. Im gonna hang it by 4 rubber strings today aswell and maybe try to put a few pillows or something around it aswell to help even more.

That takes me to almost totally silent, that goddamn buzzing noise is making me annoyed :p!

Would you mind finding a good C.A.P controller for me? I have big problems choosing the right ones in that area as i have no experience with them at all. (p.s I tried looking myself first)

I have to order one in 1-2 weeks so i can get sound under control. Money wont be a problem atm, im making this grow totally silent and i have to get quality for that. I have a 325 CFM fan with a RUCK Motor if that makes any difference?

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