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Hey J

I hung a plot to dry on site, got about 3 good days of nice breezy weather. Unexpected rain rolled in last night while I slept and probably gave them a light soak. Whats the procedure here? My instinct is to go get them immediately, am I right on this? Are they in danger of mold. It was probably a very light rain, not a soaking. This is my first time drying on site. Thanks in advance.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
onthecouch said:
lol, i think i know what you mean...thats ok, puts smile on my face, b/c seen many spots that waved off because not far enough from city, or because wasnt a half mile or 2 miles from road....
Well, you have to remember.....Most people just don't care......they walk, they drive....straight ahead like with blinders.....thinking and thinking and thinking about nothing else but what lies before them (in their life) at that moment....Never stopping to look around :smoke:...."smell the flowers" :smoke:......(I fall into that too sometime...byproduct of extreme stress, but, always try to catch it and shake off that funk :smoke:....)
looking for 'a' spot...for 5 or 10, maybe more, spread over football size area perhaps......i think i got 3 or so that i could use...would actually be easier to manage water needs also...but more frequent visits...twice or more a month, at 6 or more spots....just thinking outloud here :muahaha:
Football field sized spot you could get quite a few....and, safely at that.....if larger?...depending on spot?...maybe 100 easy (spread out).....if smaller?...****.....1,000?..(late, AF's, etc)......Remember the vid of the field above somewhere? :smoke:........(I know lots and lot of such places :smoke:.....)

Just remember the overall point: Outdoor is not only plant early for giants later.......May-Aug your "window"....and, throw in strains?, and, you have endless possibilities...(early topped, earlier topped, mid season untopped, mid season topped, later either, etc..........endless possibilities....falls in line with site selection.....site dictates the method...not other way around......

You must clear your mind of these preconceived notions ...:smoke:.........

yeah alright, if i can hide 5 or so 8 foot plants a couple hundred yards off road, ill manage...
Depends as above....8 footers?...might not be able to get a single one in a certain spot....3 footers?...might be able to get in 100 same spot safely :smoke:....
though i have seen a dozen or so urban spots for minis, a good 3 or 4 reliable i think, worth maybe 20-30 each, how you get 100 out of one urban is beyond me....guess what you can, how you can, where you can...
I have a pic earlier of some I have somewhere (property in transition, :smoke:.....see gallery maybe 3-4 pages back....mini's? :smoke:.....100?.....piece of cake :smoke:...mini's I always run enormous amounts everywhere possible....)
soil voume question....

...how many holes will a cubic yard fill? i know size variates...but...generally speaking...how much is a cubic yard? a 3x3x3 space? I could easily stretch that 2 holes if so...anyway, found a good deal on local compost...
Cu. ft and yards (with soil) always completely throw me off......Cu yrd. of course 9 cu. ft....and (here's where it always looses me) and cu. ft. bags fill much more than a 1 cu/ ft. pot, so..:biglaugh:...(I think most 20lb bags are like 1.5 cu. ft.....so.....I don't do full exchange either (native soil and mix) ..for exactly that reason (If I was to completely fill and exchange everything....well, just not physically possible.......just not possible...I'd be doing multiple trucks worth....just not possible...I try and utilize native soil in any and every way possible, all the time......(and, granted, I can also for quality, so.....)
thanks again for all knowledge shared, knowing you do so of your own will....
No problem, whatever I can do..(and, if I have the time....)
i got some more emerson to share, just gotta find where i dropped book and the spot i read other night...lots of books sitting around bookmarked and face down open pages...
:biglaugh: Me too...(I fold over and use sleeve to bookmark where I left off and just dogear pags with things I want to get back to.....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Pimpslapped said:
On the topic of bagging for transport, especially in urban settings. Any thoughts on the 'odor shield' type bags I've seen around? Not something I'd likely want to put the bud in directly, but could be a good outer bag for a double bagging. No idea how well it'd work, if it would help in the least. But could be worth a shot.
Not familiar.....I just stand in aisle with garbage bags scratching my head for 20 minutes............(the selection of things truly gives me a PITA.......not even ****in detal floss :biglaugh: I go the other day to grab some, think easy, and, like, 100 kinds :biglaugh:...Nah, I just try to get the largest, strongest bags possible....I use a bunch of different.....sometimes for bagging use strength, sometimes for double bagging shoot for size....then sometimes use those large ziplocks (more sizes now...2 x 2.....3 x 4?....)

People should also never ignore of forget the overall picture, which is everything can be scent protected.....everything can be double bagged....everything can be fine....But if you ****in reek...well, doesn't matter :smoke:....Clean change of clothes....hands cleaned...maybe even face......etc.......
Hey Julian, does this look kinda like what you were seeing with that pink haired girl? Trance is a shot from budluver, the coloration looked familiar.
DP Trance?.......Well, picture kinda threw me because looks very very close (pistils), but, I know 100% beyond shadow of a doubt that it's not related (private source and strain......) Pistils like 100% dead on though......I did manage to pull maybe 100 seeds from a bunch of those (6-8 footers), so....intend to play a little with those.....(Maybe 5 seeds per plant....so, know not a pollination...)
I've found lots of potential late/mini spots but not much that I'd feel like trusting a full season run to.
With late/mini's your not devoting a whole season to them :smoke:......

Limited time/exposure, limited size, very quick :smoke:.....
Thinking if I can find a 'near perfect' spot I might see about tossing up a small compost heap on site, should simplify further site prep. So far haven't found anywhere that seems feasible, at least for that particular project so it'll keep nagging at me. Ahh well, more motivation to keep looking.
Forget "perfect"...(You'll know a perfect spot when you see one)...see above......just a spot that you can get it done :smoke:..Regarding planning and projects....well..lot of time...sometimes less, and, sometimes?...sometimes they go into next season when you carry out current, etc........
Came across a post here that reminded me, gotta make sure I don't get too ambitious this coming season. It'd be a shame to start my first outdoor run by growing more than I can harvest/trim. Best I can reasonably hope for would be one extra pair of hands along at times, but even that is not set in stone due to various circumstances. It could be WAY too easy to bite off more than I can chew, which would be a shame.
Couple angles to that also though..........

What would I tell someone who got in over their head with weight and work?.....

Very simple:smoke:.........

Stick with the largest, nicest things, and, everything else toss into bubble piles :smoke: Done deal....Biggest issue is drying and trimming.....definitely (regarding running large numbers...) Everything else fairly simple as long as watering covered/good rainfall.....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Horus said:
Wow . . . how did you get into all this? Sorry if that's too personal a question, or if it's already been asked (I've read like 1/4 of this thread). I mean did you just start growing random bagseed as a teen, or were you a personal grower for a while before realizing you could bulk up? Was it gradual or sudden? And how'd you get into pot in general, when did you first toke and what to you think about mary jane?
All here I believe or in other thread.

Never bagseed, started/first run dutch genetics, (Seedbank/SSSC) early/mid teens, (83'-85'?) county forest preserve, 600 my first run. (Got every book published, read through twice, then did first run...) I'm a city/street kid...so....I didn't grow up in an environment where legitimate career's were an option, or even a possibility at that time...Hooked up with "big guys" to dump it all....rest is history.... (My details on these tend to be slightly off, merely for purposes of identification, age, etc...) Age, smoking?....I was trying to remember that recently...not even sure...think a little earlier than I think.....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
pakalolo420 said:
Harvest and drying is the deal. The rest is relatively trifling.

Perfect spots exist, but they are still generally temporary and they will tend to make the smaller grower let Plan B slide. Better 10 good spots than a couple of perfect ones.

what you can, where you can, how you can, when you can

These are first principles. Everything flows from them.
Well said......amen brother......Hope all is well in your corner.....weather kind to you...and, you bring in all safe........

I hope everyone does.......

This is now the time when the real work begins and the real risk comes into play....

Personally? I won't ****in sleep until last thing down and hanging...


Julian said:
With late/mini's your not devoting a whole season to them :smoke:......

Limited time/exposure, limited size, very quick :smoke:.....

Forget "perfect"...(You'll know a perfect spot when you see one)...see above......just a spot that you can get it done :smoke:..Regarding planning and projects....well..lot of time...sometimes less, and, sometimes?...sometimes they go into next season when you carry out current, etc........

Couple angles to that also though..........

What would I tell someone who got in over their head with weight and work?.....

Very simple:smoke:.........

Stick with the largest, nicest things, and, everything else toss into bubble piles :smoke: Done deal....Biggest issue is drying and trimming.....definitely (regarding running large numbers...) Everything else fairly simple as long as watering covered/good rainfall.....

Just a quick note before I crash...

I figured as much on the odor management, was just curious about those in particular since I noticed them of late. I think they just use a scent treated plastic which wouldn't really help here much against more than casual human noses. Of course you have to take adequate precautions other than just bagging, but it stands repeating.

Trance.. From what I've heard about the way DP does there beans, there actually may be some chance of relation... though distant at best. Seems to be a mishmash of a whole bunch hidden away in the genes there. I didn't figure they were similar/same strains though, just thought the pistil coloration was noteworthy. I know you mentioned having trouble managing to get a good color reference shot with yours.

Julian said:
With late/mini's your not devoting a whole season to them :smoke:......

Limited time/exposure, limited size, very quick :smoke:.....

Forget "perfect"...(You'll know a perfect spot when you see one)...see above......just a spot that you can get it done :smoke:..Regarding planning and projects....well..lot of time...sometimes less, and, sometimes?...sometimes they go into next season when you carry out current, etc........

See, I know this. I've got a bunch of potential sites scouted for the minis, ideal for that purpose it seems to me. I'd also like to get a few full season runs in though, for the learning experience, the extra plants and just... why not? In looking for the 'near perfect' type spot, I find all sorts of not quite suitable spots, which may merit later attention for minis, backup spots etc... But I can't stop looking for those ideal locations, I know they'll be few and far between but the hunt will keep me going out. Side benefit there is that in the quest for the big plot, I find lots of little ones.

Meantime going to see about working on cloning skills, look into fem seed creation (CS probably) and plan out the basics of the coming year. Limited investment capitol is gonna keep things slim to begin with as always, but that isn't necessarily bad.

And y'know, of all the problems that I can see myself dealing with in the future, having too much weed seems like something that shouldn't worry me much. There are much worse things.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
3BM said:
Sup brother....
I hung a plot to dry on site, got about 3 good days of nice breezy weather. Unexpected rain rolled in last night while I slept and probably gave them a light soak. Whats the procedure here? My instinct is to go get them immediately, am I right on this? Are they in danger of mold. It was probably a very light rain, not a soaking. This is my first time drying on site. Thanks in advance.
Okay......since this the time...will now go into this more.....

1.How is your circulation where hung?
2.You always screen before the hang....(ie: If they are nice and clean when cut and hung, should be fine.............meaning no mold, etc.....)

3.A lot depends on your access......If your first time?.....What is access (ie: 5 minutes away........1 hour...etc?...and, can you check?)......

If you can check? (safely, quickly) then by all means feel free......

Now, I can say I have hung in much worse conditions...and, rain not necessarily the issue people think it is due to several things....first being they are hung upside down, and, hung in covered spot, so, a fair chance they might not have even had a drop hit them.....

4. You don't have to hang entire term, etc.......several days might be fine (smell, bulk, moisture worked on a little, making transport easier...)

Remember, it's still fully alive as we speak.....The key in the hang is always what's it looking like when cut.....ie: If mold starting, bad weather, etc.....then maybe not a good candidate depending on the where and when.....After you've done it, you will get a better feel, and, as above...I have hung in conditions many deem impossible, and had good results.....just trying to be responsible in cautioning.......If you can check easily?.....and it will ease your mind?...then maybe you should...(and can decide to leave...) My hangs and larger are many hours away from me, so....I have no option......you commit, and, that's that.......But, key, again, is what is state when they are cut?.......usually if nothing an issue when cut and hung, nothing should be.....

Usually little bit of rain, etc, not an issue.....especially as above....they're hung, covered spots, etc...so......rain not hitting it like most think and, even if does get a little, well....it's still a live plant.......(When I do a 7 day.....as above.....it's not dry.....most moisture gone...lot of size lost, smell dissipated for the most part...(extreme smell) but, by no means dry...Usually after 7 day hang (for me)....I can pack up, take back, start trimming, by the time done trimming lay out for a day or 2 and then ready to go to next step, whatever I am doing at the time...(hang is different procedure for cure also than if just cut ad packed.....different product.....)

Let me know any questions, anything I can do.

Most important though is to screen them before the hang...because, most of the time (majority), any mold will be what was already there when cut......If something solid and dense, have to remember to pick your way through larger tops (as it is of course many smaller, and, inside/close to stem where you have to look.....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Additional notes on outdoor hang......

As above....rain concerns some......and, sometimes a valid concern.....

Humidity an issue, and, sometimes a valid one......

The thing that really gets me though mostly is temps.......80's?, humid?.....eh.........depends on spot, depends on night temps, and, depends on how many days of such weather...concerns me a little.......70's?...I feel a little better, but, as above...circulation is always key....Then you change to 60's/70's and some rain?....well, depends on forecast, and, all should be reminded as above./earlier.......7-15 day outlooks change by the day....so, always have to pay attention.......today could say 4 days of rain next week?...tomorrow...might show 2 days.....next day, might show 1 day solid with another chance of light shower for a day or 2, etc....Always have to keep eye on outlooks daily......it's all conditions combined.... Not only temps, not only humidity, not only rains, not only spot...all combined......so....But, again, key is what is it when cut.......(I know I am repeating....well aware...and, a reason....)

For example (all conditions).....if talking 60's?...well, then sun less of an issue because temps on it and under control....(less meaning if it's not completely shaded, little gets through.....) But, as above and elsewhere, circulation is the key....which also not only deals with spot, but, with how they are hung...(ie: not touching one another, good spacing, not tight, etc....You always want them hung high enough so well off ground, etc, and, also, always have to hang and secure in such a way that falling in wind will not happen.......because ideally...you will have a lot of wind :smoke:, and,m a chance of something getting blown down on ground very real...(I've had it happen....branches break, etc....) If not a long time? Still might be okay....(I stumble upon such things all the time...no idea how long they have been lying there.....can usually get good idea though by plant, condition (turgid?).....

There is, of course, for the most part no absolutely dark spot...so...you want the most shaded....(and, of course, hanging in dark might not be such a good idea because might shorten duration of life and processes....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And yet more additional notes :smoke:.....

I do realize that to someone who has never done outdoor hang...it can be a matter of concern....(been there...haven't always myself...) but, what I can say and offer, is that after the first time....some exposure....results......one will feel much better about the process....more comfortable, and, "start to get the hang of it"...(an amusing pun indeed :biglaugh:......)

You do it......you see it....you understand it.......the rest falls into place.....

Sometimes one might decide not to hang due to weather....sometimes one might.....

Some things might be a concern when cut, you bring em in....others not....(I do it all the time...ie: These stay, these come back...these a little unsure and will have a smoke and decide in a minute :biglaugh:).....

I would say also after bagging the hung, that same rules apply...although less, but still do...ie: bag as little as possible...little times enclosed as possible......

But, you'll see.....and, feel better when first one in :smoke:, and, sure you will find results of interest :smoke:.......Can change a lot of aspects for one..(transport, scheduling, quality, trimming, etc......) Can change everything (make easier, safer, etc)........


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Pimpslapped said:
I figured as much on the odor management, was just curious about those in particular since I noticed them of late. I think they just use a scent treated plastic which wouldn't really help here much against more than casual human noses. Of course you have to take adequate precautions other than just bagging, but it stands repeating.
You know what???? I think I have seen those!!!!!!

(I was hanging out with someone the other day....they pulled out a bag, and, I asked them "WTF is that smell?........smelled like you left the bud in your pants, and threw them in the dryer with a couple fabric softener sheets :biglaugh:" Was my bud....so.....I know the smell, etc...was absolutely no smell from bud......at all...I didn't like it actually.......didn't know if I was smoking dryer sheets :biglaugh:.....I think that's those....
Trance.. From what I've heard about the way DP does there beans, there actually may be some chance of relation... though distant at best. Seems to be a mishmash of a whole bunch hidden away in the genes there. I didn't figure they were similar/same strains though, just thought the pistil coloration was noteworthy. I know you mentioned having trouble managing to get a good color reference shot with yours.
Well, nah, couple good shots, but, I think best color reference was out of focus.......

I have to say...those pistils are dead on....but...I mean...the source I got it from....I think they were running that well before "Trance" available, so.....but, yeah, spot on color...for sure.....Absolutely....
See, I know this. I've got a bunch of potential sites scouted for the minis, ideal for that purpose it seems to me. I'd also like to get a few full season runs in though, for the learning experience, the extra plants and just... why not? In looking for the 'near perfect' type spot, I find all sorts of not quite suitable spots, which may merit later attention for minis, backup spots etc... But I can't stop looking for those ideal locations, I know they'll be few and far between but the hunt will keep me going out. Side benefit there is that in the quest for the big plot, I find lots of little ones.
Well, I mean, I guess what it comes down to, is, think about this:
How many people have had their "perfect" spots busted or jacked?........

A lot :smoke:...so.......spot is a spot is a spot is a spot...

When will you know if it's truly a "perfect" spot?

Unfortunately, not until you have all cut and home....:smoke:....so.......
Meantime going to see about working on cloning skills, look into fem seed creation (CS probably) and plan out the basics of the coming year. Limited investment capitol is gonna keep things slim to begin with as always, but that isn't necessarily bad.
Cloning simple...just don't complicate it......very simple process......Don't mistake budget...lot of places are very kind when it comes to bulk orders......sometimes people are surprised :smoke:....

I'd like to get out a batch myself (for stock).....had it planned (kind of :biglaugh:) but, lost that patch, so.....but, some might have remained...so, guess we will see shortly what has become of them :smoke:.......at the time that spot got hit, sure, some large, but, had also done many there right before, so, at that time, they were maybe 2-3-5", etc, etc....so....doubt those were discovered...just have to get in there right time and see what's left....(hopefully a little bud with my seed :biglaugh:
And y'know, of all the problems that I can see myself dealing with in the future, having too much weed seems like something that shouldn't worry me much. There are much worse things.
There are worse things.....that's for sure :smoke:

But, never underestimate how much of an inconvenience it can truly be :smoke:....

On a different note....never underestimate value.........I gave someone 10lbs this week...just because..... they needed a little help right now, so, slapped em 10.....they can do z's for maybe....250-300.....and, told em...do it all in z's..(they can do about a p a month....more or less..)....10lbs?...boom......bout 50k over course of a yr......(5k a month for 10 months, etc....) So, depending on how one does things...even smaller amounts can equal something fairly substantial...(if 15...could be 75k yr...if working also?.....your over 100k yr.......if wife/gf working?...maybe up to 150k yr, etc....)...so.....10-15 on low end...enough to do a lot with......(He actually wanted to dump whole ones......which would be a mistake...could get rid of everything in a week , have half what you would otherwise, then nothing else left for rest of yr.........so......)
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Julian said:
You know what???? I think I have seen those!!!!!!

(I was hanging out with someone the other day....they pulled out a bag, and, I asked them "WTF is that smell?........smelled like you left the bud in your pants, and threw them in the dryer with a couple fabric softener sheets :biglaugh:" Was my bud....so.....I know the smell, etc...was absolutely no smell from bud......at all...I didn't like it actually.......didn't know if I was smoking dryer sheets :biglaugh:.....I think that's those....

Probably is, sounds about right. That's kinda what I figured they'd do, which was why I thought they may make a good 'outer bag' for a double bagging. Really would be more handy for those that need to carry bags and may run into other folks, might minimize the risk slightly. Or maybe for in vehicle transport. Probably not worth the effort to play with, but it was a thought.

Well, I mean, I guess what it comes down to, is, think about this:
How many people have had their "perfect" spots busted or jacked?........

A lot :smoke:...so.......spot is a spot is a spot is a spot...
Right you are. But that won't stop me from dreamin'. :smoke: I can hope for a perfect spot, whether or not I ever find one that don't have to stop me from thinking about what I'll do if I do find one. In the meantime I'll see about using the spots I can find to perfection. Or something like that. I was gonna try and sound deep or something, but gave up halfway through.

Cloning simple...just don't complicate it......very simple process......Don't mistake budget...lot of places are very kind when it comes to bulk orders......sometimes people are surprised :smoke:....
Cloning seems to be one of those things that some people have no problems with, other people seem to find ti virtually impossible to do. I think I should be able to manage, but we'll see.
I'm sure you're correct here. You've got far more experience than I have, obviously. My ready cash reserves are pretty damned slim these days, plus pre-season I'll have holidays to cope with and family. (Hmmm... ask mom to get me a few packs of Maroc for Christmas... yeah...) So I'm figuring my budget for such things won't stretch far this first time around. I'm at least planning on having to go minimal on seed selection, so going to try and see if I can get the clone thing working (Which will probably lead to me running slightly longer veg times than you work with, but clones need a bit longer to establish good root systems, which are vital). If I end up with extra money, woot... that'll be a big bonus. If not, I should have the groundwork laid to continue on regardless.

I'd like to get out a batch myself (for stock).....had it planned (kind of :biglaugh:) but, lost that patch, so.....but, some might have remained...so, guess we will see shortly what has become of them :smoke:.......at the time that spot got hit, sure, some large, but, had also done many there right before, so, at that time, they were maybe 2-3-5", etc, etc....so....doubt those were discovered...just have to get in there right time and see what's left....(hopefully a little bud with my seed :biglaugh:
I'm sure you'll find something to smile about. :smoke: I think over the winter a project involving my little closet grow+fem seed creation experiment could be amusing. Don't know if I'll actually get around to that one, but it's a thought.

On a different note....never underestimate value.........I gave someone 10lbs this week...just because..... they needed a little help right now, so, slapped em 10.....they can do z's for maybe....250-300.....and, told em...do it all in z's..(they can do about a p a month....more or less..)....10lbs?...boom......bout 50k over course of a yr......(5k a month for 10 months, etc....) So, depending on how one does things...even smaller amounts can equal something fairly substantial...(if 15...could be 75k yr...if working also?.....your over 100k yr.......if wife/gf working?...maybe up to 150k yr, etc....)...so.....10-15 on low end...enough to do a lot with......(He actually wanted to dump whole ones......which would be a mistake...could get rid of everything in a week , have half what you would otherwise, then nothing else left for rest of yr.........so......)
Always good food for thought. :rasta: Lets just say much of anything in excess of what I've got now would be a vast improvement. But it's always nice to have a constant source of income, though I definitely have to start thinking of storage concerns over the longer term. Using your example, 10 - 15lbs isn't something I wanna have sitting around the house. Gotta plan on where to stash that stuff as well... hmmm...


Active member
I'd also like to get a few full season runs in though, for the learning experience, the extra plants and just... why not?

In my "not-my-yard" spots next year (of which I found three more today) I'm only going to do two two-month minis. One will be from late February/early March to May, and one from July or August to October. I don't want anything out all season long for two huge reasons: (1) The longer they're out, the greater the chances they'll be discovered. (2) Also, the longer they're out, the bigger they'll get. I don't want them to get much beyond three feet, maximum. I want to hide them among weeds at least as high as my chest. I definitely do not want any really big girls out there! Granted, my locations are going to be fairly urban, so height control is important.

Also, I'm looking primarily for spots right near water. Today, though, I did scout out a rather appealing stretch of what looks to be long-unused railroad track in an industrial area. Julian, I definitely see the attraction.
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NPK said:
In my "not-my-yard" spots next year (of which I found three more today) I'm only going to do two two-month minis. One will be from late February/early March to May, and one from July or August to October. I don't want anything out all season long for two huge reasons: (1) The longer they're out, the greater the chances they'll be discovered. (2) Also, the longer they're out, the bigger they'll get. I don't want them to get much beyond three feet, maximum. I want to hide them among weeds at least as high as my chest. I definitely do not want any really big girls out there! Granted, my locations are going to be fairly urban, so height control is important.

See, that's where we differ slightly. For the most part, the smaller mini-runs appeal to me greatly. But I also really want to grow some 'trees'. Yes, greater risk of them getting found/ripped/damaged. And more of a PITA to deal with at harvest time. But I'd still like to do it. It's just something that I want to do in addition to everything else. :rasta: So far most of my scouted locations are fairly urban as well. Haven't had a lot of sucess with my rural scouting trips, though I'm sure lack of experience and confidence is my biggest drawback there. Oh well, I've got time.

For your early run, are you planning on force flowering, or using an autoflower strain? Just curious.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Pimpslapped said:
Probably is, sounds about right. That's kinda what I figured they'd do, which was why I thought they may make a good 'outer bag' for a double bagging. Really would be more handy for those that need to carry bags and may run into other folks, might minimize the risk slightly. Or maybe for in vehicle transport. Probably not worth the effort to play with, but it was a thought.
Could help for random stop, or corse, as would any hiding of scent, but, of course, dog wise, it's only masking, not eliminating, so, would be ineffective...Primary goal is any scent for a traffic stop....(hence going back to benefits of hangs, etc)
Right you are. But that won't stop me from dreamin'. :smoke: I can hope for a perfect spot, whether or not I ever find one that don't have to stop me from thinking about what I'll do if I do find one. In the meantime I'll see about using the spots I can find to perfection. Or something like that. I was gonna try and sound deep or something, but gave up halfway through.
Meaning you don't need perfect....just a good spot which can finish season (or, you suspect)....Also, "perfect" spots can only be "perfect" for so long (yeah, I've had countless "perfect spots".......until I lost them for one reason or another :biglaugh: :smoke:

See wut um sayin? :smoke:..

Again, method can also dictate if a spot is or such...people wave off spot because their impression of perfect might be giants, but mini's fine, etc....
My ready cash reserves are pretty damned slim these days, plus pre-season I'll have holidays to cope with and family. (Hmmm... ask mom to get me a few packs of Maroc for Christmas... yeah...) So I'm figuring my budget for such things won't stretch far this first time around. I'm at least planning on having to go minimal on seed selection, so going to try and see if I can get the clone thing working (Which will probably lead to me running slightly longer veg times than you work with, but clones need a bit longer to establish good root systems, which are vital). If I end up with extra money, woot... that'll be a big bonus. If not, I should have the groundwork laid to continue on regardless.
Per 100 cost of fems just couple hundred....(depending on what you go with...)
I'm sure you'll find something to smile about.
At this point I expect absolutely nothing.....therefore think a possible pleasant surprise...(not only do I expect nothing, but, would be satisfied with just getting in them all and getting out safe :smoke:)

Anything extra is welcome and will be appreciated (since those are also my best spots for quality/density/long finish...etc) If anything's there, one things for sure...will be hardcore :smoke:...(could still be couple hundred from the little ones.....have exact same things going in other spots in other projects, so, using those as a benchmark for finishing date/get in....)
I think over the winter a project involving my little closet grow+fem seed creation experiment could be amusing. Don't know if I'll actually get around to that one, but it's a thought.
Actually, much quicker and simpler than it sounds.....You should (I'm just hesitant because end of project, tired, work to do, etc, and, space between now and finish would be my break if I decide to do next year...(As early as January if I decide to go with clones, etc....)...Not sure I want to forgo that break.......could really use it....
Lets just say much of anything in excess of what I've got now would be a vast improvement.
But it's always nice to have a constant source of income, though I definitely have to start thinking of storage concerns over the longer term. Using your example, 10 - 15lbs isn't something I wanna have sitting around the house. Gotta plan on where to stash that stuff as well... hmmm...

Vacuum seal when appropriate (ie: ready) and toss in storage space......endless options......(Elsewhere/earlier.....always minimum on hand...also never a bad idea to keep all transactions as small as possible...keeps minimum in everyones hands in case something happens...(possession amounts, etc, etc...)

(Of course relates to the above again anyway, as if only has 20...why sell 20?....if one only has 100?...why sell 100?...etc.....half the price one might normally get to unload all.......of course, with indoor though, different scenario as you have it coming in more often, so, again, could alter ones monthly draw, etc...(ie: if 100, can do 30 a month and keep things constant, etc....) Whatever...different discussion and endless scenarios and how they apply to all, etc (some might wnt all gone, once, some might now, different volume, etc, so...whatever...)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
NPK said:
In my "not-my-yard" spots next year (of which I found three more today) I'm only going to do two two-month minis. One will be from late February/early March to May, and one from July or August to October. I don't want anything out all season long for two huge reasons: (1) The longer they're out, the greater the chances they'll be discovered. (2) Also, the longer they're out, the bigger they'll get. I don't want them to get much beyond three feet, maximum. I want to hide them among weeds at least as high as my chest. I definitely do not want any really big girls out there! Granted, my locations are going to be fairly urban, so height control is important.
Size and exposure definitely the most attractive aspects, of course, especially fairly urban.......all go hand in hand...ie: because they're later, they're smaller, because they're smaller, they're more secure, because it's quicker, it's less exposure, etc, etc......

I view it as the most underrated method...
Today, though, I did scout out a rather appealing stretch of what looks to be long-unused railroad track in an industrial area. Julian, I definitely see the attraction.
Can you see me already salivating over it? :biglaugh:

All fems, get in after dark and secure, plant, watch and come back...(try and get all planted 1 trip...or, at least, all within tight time frame....bottom of any incline always stays more moist, better soil..........

My all time favorite spots and best product :smoke:


Julian said:
Per 100 cost of fems just couple hundred....(depending on what you go with...)
Interesting, didn't think I'd see it go down to the couple bucks a seed range, though I shouldn't be surprised. Very interesting...

At this point I expect absolutely nothing.....therefore think a possible pleasant surprise...(not only do I expect nothing, but, would be satisfied with just getting in them all and getting out safe :smoke:)
Just making it home safely is the important part, anything else is gravy. :smoke:

Actually, much quicker and simpler than it sounds.....You should (I'm just hesitant because end of project, tired, work to do, etc, and, space between now and finish would be my break if I decide to do next year...(As early as January if I decide to go with clones, etc....)...Not sure I want to forgo that break.......could really use it....
True, but I also want to find worthy genetics to use for that, growing out my first purchased beans now, my bagseed efforts up through present have been really hit and miss. Half due to lack of skill/knowledge, of course, but that's a problem that's fixing itself.

Take your break man. I think you've earned it.. and it sounds like taking it won't hurt your lifestyle much. :smoker: Though what you'd do with all that free time...

No need to apologize, just pass me a fat one and we'll be straight. :rasta: You work with what ya got, after all.

Vacuum seal when appropriate (ie: ready) and toss in storage space......endless options......(Elsewhere/earlier.....always minimum on hand...also never a bad idea to keep all transactions as small as possible...keeps minimum in everyones hands in case something happens...(possession amounts, etc, etc...)

Good advice. There's a world of options out there, just a matter of figuring out which ones are most appropriate and cost effective to my personal scenario. Also must remember not to put all eggs in one basket, don't want the foxes getting ideas.


Active member
Julian said:
Well, I mean, I guess what it comes down to, is, think about this:
How many people have had their "perfect" spots busted or jacked?........

A lot :smoke:...so.......spot is a spot is a spot is a spot...

When will you know if it's truly a "perfect" spot?

Unfortunately, not until you have all cut and home....:smoke:....so.......
In my area rippers/law enforcement know the types of areas that make a perfect spot and target those areas. They don't just go randomly looking throughout the woods looking for plots. Next year i'm going to concentrate on areas that you wouldn't think of as your typical spot.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
clearcutter said:
In my area rippers/law enforcement know the types of areas that make a perfect spot and target those areas. They don't just go randomly looking throughout the woods looking for plots.
Which would go right back to Location 101, and, mentioned either earlier here or other, and, very good point(s).....

Some County/State/Federal forest land, state parks, etc, as early as 1999 have been installing cameras in either spots known to have been plots, or what they deem potential plots, due to layout (clearings, sun, etc), as early as March....One of the reasons I have tend to steer away from such....(Sure, I did/I have...today...not the same.....not the same at all....level of eradication efforts, etc...) Plus regarding thieves they also basically have free reign as far as entry and ability to prowl freely.....which goes to the below.....
Next year i'm going to concentrate on areas that you wouldn't think of as your typical spot.
That's why I like a lot of the "unconventional" spots and approaches, methods, etc........because I know all efforts (and all eyes) are focused elsewhere :smoke:.....

(And, again, relating to smaller, later in season....complete opposite of "classic" profile and size most seek out :smoke:.....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some commentary on reality.....

The reality, and, true magic of anything and everything discussed here, and/or elsewhere, is that it is virtually nothing, overall, which cannot be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime, in virtually any location..(yes, already established and needs no mention some locations present more difficult challenges then others....)

Some will laugh at the statement I am about to make, as they know a little more than I will say :smoke:, but, at this point in time, I would not hesitate for a single moment to say I could pull a homeless person off the street today and have their situation better than "the average" person within mere months....(Talking outdoor, start or mid season).......in that case, could be as simple as bagseed, a bunch of McDonalds cups and 50 bucks worth of nutes..)

So, the bottom line about all is to simply do it....Every day that passes (talking outdoor, so, "season") is a day gone by that they could have been in veg, or flower......People talk, people plan....which is wise, but, in the end....execution is what sets one apart from others....no more, no less.....

The decision to do so.........the ability to do so.....the knowledge to do so.......

Do I think all should?....well, as discussed....some will "take to it", and some won't, so, in that sense, yes, I always think best if people get started, to find out which they are.......

A homeless guy off the street

Just by where we sit and read at this moment, that would readily lead one to believe anyone here has greater knowledge, greater experience, and greater resources than such a person, so....certainly has nothing to do with any of those aspects.......

In the end?....

You just do it.....(hopefully, possessing adequate knowledge and skill for risk reduction and successful harvest whatever the method chosen.......)

Never forgetting, in the process, for even a fleeting moment, that it is a very dangerous game and business........and, about as serious as you can get...


There's really only one deciding factor, maybe two.. when you get down to it. Motivation/drive and the 'knack' (IE: Taking to it. 'Getting it'... whatever. Dunno if I got that or not, but I'm having fun trying.)

The problem with many people sitting at their computers is they're comfortable, they feel that they have too much to lose, etc... So less motivation (for many) than your random homeless person.

And I bet you wouldn't even need to give the 50 bucks worth of nutes.

I bet you could turn him into a pro starting off with bagseed, McDonalds cups and a compass.
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