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Revegging Question

Land O' Lakes

New member
Hello all. I just had a question about revegging. After I strip all the bud sites except a few of course. Do I stick the plant back under a 18/6 cycle for a little or can I just throw it back under a 12/12 cycle, and when I do this will the plant keep growing or will it stay the same height. I know this is kind of a newbie question, but its a question none the less. Thanks in advance guys and gals!


you need to get her to stop flowering and back in veg so for like 2-3 weeks depending on how it takes for her to start groing new leaves and branches. you then can reveg for 20-40 days depending on how long you vegged before. hope that helped


Land O' Lakes

New member
Right on man. Thanks, and yeah it did help, I basically knew nothing about reveg and now I know what I need to be doing. And I take it the plant will prolly not grow that much taller due to focusing energy on leaf reproduction.


Non Conformist
Just remember,she won't need as much water after strippin her,and a high N fert will help kick her back inta veg gear.She will get taller if ya let her veg that long.Good luck...BC


Active member
When you guys re-veg, do you usually down size the container ?

Like, let's say your plant was in a 3 gallon pot when flowering. Do you leave it in that 3 gallon pot, or do you downsize it, cut some roots and then work your way back up again to a large container ?

:joint: :wave:


You would leave it in the same container.. with those roots.... When revegging that root system is the key.. Because after cutting the lady down you only have a few leaves left and a FULL grown root system.. This is the advantage because the growth will be VERY fast once you got her back into vegging..
wait so u dont want to dont want to down size your pot because my flowering girl is sitting in big pot full of miracle grow and i was planning on chopping her and tranplanting her in a much smaller pot and chopping most of her roots out using her as a house plant for a while can i do that or do i need to keep her in the same pot??

Land O' Lakes

New member
Right on. So I really dont need to reveg them all that long before they will start to flower again? And lots of N, check. I have a small grow space and I'm hoping that i can just reveg them in the same space and call it good. How long do you think i would/should reveg it for? Couple days, week? I really dont want it to get any taller. And thanks for the help guys.


Non Conformist
Roots...Bloody Roots

Roots...Bloody Roots

greenhead said:
When you guys re-veg, do you usually down size the container ?

Like, let's say your plant was in a 3 gallon pot when flowering. Do you leave it in that 3 gallon pot, or do you downsize it, cut some roots and then work your way back up again to a large container ?

:joint: :wave:
I think some folks feel the need ta downsize the rootball ta match what's goin on,on the top,and ta stimulate new root growth.But I don't think it's necessary tho.I think they'll bounce back faster without trimmin the roots.If you saved enough of the top I think yud be fine either way....Land O Lakes,she won't flower again till ya flip the light back to 12/12.In order for them ta make buds their gonna need leaves to produce food.This is gonna take several weeks.At first the leaves will come out as single blades and look kinda weird,but after awhile they'll go back ta normal.Once the leaves come back you can flower again.They will be jus like the first time ya vegd and flowered them.If yer afraid them gettin to tall you can top em,Low Stress Train em,you could even roll the stem inbetween yer fingers and "crush the herd" so that the highest branches lay over sideways.I hope this has helped,if ya have anymore questions jus holler,always glad ta help.Good luck....BC PS Hey Greenhead,I like that avatar.So nice when people share.lol


lol if you cut the rootball and put into a smaller container thats also called Bonsi'ing them and thats a whole different can of worms. most people cut the roots down and then refill the container it was in before with new soil for the new roots to grow into. i dont think im going to cut my roots and trry and see if this way is better or not only time will tell.


Non Conformist
Yeah,but when ya Bonsi you continue trimmin the roots on a regular basis,to keep the plant stimulated.It would be the only reason I'd trim the roots...Later,BC

Land O' Lakes

New member
Yeah BC, acutally, that did help a whole lot. You pretty much answered all my questions. And thank you for the continued help guys. BC i just might have to hit you up on your offer for some later help, if i run into sum problems. I just ordered my seeds and am now getting all the equipment together, so it should be in the not to distant future.
sounds good and best of luck to you Lakes! i will re veg after this harvest as well so ive found this thread helpful. lets see some pics of the girl in question.


I've had tremendous success with reveggin plants for the sake of flowerin them again. I always start back with 24hr light and leave 'em in the same container. In fact sometimes its even better the second time around. I've seen tons of new branches grow from old bud sites. Glad you got your questions answered and good luck.


I only read your post due to time limit. To answer your question i would veg it under 24/7 until your leaves and branches grow back and it looks nice, then flip it, unless your going to keep it as a mother.
first reveg

first reveg

ok so nice thread, i was wondering once i harvest all the buds off the plant i just put the light on 24/7 after i cut the last bud off and start it back on the veg feeding schedule again?


Active member
yea man, so make sure you leave enough greenery on it so it can produce energy, and ive even left a few buds on my plants just to make sure, usallt from a bud a multitude of branches will grow after its been revegged,,, id suggest 24/7 also just to make it know that it needs to stop flowering, your yeild will probley be dramaticley reduced if u only veg it a few days, id say at least week and a half, and if you acutalley transplant it up to a bigger pot it will yeild nice again, it is probley going to grow but without the time its going to be taking alot of stress, it got cut all up then you give it 18/6 for a few days then you flower it again, i dont know it would know it ever stopped flowering and probley wouldent yield much. just cause you cut the buds off doesnt mean its not flowering. it still is trying to complete its cycle, u need to make it go to veg cycle. i think the veg time will really be important to ur yield and overall vigor in the flowering cycle again, and i really imagine its very root bound from the first flowring cycle, so i really think if u up size it a lil give it some new organic soil's to eat it will make nice yield again. otherwise i think u might be lucky to get 1/2 ur first harvest.
oldtoker:thanks for the info man! a lot of help, should i should leave some leaves and maybe a bud site on and flip to 24 hour light, also i didnt tell u that it was in dwc system, under 400w right now flowering, so when its done ima try to reveg it. and im probably gonna reveg it for another month before flowering again , would that be good and would it allow for a lot of bud or same as first time?

THANKS! :joint: :joint: two joints for us

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