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Revegging? Gawd I hate the Borg..HAALP!


I just got a tray of clones infested with the damn BORG! Tossed them, washed the area where I examined them and stripped down to the short n curlies - thankfully didn't bring that shit into my ROOMS...

Anyway now I have NO CLONES, all I have is flowering ladies at 8 weeks - can I take cuts off those and root/reveg them? Even with bud on it? lol weak....

Please let me know guys I'd hate to waste more time than I have to

CC Rider

well when you harvest just leave some buds on the bottom and put it back in the veg light cycle, ive never done it my self so maybe some one with a greener thumb could chime in...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
It will work. Don't kid yourself however, it's not optimal....and it will obviously take longer to get things back to a point where you can viably take clones that will go straight vegative. As long as your root system is still in good shape and you leave some leaf/bud material there to photosynthesize.....and you put it back into a vegative light cycle...things should be cool. Good luck bro.


Thanks for the replies. Can I not take a few cuts right now and root them? Veg them for a bit to use as mothers? Taking longer doesn't bother me, I just don't want to lose the genetics, since the only other guy who has it also has mites lol


that far in flower it would be very dificult if not impossible to root them. ive tried with no luck. best would be to start new seeds now if u have them for the next run and reveg the ones that are in flower now. it can take months to re veg to the point of a healthy mom depending on demand for cuts. most of my moms are flowered out seed plants re vegged.


Damn that sux.. Maybe I'll chop a few early to make some mothers asap - they're ready in 5 days anyway. I've got about 5-7 weeks to have a round of vegged plants ready to flower, not sure I'll be on time.

Thanks guys, guess we can let this thread die


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I've rooted and re-vegged clones from fems that were 6 weeks into bloom,i've tried later cuttings upto harvest but after 5-6 weeks you've got no hope of rooting and re-vegging unless its a long flowering sativa.


Active member


Check out this thread, it helped me quite a bit...if you don't trim rootmass back a bit, you'll get some root rot. Leave 3 or 4 small lower budsites on, preferably with a few fans or healthy bud leaves and give it a shot. It worked for me after about 6-8 weeks in 12/12...though as mat eluded to earlier, mine were late flowering sativas...It worked though and I saved some great genetics this way.



Thanks fellas. How does this look:

Here's where it came from:

If that one looks ok, I'll do a few more. I'll also take some cuts and see if they take.


You can root cutting from a flowering plant @ 8weeks, but speaking purely from experience, you'll have better luck revegging a flowering plant and then taking clones once it's reverted.

I don't know how many you need, but that one will yield a boat load of clones. Every little bract in each bud will eventually become shoot.

I would advise to transplant into fresh soil, trim the roots back if they're spun-out. Hit it heavy with some N.


yep, trimmed the roots to like beer cup size, and potted in fresh coco/perlite mix that I wet with a little cal-mag and hygrozyme. As soon as it recovers from this I'll hit it with some veg juice..

edit: I do need a lot like 150

donny darko

I have cloned flowering plants that are close to being done. I would in your situation just take as many small clones from the bottom that are not heavily flowered and budded out and use them. They will take longer to root and start vegging but they will eventually come around if you take care of them. You might want to keep a few like you have trimmed back in the pic and try to reveg tem as well to hedge your bets sense they have a more developed root system.

peace darko


Koskesh said:
Thanks fellas. How does this look:

Heh, now that's what I call a cutting!

Don't listen to the naysayers that say you can't clone a plant that's flowering. I've successfully cloned a cutting taken from mid-stem at harvest time with no growth tip and no rooting horomone. I even ripped the root clean off when I transported it from the cloner to the soil it is in now.

As long as you take care of it, it will reveg itself eventually:

Cloning is voodoo for a lot of people but it's definitely possible to take clones from a flowering plant.

-Q :rasta:


cool, thanks Donny and Quazi - I was able to rape 48 clones:

Plus another repot same as the first one. Clones are not voodoo to me lol, I actually like making them and rarely lose a single one in the tray or in transplant. It's nutes I have a problem with haha but that's another story.

Let's see if these make it..


If you've already passed your own voodoo, then you shouldn't have any problems getting those clones to root. It will probably take additional time for them to root and then another week or two of additional time to revert back to veg, but you'll have perfectly usable clones by the end.

Good luck in your travels man!

-Q :rasta:


Fookin awesome I hope they make it.

One last question guys, the ones I'm chopping, root trim, repot in fresh soil (coco/perlite actually): do I water them when I transplant ie now, or leave 'em kinda dry for a bit? You can just say treat like a normal transplant and I'll be ok, I've just never trimmed roots before lolz

thanks again, IC rox


I always water immediately after transplant, it helps the soil settle in a bit. I also don't usually fert until a few days after the transplant. A drop or two of superthrive won't hurt if you have it laying around.


I agree. By watering when you transplant, you can help ensure that there's an even amount of moisture in the soil to begin with rather than running up against dry spots in the new soil or extra-moist spots in the older.

I don't add any nutes to the transplant watering.

In addition, you can use the watering of the plant to fill in the soil around delicate roots on clones or seedlings by gently placing the plant in the pre-dug area and just watering around it.

-Q :rasta:


well fuck me running, I have ROOTS on 1/3 of the clones after 7 DAYS! 60 days of flowering looool


No change yet in the harvest/rootprune/repot/reveg ones, but they don't look any worse than at transplant so I guess that's good..

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