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Sweet Rene @ 56 days of flower..


Active member
Here's my 1st run with this girl.. She was a tad finicky, so i know i can do better..

She's got a very funky sweet wine smell, and there's some similarties to the Cheese clone, at least after trimming i got some similar terpenes, but they're cleary dif.. as Bubbleman says she's got 'the funk'.

Lower yeilder as you can see, altho i'm sure she can do alot better than this..

She did thro a few pollenless nanners in late flower, but there was no contamination, and they are completely harmless..

She's very unique, and has very interesting growth and leaf shape..

Rene @ 56 days:



bow down to the beancounter.. your're too much man...the pics and strains you drop are pure fire!! Thanks for the Rene eyecandy, been waitin to these kinds of shots....

Dusty Bowls

hey looks like a great plant im wondering how the flavor carries over to the taste i heard renee was an sk1 hybrid possibly where teh similarities come from? do you know how old this cut is?


Active member
thanks folks :wave: Definately gonna be saving up the Rene trim for a pure Rene bubble run.. I'm gonna start vegging up the next plant now, and I'm gonna do a big one.. :yummy:

growkind said:
Is the purpling a result of lower temps, or does it do it on its own?
Hmm, the intensity of the purple is definately temps related.. But I've only ever seen a few pics of her, and usualy winter grows in Canada, and there's always a bit of colour.. I won't really know until summer whether she purps up regardless..

Dusty Bowls said:
hey looks like a great plant im wondering how the flavor carries over to the taste i heard renee was an sk1 hybrid possibly where teh similarities come from? do you know how old this cut is?

From all reports the flavor carries over well, she's got hereself some funkyness for sure..

I've heard the Skunk1 correlation aswell, but I don't see it in her, veg or flower.. doesn't mean it's not there tho..

I'm not sure of the exact age of her, I'm sure Bubbleman/Red can shed some more light on that.. But I know she's been around my area for at least 10-15 yrs..

Depending on how good the bud is, and depending on how good the bubble hash is I may just grow her mainly for hash.. I'm thinking of growing multi topped monsters and just keeping the top 3-4" nug of each top, and bubbling the rest.. but we'll see..

She'll definately be staying around for a while, and i'm sure I'll try a few dif crosses with her :wink:


Yeah bro I'm running her strictly for hash, lemme know how them nugs turn out yours is gonna be done WAY before mine....

Peace, my man Lookin good,
Nandro :sasmokin:

Dusty Bowls

Hey BC. I can't see any SK1 in it either, the reason why I ask is that cheese is a pre 90sk1 as you know and if Renee dated back to that time I would believe its Sk1 heritage a bit more...but who knows really. Awesome plant.

Have you ran any Highend? I have been thinking about picking up 6 or 7 packs, I heard there was a pheno in that mix that made the same nugget as renee on a better frame with more yield and no herms.


hello beancounter

this Rene looks marvellous bro :wave:
Which size did you put this lady in flower ?

beancounter said:
She'll definately be staying around for a while, and i'm sure I'll try a few dif crosses with her :wink:
so do I :yummy:

take care

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Active member
nandro said:
Yeah bro I'm running her strictly for hash, lemme know how them nugs turn out yours is gonna be done WAY before mine....

Peace, my man Lookin good,
Nandro :sasmokin:

will do bro, I've had some samples and I'd have to rate her pretty well.. I find her similar to cheese, except the smell/flavor isn't as strong/funky, and she's got more body to the stone..

She's a top 5-6 for me right now, but by the time I get thru the 15+ new strains/cuts I have rootin/veggin I'll suspect she won't be able to hang in the top 10...

She's still gonna have a home here for a while, at least until i have enough trim for a run of bubble hash..

All in all she's no slouch, and better than alot of the 'elites' i've run so far..

No Dusty, never ran Highend, but i've heard some of the same things.. altho I can't remember whether i heard that from an independant grower, or from the breeder..

Breezy420 said:
BC does this mean we may see a Rene x DC or something similar in the future :) ?

It's a possibility, but you're more likely to see Rene x PAKI IBL first :wink:

eleda said:
hello beancounter

this Rene looks marvellous bro :wave:
Which size did you put this lady in flower ?

thank you.. I put her into flower at about 1/2 the finish height.. that's a standard 1 gallon pot (6" wide) in the pictures.. So she about doubled in height, but that's with topping.. I'm sure she'd stretch a bit more without being topped..

good luck with yers bro :joint:


Active member
i wanted to post a couple of the rene pics full size to do them justice..






Her trichomes do kind'a scream a 'BAG ME' tone, don't they... Well I can't wait, thanks my man.

Nandro :sasmokin: