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Bagseed grow



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I used it exactly as is and it ran fine out of the bag. It would be as per your own preference but I liked the soil a lot. I didn't have any pH problems with it.


Nope, and I use regular tap water also. Just gas off the chlorine and throw it in jugs. I am not saying that is the correct way to do things, but I am saying that it works just fine. Its very easy to get caught up in all the extras of growing. I vote for saving your money and keeping things simple, unless a particular strain you are running is known to be temperamental.

The basics are dirt, light, water, and air. All the extras are nice and will boost performance, but as a beginner I want to master the basics before I mess with the extra stuff. I run my plant with only 4 cfl bulbs in my closet. It costs basically nothing for me to get between 14 and 28 grams off 1 plant. If you're shooting for pounds, that's what the extra stuff is for.

I'm not trying to sway you either way, just offering my little bit of experience. Hope it helps and happy growing!
this morning :ying:.. i have had high female success rate with all my bagseeds over the last 7 years. I grew in plain dirt from the corn field in really small pots lol and got lol buds but all females. I hope they veg for a few months I'm planning to buy liquid fert maybe some bio weed or nitrozime or top dress with something high nitrogen... which do you think i should get?


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If you are going for the long run, top dressing is ideal. The difference between the two is that when top dressing with something like high N bat guano, most of the nitrogen is not water soluble, it requires bacteria to break it down before the plant can take it up, so it takes longer but also lasts longer. With liquid ferts it is more immediate but you have to feed more often. If you are wanting to veg for a long time then top dressing sounds like the correct route to take, but you may want to also focus on feeding the micro-herd. You could look into some organic teas.

IME vegging for long periods is not ideal. You can create a monster plant, but it will take awhile to get there, and it increases the flower time. If you want to be patient you can end up with a monster harvest this way.

If you plan on running your plant completely outdoors you are looking at a harvest in, most likely late September to even October or November, when the natural light cycle is conducive to flowering. So for an outdoor plant, top dressing with bat guano and using some organic teas would give you the best results.

Indoors would be the opposite. Quicker veg, liquid ferts, and a much earlier (and smaller) harvest. It is all about how you want to run your plant.
The main thing is I want finished product that took at least 6months from seed to grow and chop. And I really hope I end up with plants like my friend who grows MG also but probably has a stock of better seeds from better reggie than mine I used to get name brand reggie from him. Best thing out of this grow would be to obtain a healthy clone to keep going.
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There are probably people that could be much more helpful than me. I am all indoors. I veg until I see preflowers then flip. Usually takes between 90 and 110 days. I guess you are more patient than I am lol. It takes such a long time to get good bud. Are you factoring in curing as well?
no i'm not factoring in cure... 6 months from seed to harvest is just something i read in the horticulture bible by jorge cervantes... here's a nice nug from this same batch of stuff i'm currently growing...:laughing:


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Oh lol, well that man knows his stuff for sure but it doesn't have to be a 6 month process. If you grow indoors you could have an oz of bud in 3 months seed to harvest, Approx. 4 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower. Outdoors you have to wait for mother nature to induce flowering.
I remember reading something like this: From seed its recommended 8 weeks germination, 8 weeks veg, and whatever it takes to flower... this doesn't apply to clones since their veg from seed is already fully mature clone now so just needs to root a bit i think. In my case I'd like to use the sun since I'm used to smoking outdoor weed that is produced by the bajeezusfuckton so I think decent yields could come with the right stuff... if mine produce good branches to clone from, i'll give it a shot and buy some cfls to grow them inside in a better medium...


Well nothing beats the sunlight that is for sure, not even 1000w bulbs. I am too paranoid to grow a big ol weed bush outside though =P
i got some blue island skunk seeds my homie brought me from houston... they don't look the best do look blue tho those will be the first to go into water when i get a better soil mix...


Active member


Hi, Would like an update on this grow. I just luv me a good bagseed grow and outdoors makes it better. Keep up the good work, I'm tuned in..
I decided to try a grow in soil from my back yard;.... i can't believe i bought miracle grow first and didn't think about this soil... i've done this before like i said but the soil from the corn field wasn't as good as this... i'm not saying its the best stuff i'm just saying probably better off to grow in soil from your local wooded or bushy area than miracle grow. this will be fun... just need to get r.o. water and more of these good reggie seeds will drop.
I dropped 2 seeds in distilled water and i have 2 pots ready with soil from my backyard one of the pots has about 30%perlite. nobody does this but you see my first harvest ever was in half gallon pots filled with plain dirt from the corn field lol idc... i just can't get better soil right now... i want to grow proper but meh... it can wait till i have the money for it...


No worries!

No worries!

lol it will still grow man! It is a weed! My first plant I ever grew was in a little tiny Tupperware container with a handful of dirt I dug out from my old fire pit. I only got a gram off of it but it grew :biggrin: