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Well-known member
Am I the only one that finds themselves stoned and naked in front of their computer during the dark hours of chilly winter, eating pistachios to welcome in the new day?:laughing:
I like to think everyone else does too:tiphat:

sunset limited

after 6 weeks with 0 replies, i'd be inclined to say that yes, you are the only one :D

then again, maybe it's just because most of us are in the northern hemisphere so winter is a distant memory :D

and just maybe, it's because a lot of us happen to be in southern california where winter is a mere abstraction; something that only happens in your imagination :D


ICMag Donor
Chilly winter in June? That must be some good chit !


Active member
Hello all,

Does driving from Bishop to Lancaster naked count?

Back when I was but a young lass, my gf and I where coming back from Tahoe after seeing a old friend were we stopped for some picnicking in the park in Bishop.

after we ate we were smoking some Mex we had with us and just enjoying each others company...kissing..tickling...dry humping...that sort of thing that young people do in the summertime.

So as we were getting ready to leave this very old couple walked by and said something to the effect that we should be ashmed of ourselves for our naughty behavior.

MY gf and I said nothing as they walked off towards the parking lot.

My gf, being a home nudist anyway (her mom was too) said lets get naked walk just to piss them off...I of course was reluctant but did not take long and we took off our clothes, folded them and walked to our car right past them.

It was soo funny, the look on their faces was priceless.

We got in our car, and drove away. Just as we were out of sight of the park, I pulled over to put my clothes on when my gf at the time said...lets drive home nude...called me a pussy...and well, we drove all the way from Bishop the Lancaster...some 200 miles naked.

It was exhilarating.



ICMag Donor
Try driving from Lancaster to Phoenix in the nude...

My brother did... The white stripe made by the seat belt surrounded by sunburnt skin had me rollin on the floor laughing when he got to my place...


Active member
Sunburned sack is bad enough but the itching when it peels will just drive you nuts...boom tiss.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waiter.


Active member
So they have this idea that people fit into this catagory and this catagory is called "normal". Anyone outside this catagory is labeled "abnormal". An individual is unique therefore no one individual can be like another individual and they are all abnormal.

That be the way I look at er. I would be to scared of a stray shell poking places it shouldn't but whatever floats yer boat so long as it doesn't harm me and mine! :tiphat:


Active member
there really aint dark chilly winters here in so cal. ask me later on after I moved a bit north LOL. if your naked in front of your computer chances are your watching porn.i have plenty of dvds so no need for internet porn LOL


Well-known member
if your naked in front of your computer chances are your watching porn.
That's an unarguable fact but was far from the truth in this situation, in retrospect I blame the full melt for sapping my drive to dress despite the chilly atmospheric conditions. The other posts in this thread make me feel like I'm a little more normal than I thought, but perhaps you're all just particularly weird ;) It's all just a product of stoned inanity anyway, who knows what will happen next..


Gotta wear boxers at least. Don't want all the ashes and weed falling on the family jewels.
there really aint dark chilly winters here in so cal. ask me later on after I moved a bit north LOL. if your naked in front of your computer chances are your watching porn.i have plenty of dvds so no need for internet porn LOL

Where is my Best of Carmen Electra vol 3?. Ya just cant just watch Vol 1 and 2. without 3! Get it back to me or mail me a check for $65. I have to buy the set again.
