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When did you tell your kids what you do?


My son is twelve, he went to a sports camp and was around older kids smoking a bong. He told me about it and I broke it all down to him. I showed him what it looked like and the whole deal.Too soon?

mack 10

Well-known member
12? seems on the low side. but kids grow up quick and what to know everything.Hope it works out. mack.


Active member
i knew my parents smoked at age 7, lol. then the fucking D.A.R.E. program tryed to brainwash me and i thought my parents were criminals for a few days. i finally broke down, cried my eyes out to my parents, and they told me what was up. my older sister also helped me come to grips that it was okay.

Look at me now. maybe 7 was a little to early.



Freedom Fighter
I have never hid what I do from them-- From birth, I have openly smoked and grown...altho I do not smoke in the same room as them--
My son is 27, and I blaze with him...my oldest daughter is 24...and tho she fully supports the Cause...she has never taken a hit-- My youngest, 14 year old daughter, she has tried it, but don't seem to be too into it-- I've never smoked with her--
It is just normal to them...they all understand, and disagree with the legalities--


i always said i would answer any questions my kids had. my daughter is 17 now and wanted to smoke with me the past summer, i told her no. teh age for them to smoke is 21 since thats the official age that i started smooking. we recently came off of family vacation and the legal drinking age is 18 in ST. Thomas so i said fuck it the new age limit for them is 18.

i figure once she comes back to stay with me for the summer she can have a couple of drinks before she gets her first tat and then smoke a bowl out of the pipe my brother is probably gonna buy her.

teh timing for explaining is gonna be off at times, but imo as long as you are willing to explain things to kids so that they understand then it should go smoothly.

Sat X RB

No Mate. my kids all knew before that age. when they were small they just thought their Mom and I were smoking special tobacco. until they worked out they got sleepy afterwards and so did their parents. or if it was the weekend they would notice the edge come off their parents behaviour. and as they grew they just knew!

and then they smoked their own at high school and then they grew their own and then they dealt small time and now they still do ... or sometimes big time ...

and now the grandkids do ...

and the family cannabis culture goes on ...

cheers from OZ!


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I think that there is an interesting point to be made here.

Is telling them after they are't aware more troubling then just being honest from the get go?

I like to say that lying is worse then growing. Of course hiding pot isn't lying, but to a kid it can be hard to hear that their parents who they trust explicitly has been hiding things from them.



Don't lie to your children, maybe thats the problem with our society now a days... everybody is lying there asses off! They will respect you more if your honest and try to explain how you think. I'm raising my children to think for themselves and not let peer pressure affect their decisions...if you have to stand alone without the support of your peers and you know your right, do it and be proud. We have all learned from making choices, being right or wrong. It's dealing with the decisions they make and not doing it again! Hopefully when you don't lie to your kids they will have the same respect for you

Good luck, Peace


When my oldest son caught me toking out in the laundry room, which was in an outbuilding away from the house. He got ALL excited and said, "MOM! You smoke weed that's SO COOL!" I was standing there holding my breath trying to say, "I don't know what you mean!" and then I realized that I'd been caught and it was time to discuss it with him. So, I did. He was so damn happy about it. He was in junior high school I think, I can't remember exactly how old, pre-teen or early teens.


Active member
thats funny as hell, SeaMaiden!! Even though i found out my parents smoked Herb early on, it wasn't until I started smoking it(pops herb) at about 15 did I think it was "cool" that they smoked. All my friends knew they smoked; my father never tried to hide it when I had friends over.

This thread might get interesting.



Try saying, "I don't know what you mean!" while holding in a big ol' toke. My eyesballs were sweating. I had to give it up, mang, he had me, dead to rights!
At 12 I knew what it was and tried it...16 is when started smoking

He initiated the conversation...tell him the deal. Truth is good. He is going to be exposed to it in the next few years anyway.

smoking him out at 12 is not a good idea. I think my cut off would be 16. Mainly focusing on Driving and Safety. and with that PRIVILEGE comes RESPONSIBILITY.
Respect you All for the honest attitude you espouse. Twelve is probly on the low side...but as SeaMaiden found out, you gotta play the hand you're dealt. My boy was aware from the git-go and because of that he was able to make his own, informed, decisions on his own as the times came. And he had no fear of condemnation by his parents, Love goes a long way.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
This is what bugs me

What is wrong again with someone growing a plant again? What is it that you need to hide from your kids again?

I am so sick of the closeminded fucks that "run" our lives.


Laws only work if you follow them then IF NOT they are merely "opinions" of others who have ZERO BUSINESS in your life and what you do inside your home, put in your body and so on.

Want to know something REALLY SCARY, marijuana can actually HELP kids... Yup I said it... I put DRUGS mmmmkay in the same line as KIDS and it is a POSITIVE thing! Save the children folks!


Active member
My kids were no problem. From the time the oldest asked about the "bendable cigarettes" we've had a pretty good dialogue. Now they're both tokers, and so is my oldest granddaughter. It was a rush having 3 generations passing a bowl.

However, there's a potentially bad situation brewing.

My friend's granddaughter (she's 12) has been brainwashed by the DARe demons and her "health" teacher so badly that when she caught grammy toking she broke down crying, sure that grammy was gonna die, and she wouldn't visit for months. Now when she does she follows grammy around trying to catch her.

The hell of it is, grammy's a cancer survivor with a good part of her stomach, esophagus and colon gone and uses weed for pain and to help her eat enough to keep her weight up.

She's even blathered to her uncle, a retired -or is it retarded - coast guard commander. We found out he's the nut who pulled up "buckwheat's" plants a couple years ago. Needless to say he feeds her fears. He also tells buckwheat's mother that she could have her house confiscated for a bag or a plant.

I caught hell when I told her that the teacher was lying. "When you smoke pot it goes to your brain and when it's in your brain it can kill you." Some family members think teachers shouldn't be contradicted. Respect for "authority" and all that bullshit.

Her parents are tokers -one of them abstaining now because her job piss tests - but for some reason they're reluctant to tell her the truth. I'm gathering information for them about telling your kids the truth about drugs, and some documents from the National Institutes of Health about cannabinoids being useful in treating and preventing cancer. I hope it gives them the incentive to undo what's being taught in school.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
12 years old is not too young to start talking about marijuana to your kids. When exactly does the D.A.R.E. program start with the lies? That's right in elementary school, before you began discussing weed with your kids. At age 12 the kids have already had years of indoctrination that drugs are bad. Now, as a parent you are trying to undo the damage the cops began? Its not an easy argument to make.

Just keep the kids home on the day the D.A.R.E. officer comes to your kids school. Use that day to teach the children the cops are wrong.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ive hidden my growing and smoking from my kids (12 and 5) - its totally illegal in the UK and i think its a big thing to burden them with - having to keep a secret and worry about parents getting busted etc. my eldest has seen us smoking the odd time and im happy to let him think it's tobacco.
i have discussed drugs with him and he knows im not that against them but ive also told him not to experiment while hes young - because i think people should be grown up and have an idea about who they are and their identity before they go messing with their mental state.
"there's a time and place for these things'' i told him "and it's called university :D"

so yeah lying to your kids isnt good, but then involving them in my lawbreaking by telling them isnt good either.... but i dont think it will be too long before my eldest works it out, he may have done so already... but i try to teach him about discretion etc so hopefully hell be able to deal with it when necessary.



Active member
I'm a parent and occasionally my two and three year olds see me warming up for some vape, they never wondered what it is and never wanted to try it unlike all other foods and most drinks.
Can't wait for the day when we have a little conversation about it, but I wonder how parents tell/told their children about different tribal rituals involving substances. Hope my kids see it as stuff the elders do :D