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Big brother is watching you brits at the pumps now!?!


Active member
I realize the queen isn't an elected official but my point is that I don't think it's about being re-elected, I think it's about money

The queen or royal family don't pass laws here, in fact they don't seem to do much but live a grandiose lifestyle just as some sort of statement.

Unfortunately we have corrupt politicians to take backhanders and pass these revenue generating statutes just like you guys!


ICMag Donor
That's according to an industry group that estimates 13.8% of motorists are uninsured, a number that has climbed during the economic downturn as many financially-pressed Americans allowed their insurance to lapse.

The figure in the UK is 4% uninsured and is a fairly big media issue here , suprised at the lack of enforcement Stateside in comparison , must be a legal nightmare sorting out an accident with an uninsured driver there.

There are so many ANPR cameras around now that they could prosecute thousands daily useing software , but lack the resources to follow it up , many forecourts are already linked to the system to deter drive offs so the data is already available.

The police database and DVLC are not always accurate with insurance , will cause chaos and achieve little apart from makeing profits for a creepy firm and endangering forecourt staff.

One cause of the problem is the MOT test certificate , which is designed to remove older vehcles with strict emmisions limits that are nothing to do with safety.

You need an MOT to buy the road tax and any insurance is invalid without one , many on low wages who need a car due to the lack of public transport are being priced off the road and its not just the pump cost doing it.


I think the gov needs to be pulled up on this ANPR farce , they originally said it was for insurance, mot, road tax working for the dvla , but it is slowly been transformed into a tool for police to nick "suspected" criminals .

It's not hard to become a suspect, all it takes is a call to crime stoppers from someone who dont like you and before you know it your car is "flagged" for whatever it may be , it is usually drugs related when this happens but get flagged for weapons and u can expect the special treatment LOL mp5's in your face etc. all because someone said you might have done something or have something on you.

You can see it every night on these cop shows on tele , they say they are stopping a flagged vehicle for blah blah ,they go in hard and then end up nicking them for a spliff or something insignificant ! what a joke ,ANPR is basically a way for police to stop random people and victimize them which is something they could not do before.


...sounds like both of our countries are similar in their politics.... more so than I had thought

police state

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
You can see it every night on these cop shows on tele , they say they are stopping a flagged vehicle for blah blah ,they go in hard and then end up nicking them for a spliff or something insignificant ! what a joke ,ANPR is basically a way for police to stop random people and victimize them which is something they could not do before.
Sadly-they didnt need ANPR for that, under UK law a copper has the right to stop any vehicle on the roads regardless of any grounds for suspicion.


ICMag Donor
before you know it your car is "flagged" for whatever it may be ,

Got a fantastic bargain on a flashy Subaru a couple of years back and was constantly pulled over despite being legal, once after dangerous police driveing in an unmarked armed response unit which was well scary , and a helicopter chase i was blissfully unaware of at the time.

The vehcle had been flagged when owned by a dealer , was still on the system six months later despite being sold through a police auction of siezed assets to the motor trade.

Despite repeated complaints they seemed incapable of getting it off all the databases.

Unloaded it on ebay as it was too dangerous to drive around , they realised their mistake straight away but really tried hard to find something wrong to prosecute rather than apologise.

These cameras started out as a ring around London , with the admirable intent of preventing terrorist bombings in vehcles , already flagged or stolen , at the end of the IRA campaign.
Like DNA evidence , software advances have dropped the cost.

Large cities including central London, Birmingham and Manchester already have ANPR 'rings of steel' which record the numberplates and images of all vehicles entering and leaving a zone. There were 4,225 such cameras throughout England and Wales connected to the National ANPR Database in early January, according to figures published through Parliament


These cameras started out as a ring around London , with the admirable intent of preventing terrorist bombings in vehcles

In America the govt tries to keep us in fear of terrorists too

I call it September 11th syndrome. Making laws that fulfill a different agenda under the guise of protecting you from something that they made you afraid of

joe fresh

Active member
all i can say is if your driving without insurance, then you shouldnt be driving at all...

but ya the cam - gas thing is stupid


ICMag Donor
Our politicians read 1984 and took it as a blueprint rather than a warning , hope they dont read Judge Dredd ...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Our politicians read 1984 and took it as a blueprint rather than a warning , hope they dont read Judge Dredd ...
That is exactly what I say verbatim-well except for the judge dredd bit-never pondered that lol
seriously, I use that sentence a lot when I'm on my soapbox


Well-known member
It's the only reasoning I can come up with really.... just a guess

You see here in the states politicians take handouts from special interest groups and in return pass retarded oppressive legislation that will no doubt benefit said special interest groups. They call it lobbying

Keep in mind that I don't know the slightest thing about politics over there, I could be way off base

Like already been said in the thread the politicians are in the pockets of big business.

The Royal family are an embarrassment, they want rounding up and fucking off from the UK.

I'll be with Paulo...I'm also fully legal as are my two sons who have just passed their tests. Between us we pay £4950 in insurance a year. Me & the missus, £450, eldest son £1500 on 1.5 diesel and the youngest pays £3000 on a 1.4 petrol.

While I don't agree with driving about without insurance, I can understand people can't afford these prices. People claiming for false whiplash, minor injuries and basically milking it, is driving the price up.

It's one great big fucking gravy train, sadly not a Wavy Gravy train.



Sadly-they didnt need ANPR for that, under UK law a copper has the right to stop any vehicle on the roads regardless of any grounds for suspicion.

Actually they do have to have a reason to stop you unless they have set up an official road block . I got stopped 7 times in a 2 week period when someone took a disliking to me :biggrin: everytime they gave me a reason which they have to do.

Of course they could just make up a reason like "you took that corner too fast " but they could'nt just stop you and say "we felt like it" that's not legit and they would get in trouble.

That is the whole point of this ANPR and any other laws they have sneaked in under the terrorism hype , yeah they might be there to protect us to a certain extent but conveniently for the police and gov it also gives them more flexibility in controling people and overriding existing rules.


Rude dog, those numbers are astonishing. I only pay $1080US per year for a heavily modified Subaru and a landcruiser.

....even cheaper for an airplane

I feel sorry for you guys, that sounds lame

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Actually they do have to have a reason to stop you unless they have set up an official road block . I got stopped 7 times in a 2 week period when someone took a disliking to me :biggrin: everytime they gave me a reason which they have to do.

Of course they could just make up a reason like "you took that corner too fast " but they could'nt just stop you and say "we felt like it" that's not legit and they would get in trouble.

That is the whole point of this ANPR and any other laws they have sneaked in under the terrorism hype , yeah they might be there to protect us to a certain extent but conveniently for the police and gov it also gives them more flexibility in controling people and overriding existing rules.
Im pretty sure thats not right mate, They have to have a reason for suspicion to do a search or breathalyse you, but they can stop any car at any time to check it out, and to ascertain the id of the driver.
Section 163, Road Traffic Act 1988 which states:

Power of police to stop vehicles

(1) A person driving a motor vehicle on a road must stop the vehicle on being required to do so by a constable in uniform.

(2) A person riding a cycle on a road must stop the cycle on being required to do so by a constable in uniform.

(3) If a person fails to comply with this section he is guilty of an offence.
No mention of reasons or suspicion


Im pretty sure thats not right mate, They have to have a reason for suspicion to do a search or breathalyse you, but they can stop any car at any time to check it out, and to ascertain the id of the driver.
Section 163, Road Traffic Act 1988 which states:

Power of police to stop vehicles

(1) A person driving a motor vehicle on a road must stop the vehicle on being required to do so by a constable in uniform.

(2) A person riding a cycle on a road must stop the cycle on being required to do so by a constable in uniform.

(3) If a person fails to comply with this section he is guilty of an offence.
No mention of reasons or suspicion

I stand corrected on that then mate ,but i would say there is a bit of a difference between a copper stopping someone for a random producer ( which is the only reason they can actually stop you without suspicion ) and someone being targeted specifically by ANPR systems which say they have done someting wrong .

I have previous for lots of stupid shit and i'm pretty damn sure if i was driving about nowadays i would be flagged on my past history which has feck all to do with tax ,insurance ,mot or a driving license or even a car .

The problem with ANPR ,as with all these things ,is that they dont tell us the full story why they are doing it in the first place , instead they gradually change it as we become more accustomed . Im pretty sure this is all just in early stages now and they have much more tricks up their sleeves like emotion tracker technology , yes they will be monitoring your emotions soon , but dont worry if you have'nt done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about , so they say .


ICMag Donor
They stopped pushing the biometric passports when they realised that all they needed was a high definition photo for facial recognition software , if you have a recent passport or have been photographed officially by the police you are already on that database.

Soon it will be compulsory ID for claiming benefit , later on driveing licenses , id cards by the back door.

Have had a chance to play with the cameras at a few modern factory sites when doing electrical inspections , six grand gets you multiple image tracking , ANPR and facial recognition enabled and with good night vision capability.

There are already millions of cameras sited that could feed in data if they had approval , probably after the next bombing.

Hear persistant rumours that many ANPR cameras are fitted into some speed camera boxes , they can certainly be used as fixed live video cameras when required and would expect some of the four thousand they admit to being hidden this way.

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